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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. In response to post #57448541. #57458656, #57502981 are all replies on the same post.

    EverWatch wrote: I entered bc I want the giftcard, but I have to say my reaction to this is that you, Nexus as a company, is not trustworthy. In order to enter I have to agree to this:

    This application will be able to: Read Tweets from your timeline. See who you follow, and follow new people. **Update your profile.** **Post Tweets for you.**

    Why? Why can't you just do something nice for us and ask us to retweet, like, upvote, etc? Why do you need to update my profile and post under my name? Hm?
    haguerepairguy wrote: I have yet to encounter any agreement on any site that you log in using your facebook or twitter that doesn't require you to agree to those terms. Yet nearly all of them I use do not post on my behalf etc.
    GladiusIII wrote: One of the ways you can enter is by tweeting with a certain hashtag. I would have guessed that by agreeing to let them post for you you can tweet something right from the competition entry page without opening twitter.

    The site simply re-directs you to twitter though, so why they need that permission is anyone's guess.

    That comes from the Twitter API, and has nothing to do with Nexus Mods really. Every website that has a "post to Twitter" thing does this. Some are just more open about which rights you are giving that application.

    To see which applications you've given this right, go to this page:
  2. In response to post #56160276. #56166746, #56170356, #56171606, #56173686, #56177316, #56178271 are all replies on the same post.

    CyniclyPink wrote: I'm all for mod authors getting some reward for their efforts. Some have taken years to complete. I hope this works out OK.
    Airbreathers wrote: I think you have the right idea.
    SanguinBlack wrote: Except it is modder's choice to make a free mod, no one should be kept responsible for it but the modder. If they want money, this is not the site. And it should remain as user's choice to donate extra.
    Ethreon wrote: Please outline the portion where you are being forced to do anything, be you modder or user.
    Airbreathers wrote: i don't think saying this is not the site, Based on this post, It is the site, probably the only site that will reward you for doing what you love,

    For you second point, its becoming more and more a parent that people don't read the actual post. This is Donation, Meaning you Give freely of your own heart or you do not,( which is in every way completely fine, not everyone can) That money is Basically donated to Nexus/ Community / Mod Makers at large. Nexus then Secretly divides up the Total donation, and then divvies it out to Modder based solely on a metric that can be tracked and is fair in the sense that basically in a real round-a-bout way now every person that downloaded the mod donated something like probably 1 cent (lets be real here) to the author.
    SanguinBlack wrote: No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced.
    Ethreon wrote: "No. It is not the site. If it happens without my consent, -hell, If I did not order it specifically- it is forced."

    Stop posting nonsense. The site owner doesn't have to ask you if he can implement features. This is in no way forced onto anyone and you're just blabbering at this point.

    Nothing is being forced onto you. You can continue to use the site exactly as you did before.
  3. In response to post #55574504. #55577944, #55578479 are all replies on the same post.

    DarianStephens wrote: Now that it seems to be permanent, I've got one immediate question: where's the Changelog tab for mods? I can't find one, the 'Logs' thing is just a list of things done to the mod. Uploaded a file, changed attributes, some people endorsed, etc. Not only does the full changelog appear to be missing, but I haven't seen anything about individual file logs.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I sure like to read up about changes to mods before installing them. I mean, what if an incompatibility or change I don't agree with has been introduced? I'd like to know in advance so I can avoid updating or ask about it.

    For something less pressing, why can we no longer read the short description of featured mods? It was a quick and convenient way to get some info about the mod, because the name and image are insufficient to make a proper judgement about whether I'm interested in something, while that short description gave a good overview of what the mod's about.
    Also, the fact that it's featured rarely means anything besides I'll check it out sooner; for example, I had no interest in the recent 'Armed to the Teeth' mod for New Vegas, because I play exclusively in first person and I would never see its effects. With this new system, I wouldn't have been able to see the short description and would have to waste bandwidth loading the page and few of its images (At least one in exceptionally high quality for that banner) for something I wouldn't use in the end.
    There's also the strange inconsistency with the 'Latest' tab on game pages. I mean, it's present for things like New Vegas and Fallout 3, but then missing on Skyrim and up. Huh?
    Ethreon wrote: Under tags, the Logs tab. It contains both mod changes and updates, as well as the changelogs as collapsible menus.
    DarianStephens wrote: I just checked a mod which didn't have it before, and now it's there. I swear, it was the 'Pipboy Needs Counter' mod, and all that was under the 'Logs' tab was mod page activity.
    I guess they fixed it, it as a temporary hiccup, or I became completely blind and/or lost all memory of the event.
    There still doesn't seem to be a way to access individual update changelog, but maybe I'm missing that as well?

    In the files tab you can click on the version number, which will open the changelog.
  4. kakara4 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Uploading sexually explicit screenshots to the Public Image Share.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, kakara4 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload images to the Image Share for 7 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  5. wolchara000 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Hateful comment towards a mod author:







    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, wolchara000 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days

    This user cannot send private messages for 14 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  6. In response to post #54895693. #54896418, #54898518 are all replies on the same post.

    bigd4450 wrote: I felt so uncomfortable with the new Nexus. It just seems to be to "fiddly", push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for. Old way, click here to see more and scroll, click to the next page when you get to the bottom. I'm kind of an old guy and I see the trend all over the place to get more info and more options out in front of "the people". But, that being said, I always tried to live my life the way I was taught, the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. And boy do we seem to be veering away from that idea.
    fireundubh wrote: "push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for"

    What are you talking about? If anything, the navigation path is actually shorter than the old site.
    bigd4450 wrote: What do I mean? Well I go into Skyrim SE want to see what's going on with mods. Well, this page just shows me todays mods. Wait a minute, I can see todays, this weeks, popular (30 days), popular (all time), trending, etc. I just want to see some mods, scroll to the top, okay a drop down, there's mods. What am I looking for, a ton of choices, there it is "Browse all mods". Oh wait, do I want to sort them by time, when they were published, or maybe description, nope, just want to look at some mods, losing interest, too much B.S. going on.

    Old way, pull up Skyrim SE, oh, there's recent mods, do I want to see more, sure. Click here to see more, scroll to the bottom, page 2, continue, pretty easy.

    I realize that what ever I say here will make no difference what so ever. It's just a trend that I see and really don't like, buttons cluttering up pages, spend more time messing with the buttons, (and half don't work) instead of just going where your trying to go. Just my humble opinion, and opinions are like ----- we've all got one.

    Clicking the "Explore all mods" on the front page gives you the same list that you had in the old design. With the new design, the things that were hidden away are now more visible and easier to use, making life easier for those who want to get more refined results. Life for those who follow the KISS principle remains the same; press a button to see all recent mods, scroll down, page 2, continue.
  7. In response to post #54898918.

    CluckenDip wrote: I love the aesthetic. It will take some time to get used to, but you folks will make it better I'm sure. :)

    Just one small gripe, I hate how the sample background image on the site is constantly Skyrim and not whatever game you're viewing. Is this because since it is replaced by Ads, you guys don't bother changing the background image or something?

    Anyways, thanks!

    The background image gripe will be fixed once the new design replaces the old.
  8. In response to post #54803438. #54803803 is also a reply to the same post.

    RageYT wrote: I adore the new website design and all, but have you ever thought about redesigning the NMM design? I would love to see a redesign of that.
    Ethreon wrote: No more updates for NMM are going to happen now or ever.

    NMM is being re-branded to Vortex, and with it comes a new design.
  9. In response to post #54790063.

    tesnexus8 wrote: Searching within a Category no longer works, e.g. you can't go to Armor and search for "Crimson" any more and have it find Crimson Twilight Armor: instead, you get a ton of noise for things like Crimson Nirnroot retextures etc.

    Not having this issue. Which search function are you using? The search bar at the top or the "Refine results" function?
  10. In response to post #54777603.

    FlashFatman wrote: So far I don't like it at all. I can't find my file history, I don't think it is as user friendly as the old one and it reminds me of Steam Workshop. Plus I'm a big fan of "if it ain't broke don't fix it". I hope you don't get rid of the old version.

    The download history is in the same drop-down menu as before (only now named "Mods" instead of "Files").
  11. In response to post #54702473. #54702578, #54723533, #54723878, #54726463, #54731733, #54745193 are all replies on the same post.

    Cha0sC0re wrote: Maybe I'm just too used to the old design, but I just can't use the new layout, looks "off" to me.
    Is there a reason we can't just keep the option of changing between the new and old designs?
    CNR4806 wrote: Maintaining the functionality of two very different web designs sharing the same content is very costly and inefficient.

    There can only be one.
    slash197 wrote: Hopefully the original design (and NAME, holy hell) will decapitate the new one and absorb its resources, then.
    Zaldiir wrote: The new design is here to stay, so if I were you, I would try using it as much as possible now (i.e, don't hold on to the old one), so that you get used to it. Once you do get used to it, believe me, you're going to love it so much more than you liked the old design.

    And what about the name? It stays the same.
    Xhelius wrote: Well, that's unfortunate. Cannot stand the new version.
    phoenixfabricio wrote: Unfortunatelly I know I will be forced to use the new layout. But I really hope the you (page owners) fix the size of the videos on mod description, to make possible to put 2 videos in the same "line".....
    slash197 wrote: I won't grow to love something just because I'm forced to use it, that's not how it works, unless Stockholm Syndrome kicks in something fierce. Especially when it's a mobile-focused redesign of a website devoted almost entirely to PC games.

    And the name change is just...why? Why change the name at all? And to a word that doesn't even have the same meaning?

    The new design is not mobile-focused, it is mobile-friendly. It is still designed with PC as focus.

    And again, the name is not changing...
  12. In response to post #54702473. #54702578, #54723533 are all replies on the same post.

    Cha0sC0re wrote: Maybe I'm just too used to the old design, but I just can't use the new layout, looks "off" to me.
    Is there a reason we can't just keep the option of changing between the new and old designs?
    CNR4806 wrote: Maintaining the functionality of two very different web designs sharing the same content is very costly and inefficient.

    There can only be one.
    slash197 wrote: Hopefully the original design (and NAME, holy hell) will decapitate the new one and absorb its resources, then.

    The new design is here to stay, so if I were you, I would try using it as much as possible now (i.e, don't hold on to the old one), so that you get used to it. Once you do get used to it, believe me, you're going to love it so much more than you liked the old design.

    And what about the name? It stays the same.
  13. Hello,


    When you install Skyrim with a CD, it installs through Steam. If your version did not install through Steam, you may have bought a pirated version of the game. If that is the case, I would advise that you buy a new, legit copy of the game.

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