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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. krosis40 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing mods.


    This looks absolutely terrible.
    Absolute garbage! You would have to pay me to use this crap.
    Garbage! I might as well just have my character wipe cat s*** all over his body and use dead toads as weapons.
    Its mods like this that make me think maybe I should just stop playing.
    A great idea, but horrible looking product.
    Another crap mod. Dont recolor my s*** and tell me its ice cream.
    Why would i use this crap when amidianborn textures will work on skyrim se? Get rid of this garbage.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, krosis40 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 21 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  2. Let me go in a different direction, can't you offer a card like Steam does where I don't have to own a credit card in order to support them? I would gladly support you without having to deal with banks. I do not believe in credit. I pay up front for everything in my life. If I cannot afford it, then I do without until I can.


    There is no such system set up at the moment.

    But it seems your issue is with credit cards, so what about a debit card?

  3. The Curse banner you see is an information banner to tell you that Nexus Mods uses cookies. It is there because the EU GDPR dictates that you have to disclose that you're using cookies for various purposes. The reason you see it every time you visit Nexus Mods is because you clear your cookies between each visit. if you leave the cookies you won't get that banner and you won't get the captcha every time. Another issue when you clear you cookies is that the Curse information settings you changed won't be stored, and you'll have to set them every time.

  4. TrienakJayan banned.





    Secondary account of BlackStorm999.


    why do you have blackstorm999 blocked? I don't recall ever saying anything worthy of you blocking me.... (yes I am the same person, yes I made an account specifically for this XD)



    In order to access certain Nexus Mods services, you must create and utilise a singular account (i.e. one account per person) consisting of a username, email address, and password. Households or facilities from which multiple users (and therefore accounts) may access the sites and services are encouraged to inform staff to ensure that there are no potential misunderstandings in the case of moderation review. More information can be found in our Moderation Policy. Users who create multiple accounts may have any or all of those accounts terminated with other measures being taken to prevent such abuse as appropriate.


    Reference post

  5. Hey,


    You would likely increase the likelihood of someone helping you if you stick to English (no matter how bad it may be) as that's the main language on Nexus Mods and we have people from all over the world here who could be of help to you. :)

  6. momoax2011 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing a mod author, promoting piracy, and generally being nasty in the comment section.


    momoax2011 wrote: yeah im mad wanna know why? let me tell you a story there was a mod a great mod one, normally with every shitty game a great mod requires submods so i downloaded the first required submod and then went to the second which happened to be a retarded script that you can get of the internet (https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371) so i began reading little and with every line I more realise that the OP is a douche then decided to see comments and then saw stuffs like yur pirate, yur mad, yur liar and other retarded statements in the end, kids we conclude that the OP of ripped script is a retard douche

    AHH also forgot the anti piracy bulls*** again kids we conclude the OP is a retarded douche wannabe white night of the kikes of the gaming industry





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, momoax2011 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days

    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  7. SolidSnakeMan has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing a mod.


    Big headed Redneck monkey faced f***. This mod sucks ass. The lighting in the images is very very deceiving. the first picture is accurate of the face.... a monkey f***. There is ABSOLUTELY no difference between the two snake masks other than one has a white blind eye. Mouth does not move during speech.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, SolidSnakeMan has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days

    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  8. NomadicAI7 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Uploading content without permission from the creators/owners of the assets.


    Including (but not limited to) assets from 'Fallout: New Vegas', 'Age of Conan', 'Age of Empires 3', 'Star Wars: The Old Republic', along with various other assets.


    Explicit permission from the owners of the assets you wish to redistribute is required.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  9. In response to post #60319021. #60320551, #60321006, #60321391, #60321416, #60322086 are all replies on the same post.

    Corsafire1 wrote: Mod authors who convert a lot of mods like one guy who ported 100+ follower mods to special edition are not working as hard to earn money. Some people will point that out over and over and like a dog never let go their teeth because we are stubborn. I just want to tell you that this is a very dangerous step like opening pandora's box. My intuition tells me this is dangerous, just wanted to let you know. If money gets into the modding community it will create a lot of tension in my opinion. The act of charity will be merged with selfish intentions and this uncertainty might separate us. It's controversial as well. The concept is good but it's unnatural. Donations are good enough in my opinion and it makes it even more special when someone gives his own money to you by kindness. I love the modding community and I fear making this service anything other than altruism would break the magic, the secret sauce. What about meme mods, fake mods, personal saves? I sense upcoming spam.
    saurusmaximus wrote: I agree. As much as I love this website, and it's associated community, I fear this will only lead to an increase in low-effort garbage (and there is plenty of that already), rather than encouraging the creation of quality content.
    I get rewarding the mod-makers; after all they are the bread and butter of this site, but I believe monetary rewards is the wrong way to go about it.

    Hopefully, I'm wrong.
    BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah wrote: You both have looked over the conversion rates, points to money, right?
    ...I feel like maybe not...
    UWShocks wrote: I've ported a few mods; I refuse to add them to the Donation System as it seems to be a very scummy thing to do. However, mods I made myself I will add to the new system. Of course, I don't expect to make much, that's why I work for a living.
    endgameaddiction wrote: "The act of charity will be merged with selfish intentions and this uncertainty might separate us."

    Hate to break it to you but Beth modding has been tainted for a long time now. It's way too deep in the rabbit hole and there is no saving it.
    Arthmoor wrote:
    Donations are good enough

    Unfortunately the stats we can all gather for those of us who get any tells a vastly different story. Sure, a lot of people SAY that they'd prefer to donate rather than pay outright or contribute to a prize pool, but this inevitably turns out to be all talk.

    It is also possible to give 100% (or any other split) of the DP to the original author, which would be a nice way of giving back to them.
  10. In response to post #60323101. #60323591, #60323716, #60329741, #60332106, #60333001, #60340401, #60340836 are all replies on the same post.

    mrjack900 wrote: So the onus is on mod authors (or in my case, former mod author) who have generously allowed their work to be used in other mods, to search the site to find out which ones have opted into the DP system and then report the mods making money from our work.

    I wish I never gave open permission for my work with the caveats of credit given and no money made because the one time I had to report another modder for using my assets without credit, I was ignored repeatedly by Nexus staff and specifically your community manager. The whole ordeal was a nightmare for me and I ended up taking my mods off the Nexus because of it. Obviously 300 000 downloads is chump change to you guys.

    And NOW I have to go looking for more modders making money off my art work and go through the whole stressful and ineffectual process again?

    Will we even be able to see if a mod author has opted the mod into the DP system or will it be up to us to contact every author? Because that worked out so well for me last time... Jesus.
    axonis wrote: I think I have found a better solution than deleting my mods. A year ago I've started developing (and switching my mods) under this license:

    You are free to include this work, modified or not, in your work as long as you offer others the same freedom by including this paragraph in your work’s license without any modifications or restrictions.

    That means anyone can use my mod to profit, but they'll also need to allow everyone else the same freedom. This will keep all gold diggers away because gold diggers don't want to allow anyone else access to their gold ;)

    On the other hand, I have no problem with the Nexus giving money to some authors, especially those who are in really dire financial straights.
    Lordkabal26 wrote: Hopefully Nexus realizes that they may need to introduce a percentage split option for mods that make use of other mods.

    Besides if you yourself don't want to earn money, you can choose instead to donate the DP to three charities that are listed on the store page.
    SirSalami wrote: @mrjack900. I'm unsure why you feel this way as there was discussion and administration based on our previous conversation. I'll be PMing you soon in case you wish to discuss. Thanks.
    dikr wrote: So how's that tumblr page and the 21 likes working for you?
    I prefer an open & free, dedicated platform like the Nexus where I get to download tons of mods for free and get a ton of exposure on my own which I mainly upload to contribute to the community, while not worrying too much about missing out on appropriate "credit" here and there or a couple of cents lost through 'stolen' DP.
    Ashes2Asherz wrote: there ain't nobody going to make money from your assets.. or anyone's assets.. there would only be a few people that receive money from this and those that support this DP system have Stockholm syndrome. The Nexus has always been about parlor modders and this donation system is only going to cause more fighting within the community.. But I guess the Nexus believes in divide and conquer so they can keep all the control for themselves and own financial gains. .
    mrjack900 wrote: @dikr - I don't even think I have 21 likes on a single tumblr post and I don't give a sh-t. If you think I was looking to become Internet "famous" through modding, you don't know me at all. I started sharing because I wanted to give back. I'm still doing that. So what exactly is your damage? Actually don't answer. I don't care.
    mrjack900 wrote: @SirSalami - I'm not going to discuss everything here in the open forum but I'm also not going to leave it at "there was discussion and administration" as if your ignoring my PMs for weeks or months at a time didn't happen.

    @Lordkabal26: Such a split option is already present.
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