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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. scorpsch has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing mods; calling them garbage, hideous, and bad.


    Just want to say this mod is GARBAGE, HIDEOUS, and just down right BAD, once it's installed this is how your mod works lol


    Seeing how my post was taken off, I don't know why, when I say your GARBAGE patch has stuffed my vanilla start even when I have got rid of this useless patch, why tell you it's working great when it's not, I mean why lie. I still have all the characters that are suppose to be in the carts, standing outside looking at me even I am but the voicing seems to continue like nothings wrong when clearly it's TERRIBLY WRONG. So thanks for the garbage problems I now have to find out how to get rid of your coding that remains in the game because your PATCH WAS JUST PLAIN BAD FULL STOP.


    lol it fixed NOTHING it made it worst, when I start the game all people in the cart are outside and it's not even moving, I mean mods are suppose to work, not completely stuff up the game more, please check your mod to actually see if it works, because currently it's GARBAGE





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here




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  2. In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858, #73915853, #73917283, #73918668 are all replies on the same post.

    Clanggedin wrote:
    We have reverted back to the old UI temporarily today while we benchmark some potential performance issues. The new UI will be back soon.

    That's really not necessary. Keep it and scrap that new UI, no one wants it.
    Thesparalius wrote: I know you didn't ask, and I know you don't care, but I want it. You don't speak for all of us. Hell you don't speak for any of us, only yourself.
    Clanggedin wrote: Good for you.
    mred1602 wrote: I, also, prefer the new UI.
    AnonymousPlum wrote: Also prefer the new UI. Looks great :)
    Nedessay wrote: I actually prefer the new UI over the old one.
    ff7legend wrote: Not everyone likes the increasing migration of various websites to a so-called "smartphone" interface either. I'm with Clanggedin on this one... We could do without the smartphone interface, thank you. I don't mod games/visit the Nexus sites on a smartphone/tablet nor do I ever plan to. Sometimes it's best to stop tinkering & leave things well enough alone... This is one of those times IMHO...
    slingshotnetworks wrote: Makes no difference if you like it or not. Today your opinion doesn't matter anymore. Corporations like Microsoft and Valve push through their POV and systems, and everyone jumped on the same train. You will get the new UI and you have no say in it. Complaining a thousand times will probably only get you banned. It's easier for them to ignore you then taking notice.

    It is either sink or swim. Use the website or do not use it. I already gave up trying to persuade people or corporations. Criticism is not welcomed anymore and will just be "overlooked".
    cydonianmystery wrote: Yeah, pretty much. I learned to stop voicing my concerns a long time ago, because all it does is attract the peanut gallery who defend the site's actions no matter what. It isn't new, I was on the BioWare Forums too back in the day. They're all cut from the same cloth of yes-men and fanboys.

    I was actually thinking my browser had bugged out and started loading the mobile version of the site for some reason, only for it to revert back yesterday. I was happy to have a semi-usable interface again, only to see this thread and learn it was temporary. Us PC users just get left more and more behind, even on a site *supposedly* for PC games.

    Whatever. I'll figure out how to navigate this ungodly mess of a UI, just like I did the last site redesign.
    tonycubed2 wrote: I agree with Clanggedin . Why fix what was not broken??? I was overjoyed to see the old ui back. Was able to get to everything in half the clicks. At least give us a toggle on what ui to use versus shoving the unwanted changes down our throats.

    That is what irks the most. We have no choice. We are welcome to support the site but have no say in what ui we end up using.
    whimsycp wrote: Please, don't rush to put it back, it was awful. Or, if you must have it, at least please give a toggle between old and new so that those who don't like it aren't forced to use it. I'm another who is tired of the "smartphone interface" just infecting everything these days.

    The only way you're getting this "smartphone interface" is if your browser window is tiny or you've magnified the site beyond 150%. For normal desktop use you get the normal desktop interface. Yes, there is one more click than before since the menus are now click instead of hover, but that's not going to kill anyone.
  3. In response to post #73851953. #73858693, #73859638 are all replies on the same post.

    mindkiller316 wrote: Where as everything had intuitive links at the top and bottom of every page. I now have to expend more time and effort clicking and navigating through menus just to find where I need to go. This is a major drawback to the site redesign. I'm yet to even find where mods of the month are.
    Zaldiir wrote: Click "Mods", then it's the large button with the image of a trophy on it.
    mindkiller316 wrote: When I click the three horizonal line menu button in the top left and navigate to "Mods" I only get... Browse all, New, Trending, Most endorsed, Mod categories, Recent activity, Tracked mods, My mods, Mod rewards, and Download history. Clicking on everyone of these takes me to a separate page.

    Sounds like you're on the main page, and not a game-specific one.

    Since all games have different "Mods of the Month", you have to be on the game-specific page to find that button. Also, are you on mobile? On desktop (with no more zoom than 150%) you should not have the burger menu (three horizontal lines) unless your browser window is very small.
  4. In response to post #73851953.

    mindkiller316 wrote: Where as everything had intuitive links at the top and bottom of every page. I now have to expend more time and effort clicking and navigating through menus just to find where I need to go. This is a major drawback to the site redesign. I'm yet to even find where mods of the month are.

    Click "Mods", then it's the large button with the image of a trophy on it.
  5. In response to post #73633553. #73635868 is also a reply to the same post.

    kestrelhawk wrote: After finding out that everything doesn't show using full screen, I have tried to get used to it, only to end up with a headache, literally. I can't possibly be the only one with vision issues, so is there any way at all that this can work using full screen?
    tonycubed2 wrote: Vision issues here too. I second that.

    Which browser are you using? Fullscreen in Firefox shows everything.
  6. In response to post #73625003.

    SkiaMK wrote: For the most part I like it so far but there is one thing already driving me bat s*** crazy... I liked being able to click on the "NexusMods" button to go back to the game page for the game I am currently looking at; having it take me to the main Nexus home page is of no use to me. I would really like to see that either reverted or an additional button added in up there so I don't have to constantly click on the "Games" drop down and mouse over to the game I currently want to see mods for.

    Click on the game name right next to the NexusMods button. Takes you to the front page of that game.
  7. In response to post #73621248. #73621338, #73621418, #73621538, #73621693, #73621713, #73621758, #73621768, #73621843, #73621863, #73621913, #73622073, #73622223, #73622273, #73622493 are all replies on the same post.

    allmightybrii wrote: It is obvious I am not the only one missing the top navigation bar since several people responded to my last comment with same issue. My colors updated to green but I still can't navigate the site. Any suggestions on how we can resolve this issue and get on with our game?
    *color reverted back to yellow, ?
    BigBizkit wrote: Hey there,

    This would be because you are at the tablet breakpoint. Clicking the three bars (the "hamburger") will bring up a navigation menu.
    allmightybrii wrote: No....that just takes me to "games", NO navigation bar, no way to find "my" anything
    And if I click on anything in the dropdown like "mods" it just takes me back to main mod page.
    allmightybrii wrote: Ok, I found the "Menu" but still cant find my tracked mods there, and why do I not have a navigation bar? this "hamburger" way of doing things is slower and so very annoying
    kestrelhawk wrote: Sorry BigBizkit, but I am seeing, or not seeing, the same as allmightbrii. My avatar doesn't even show. I am on my desktop pc.

    Edit: Thanks, that helped me as well, but still no avatar, no tracked mods, and though I can find my images, there is no 'upload' button on the top bar of the main page as it shows in the article. I can add from going to the separate areas, but unless I am mistaken, I thought there was supposed to be one on the main page/bar.
    BigBizkit wrote: Are you browsing the site in full screen mode? What is your resolution?

    It might be because you are too zoomed in which is giving you the tablet navigation and not the one envisioned for desktops.
    BigBizkit wrote: @kestrelhawk

    Can you show me a screenshot, please? What browser are you using? Anything unusual about your setup?
    allmightybrii wrote: Same here. I have a VERY good gaming setup. My PC is devoted almost entirely to Skyrim. I am nowhere near my 'breaking point'. As with any new roll-out there are going to be bugs. My question is, how can we fix this and get to playing?
    allmightybrii wrote: full screen
    allmightybrii wrote: same here, no upload here either
    allmightybrii wrote: On a positive note, I am loving Vortex. But, can I just delete the old NMM without having any issues? It is useless and just sitting there to annoy me when trying to upload files.
    kestrelhawk wrote: Ok, this is weird, a screenshot shows as describe in the article. (can't get it to save and post though) I use Google Chrome, and resolution is 1920 x 1080. Nothing unusual about my setup.
    allmightybrii wrote: same here, this is soooo annoying
    allmightybrii wrote: my top bar shows the........... 3 bars nexus logo search icon generic avatar
    that is all I get
    kestrelhawk wrote: Alright, I got away from full screen using ctrl and 'minus'....now it all shows. My problem with this is my vision isn't the greatest, hence why I was using the full screen. I use my big screen tv as a monitor, but it doesn't help with text size on websites unless I use full screen. This now officially sucks.

    BigBizkit, thanks for your help regardless! I just wish everything could be seen in full screen.

    At 1920x1080; as long as you don't zoom in beyond 150% you should be getting all the options on the navbar ("Upload" turns into an upload icon at 130%, but functions the same). This is the same both in fullscreen and not in fullscreen.
  8. In response to post #73618083. #73618123, #73618268 are all replies on the same post.

    Streptococo wrote: Hi, before you could stay in the same game while browsing the mods by clicking on Nexusmods icon which now leads to the main homepage. Is there a way to keep going to the game homepage you are browsing with just one click? because honestly I don't understand this change since I suppose anyone will spend more time by browsing from whatever game homepage's mods than by going to the main homepage to switch games. So while now it's great and faster to switch games, browsing mods from the same game (which I supposed was the main purpose of this site) has become quite... "annoying?"
    BigBizkit wrote: Please take a look at the last image in the news post which addresses that change. Let me know if you are still unsure ;)
    Streptococo wrote: Yes I read the news and seen the picture you are referring to. But to my understanding That's 2 clicks, not 1 like before. and that's why I made this comment.

    Whatever I guess It's time to use old right click open new tab like in those old sites

    Instead of clicking the Nexus Mods logo, you instead click the game name to return to the front page of that game site. Still one click.
  9. UltimaThule1488 banned.

    Actual Nazi. We will not allow actual Nazi propaganda or sympathies to be shared on Nexus Mods, nor will we allow threats to hang another member of our community.


    It's government infiltrated by venomous snakes who've done nothing but attempt to deny ethnic Germans from their Jus Soli, same happens through all of Europe and the Americas, yet these patriotic, nationalist and whatever term your city's rabbi came up with so that we fall on the evil-role in this play act to brainwash your 67 IQ being into being a stupid golem who repeats what Master says and never doubts it once, go suck on Merkel's saggy titties, I'll hang you with these traitorous elites under a big flag with preferably a Swastika or any ancient Aryan symbol that represents the Vril that your masters so much hate.

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  10. niggerman6942069420 banned.





    Inappropriate username


    Terms and conditions/Policies and Guidelines/Terms of Service (excerpt):



    Accounts and User Identity

    When creating an account on our services, the username you choose must be appropriate for all audiences (i.e. be free of profanity). Accounts registered with inappropriate usernames will be subject to an immediate ban.


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  11. tonydjlbrk has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Re-uploading image that was removed by staff for containing adult content.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, tonydjlbrk has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload images to the Image Share for 7 days




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