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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I felt that the Witcher games deserved some love, so there have been a few minor categorization changes to all the Witcher sites. Some files have been moved around a little bit, some categories removed, others added. So if you see that your mod has been altered by staff (zaldiir), then don't worry - your mod has most likely simply been moved to a more appropriate category than where it originally was (especially if it as in the miscellaneous category).


    If you noticed a mistake I made, or you have a category suggestion (or any suggestion for that matter), do not hesitate to contact the NexusMods staff.

  2. pewpewcachu4 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing a mod and its author(s).


    your mod is broken stop sucking dick and fix it


    the smithy crafting menu is garbage please fix it





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, pewpewcachu4 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  3. Athenaa banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Uploading images of overly sexualised underage characters to the Public Image Share, as well as continuing to upload nudity to the PIS after numerous warnings not to do so.


    Reference post


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  4. TiberAelius has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Uploading a file without the permission of the original author.


    File removed - Clean Up Your Corpses





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, TiberAelius has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for 7 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  5. In response to post #36130510. #36130800, #36130820, #36130855, #36131325 are all replies on the same post.

    steve40 wrote:

    Bethesda have done a half-arsed job of disabling mods in the survival beta, as all my texture, mesh, sound and material replacer files are still showing in-game...

    terkup wrote: That's because those use loose files, it disables all .ESP and .ESM mods however.
    Eruadur wrote: Only esp and esm are disabled.
    You have done a half arsed job by not knowing this already,lol :)
    OtakuWit wrote: That's because most texture/mesh/sound/etc replacers just replace, or are loaded over, the original files as opposed to adding new content via esp file, and would be rather difficult to disable. Combine this with the fact that they're not very likely to affect the new survival mode features in any way, and there's not much reason to even bother trying.
    steve40 wrote: No s#*! guys, that's why I called them "replacer files" ;P

    There is no reason for them to remove the files from your game folder, so why would they do that? They simply disabled mods due to them potentially causing issues with the update. A texture, mesh, sound, or material file is not going to mess with the update.
  6. In response to post #35425880. #35438800, #35458210 are all replies on the same post.

    hagyjalbeken wrote: Wow, that makes me actually feel more content, but i encountered a small annoyance.

    I only just started all this modding thing, actually have only two puny more or less unknown mods,
    One of my mods has now less uniques than it should, because i accidentaly deleted the old version of the file when i uploaded a newer version some weeks ago, so the old one was not counted again for the uniques, only shows up for the old unchanged overall download numbers. Not that it bothers me much, it is just a small clumsy armour retexture with around 400 downloads, but maybe some people have the same problem with more popular mods. (I know that this probably can't be fixed, just saying.)

    But i am glad that it is fixed, it was bothering me. I couldn't figure out how on earth did my other mod have around 1800 unique downloads, when the the main file has only 1200 and all the other stuff i uploaded for it are body type patches. Human foolishness can be endless, but i was sure there are no 600 fools who only downloaded a single patch. Also i am notoriously bad at anything that is related to math, so it is good to know that the mistake was not on my end and i can maybe count more than my fingers.

    So thank you for fixing this :)
    Zaldiir wrote: Deleted files are counted as well. :)
    hagyjalbeken wrote: Ok you are right, big facepalm, i think i counted something that i shouldn't have. But my first thought when i looked at the new numbers was that the endorsement-download ratio is now much better than it should and it's cheating :D (i mean more than 10% for a lousy retex with minimum downloads, what?) Nevermind, i'll think twice before i talk next time :)

    It's awesome to see a better endorsements/download ratio for all the mods out there. :D
  7. In response to post #35425880.

    hagyjalbeken wrote: Wow, that makes me actually feel more content, but i encountered a small annoyance.

    I only just started all this modding thing, actually have only two puny more or less unknown mods,
    One of my mods has now less uniques than it should, because i accidentaly deleted the old version of the file when i uploaded a newer version some weeks ago, so the old one was not counted again for the uniques, only shows up for the old unchanged overall download numbers. Not that it bothers me much, it is just a small clumsy armour retexture with around 400 downloads, but maybe some people have the same problem with more popular mods. (I know that this probably can't be fixed, just saying.)

    But i am glad that it is fixed, it was bothering me. I couldn't figure out how on earth did my other mod have around 1800 unique downloads, when the the main file has only 1200 and all the other stuff i uploaded for it are body type patches. Human foolishness can be endless, but i was sure there are no 600 fools who only downloaded a single patch. Also i am notoriously bad at anything that is related to math, so it is good to know that the mistake was not on my end and i can maybe count more than my fingers.

    So thank you for fixing this :)

    Deleted files are counted as well. :)
  8. All of the people who said that "just use tag blocking and block authors blah blah blah" are just contributing to the problem. That's like witnessing a crime and just turning a blind eye or ignoring the fact that someone just got beat up and mugged. I completely agree with the OP, and seeing as he/she is a senior member with over 5k posts, that's really saying something. I am a proud woman, and these porn mods are downright offensive. Pornography is great at times, but keep the porn on porn sites, not on game modding sites. I was going to suggest having a secondary Skyrim site or such equivalent that was SPECIFIC to adult-based mods, keeping typical armor/weapon/magic/etc mods on the "safe" portion of the gamesite and tossing all of the abhorrently pornographic mods on the other half. There's almost no age consent for these mods, and parents are getting less and less strict with game ratings, just look at all the squeakers playing Call of Duty and other dumb FPS games (what happened to Rainbow Six?). Some overpriveleged 13 year old kid can just create an account and download all of these mods, and not to go too deep, but stuff like these mods can really mess with someone's brain at that age - I know, it happened to me.


    TL;DR: These adult mods are starting to become offensive and politically incorrect.


    The reason we recommend using tag blocking is because to us, these types of mods aren't really a problem. They are a problem to a select few people, and therefore it makes more sense that those few people use tag blocking to remove those mods from their sight rather than the rest of the community having to conform to the morality of a select few people. What is and isn't offensive is most often a very subjective thing, and if a small (but vocal) minority finds things offensive, we are not going to remove those things or hide them away from everyone (either on another site or through a pay-gate). What we will do, however, is ensure that this group of people have a way to hide the things that they find offensive on their own end.


    Splitting the site into two parts; one for NSFW and one for SFW files would create a void in between, causing confusion as to where you will find files that could go on both sites. And not to mention how to define NSFW and SFW. Does it include gore, or just nudity? Why? Does it include skimpy clothing, or just complete nudity?


    Looking at the Hot Files, it is pretty clear what the majority of the community wants. Take Skyrim for instance; there is currently only one (very) NSFW file there, but it has 24,000 unique downloads compared to the 4 others, which combined have less than 11,000 unique downloads. At other times, there are more than one NSFW Hot File, especially for Skyrim and Oblivion. So clearly, the majority of the (Skyrim) community wants NSFW files to be easily accessible.

  9. In response to post #34770380. #34891990, #34918540 are all replies on the same post.

    STURMKATTEN wrote: I like how it is / has always been. I'm just getting used to it now. If it changes, I'm back at square one.
    If it's changing for people on mobile phones etc, then why don't they keep the PC version as it is? Okay, maybe make a few improvements, but a complete overhaul is just not needed in my opinion.

    Anyway, good luck to them. Looks like a lot of work.
    BlindJudge wrote: Hey Surmkatten,

    The site as it stands at the moment is quite piecemeal, it has had features bolted on over the last few years which have maybe ended up in confusing locations.

    They new site has been looked at with old and new eyes, the focus group has been incredible and truly helped shape the site for the general populous. It will be easy to navigate, easy to customise and your experience will only be enhanced by it.

    I'm sure that you will love the final product, though we will be running both old and new concurrently for you to get used to it at your own pace.
    STURMKATTEN wrote: Fair enough, thanks for reply, you may have made a typo on my name, but whatevs...
    Oh I noticed something that I found awkward; When looking at the replies to my comments, I click on the notification in the drop-down list there, expecting it to take me to the reply, and on this occasion it did not, I had to scroll through all the entire thread here, to find your reply here. Anyone had that happen before? Looking forward to seeing the new look anyhow.

    Imagine my shock when it change from this to how it is now! It does take some getting used to, but in the end, the site will be more intuitive and better to navigate for most people. :thumbsup:
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