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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. d3mentiaxx banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Fallout 4.


    hi when ever i try to run NMM and scan for game files the game path is not found i been spending hours tying to fix this.my game location is,,,,Local Disk C games fallout 4 in that folder i see fallout4.exe fallout4ini fallout4 original launcher.but when i use NMM it cant find the file i try looking for it manually but when i get to the games folder and i go to fallout 4 nothing shows up.i get a green check mark on NMM and a red quotation mark under it that says path does not contain game EXE. i installed this game using a site nossteam they installed it for free it work great but i just cant get the mods to work please help


    Reference post

  2. brandon12202 banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy, as well as advocating for it.


    In response to post #34089885.





    ViggyNash wrote: Is there a possibility for a non-DLC version? I have Dawnguard but I never bought Dragonborn, which is listed as a requirement.



    you can find a torrent of dragonborn on the net


    i bought all mine for ps3 so i already paid bethesda lol


    if you want i can give you the dlc


    Reference post


    Reference post

  3. d4n13lus has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Uploading file without permission from original author.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, d4n13lus has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for 7 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  4. In response to post #32176955.

    EArthurKIII wrote: Thx for the update, will be changing my password ASAP just to be on the safe side.

    What the heck.. Went and tried to make sure my email is updated and get sent to the nexus forums. Tried to update password and get sent also to nexus forums.

    Both my username and password is not recognized by nexus forums.

    @Dark0ne, seems unable to send a PM to you about my account, since it sends me to nexus forums where it does not take my current username and password.

    Question is Nexus Forums part of Nexus Mods or do need a new account just for the forums?


    Nexus forums is part of NexusMods, and it is on the forums you change your password/e-mail.


    can you post full contents of f4se_loader.log?




    f4se loader 00010030 01D1365E809BEB35 6.1 (7601)
    config path = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\f4se.ini
    procPath = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\Fallout4.exe
    launching: Fallout4.exe (E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\Fallout4.exe)
    dwSignature = FEEF04BD
    dwStrucVersion = 00010000
    dwFileVersionMS = 00010002
    dwFileVersionLS = 00250000
    dwProductVersionMS = 00010002
    dwProductVersionLS = 00250000
    dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
    dwFileFlags = 00000000
    dwFileOS = 00000004
    dwFileType = 00000001
    dwFileSubtype = 00000000
    dwFileDateMS = 00000000
    dwFileDateLS = 00000000
    version = 0001000200250000
    product name = Fallout 4
    normal exe
    dll = E:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4\\f4se_1_2_37.dll
    main thread id = 15648
    hookBase = 0000000007FE0000
    loadLibraryAAddr = 0000000076FE6590
    hook thread complete
    WARNING: something has started the runtime outside of f4se_loader's control.
    F4SE will probably not function correctly.
    Try running f4se_loader as an administrator, or check for conflicts with a virus scanner.



    What version of Fallout 4 do you have? I don't see a Steam path in there.

  6. tdij banned.




    Reason for the ban



    In response to post #31952660.





    tdij wrote:

    Level one. This is where a quarter of all those who met me. I do not think so expected ..In any case, it is not acceptable.




    What is the date stamp for these files:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\StateOfDecay.exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\Game\libs\class3.1\rts\sandbox.win.bmd

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE\Game\libs\class3.1\rts\rtsevents.win.bmd


    I don't see the Steam icon in the system tray. Where is it?

    Pirated edition.






    Reference post

  7. kapiorek27 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Inappropriate private messages in chatroom.



    you and me hard sex





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, kapiorek27 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot use the chat for the foreseeable future

    This user cannot send private messages for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  8. In response to post #31840670.

    chaosangel239 wrote: how do I contact the admins for help changing my password? I can't remember my nexus password, I have it on auto-fill, I'm finding the form to change it really confusing.

    I clicked on change password in my account but when I filled everything in it said "you already have that email account registered", then I put my email password (But left new email blank) in the top section with my auto-filled nexus password in the bottom section and got "your security key is incorrect" It wants my email plus 2 passwords, one of which I don't know, to change my password, what do I do? please help.

    Changing your password while logged in assumes you know the current password. There are two things you can do:

    1. Since your password is saved in your browser, you can find it by;
    Chrome: Settings, "Show Advanced Settings", "Manage passwords". Find NexusMods, and hover over the *** password, and click "show".
    Firefox: Preferences, Security, Saved Passwords..., click "Show Passwords", and find NexusMods in the list.
    2. Log out of NexusMods, and when on the login screen, click "Forgotten Password?". Here, you can reset your password. This assumes you still have access to the e-mail you used to register.
  9. In response to post #31817020. #31822325, #31850270, #31850350 are all replies on the same post.

    BlueWarlord wrote: Unfortunately, this contest seems to apply mainly to graphic artists. Many really great modders are only coders/programmers, who make valuable gameplay additions. Contest seems to really ignore them. I'll be interested to see how many submissions CDPR get. My guess, <1000
    webhead91 wrote: if they're lucky, they'll get 50-100 entries at best :/
    the so called "modding tools" aka buggy assets extractor, is extremely limited and incredibly hard to learn with bare bone documentation, so people are bound to stay away from it.
    cerealkiller93 wrote: @webhead91 bump this comment. We deserved better. bad call from developers
    slingshotnetworks wrote: Bad call? In that case we should get no contest at all, so no one feels being at disadvantage.

    I wonder... how would a coder/programmer make a Christmas themed mod, without any new models/textures?

    And I'd say 50-100 entries is quite a lot for such a contest.
  10. In response to post #31608025.

    Driz89 wrote:

    So the dsound.dll in System 32 is safe right?

    Yes, dsound.dll in System32 is safe. It is simply a DirectSound library.

    The reason we are making a fuss about the downloaded dsound.dll is because it should not be in those downloaded archives in the first place, and we don't know if it may be malicious or not (no AV have picked up anything though).
  11. In response to post #31573045. #31573920, #31573935, #31575350, #31575375, #31581750, #31584915, #31585005, #31586510, #31587355 are all replies on the same post.

    Dark0ne wrote: The three files affected were:

    - Higher Settlement Budget (downloads from 5th December)
    - Rename Dogmeat (downloads from 4th December)
    - BetterBuild (downloads from 29th November)

    OP updated to include that information.
    ZedLeppelin wrote: Thank you for that info! I'm happy to say I downloaded/installed none of those 3 mods. I changed my Nexus p/w regardless, just to be safe.
    Hickory wrote: That dsound.dll file should be sent away to all AV companies that participate in Virus Total for manual investigation. Relying on existing heuristics is not doing anybody any good, especially since these files are extremely suspect to begin with and have not been tagged by the scans.
    spidermandala wrote: Thanks so much for giving us the heads up Dark0ne, I too luckily didn't pick any of these up but Ill be double vigilant now.
    RaverWolfe wrote: I actually downloaded the Rename Dogmeat one, I'll change all my s#*&#33; asap just incase.
    adventnova wrote: glad i never downloaded those files.
    sydney666 wrote: Thanks for the update...

    Any news on synlSDLL.dll? This file and some program triggered my UAC and installed a touchpad service without me having such hardware. I don't know if the program acted as though it was a touchpad and thus my pc needed to install this service or if the actual file was a virus...once I uninstalled everything, no virus was found on my pc.

    I have since cleaned my system, but it was a little difficult as the program would not uninstall by normal means aka control panel.

    Very odd, but I am glad you are getting this under control.
    sonkaro wrote: Lets just hope it is just FO4 mods being affected. Thousands upon thousands could be affected if they touch Skyrim, Oblivion, and many of the other games Nexus hosts.

    But alas, only time will tell. Thank you for taking the time to preemptively warn us.
    RealmEleven wrote: There is nothing wrong with Higher Settlement Budget. I've been using it without problem ever since I found it (and I've been checking nexus daily since I got my mits on FO4) so I don't think I would have missed any fun and games, if any.

    Also, I eyeballed the files inside the archive. Two XML files, two BAT files and a text file. None of these five files show any unnecessary code, much less anything potentially suspicious.

    I don't think your database is compromised. If it was, we'd all be getting the same problem from the same mods. One of your informants on this thread mentioned Windows Defender catching malware in the browser but not in the file system. While I haven't had that experience, it's worth pointing out that I'm a premium member so I don't see your ads. Put these three facts together and it's pretty obvious where the potential issue is.

    Your site's only as secure as its weakest channel. If you can't vet every single advertisement that gets piped onto your site, before it is allowed to be displayed on your site, then you can't prevent hackers from abusing that channel. After all, the only way launch a driveby off a site without hacking that site's hosting server is to buy or steal advertising space on the advertising channel used by that site. Given the facts, that's the first place I'd look for a problem.

    One other thing: Including birthdays as a field in your account database makes your site's accounts a jackpot for identity thieves. In countries like Australia and, I suspect, throughout all the Commonwealth (British Colonies) a date of birth is an all access pass to a person's life, identity and property. One way to make a significant improvement to a site's security is to make a point of excluding all sensitive information like this.

    Anyways, I'll shut down cycle my disks for a dead system scan and see if anything interesting pops out of the woodwork. If I find anything, I'll let you know.
    jipao wrote: i downloaded the higher settlement mod, and after this warning i already change all my password. what do i do next? should i uninstalled the mod or it already late to do that?

    If the archive contained those files, you downloaded it before it was re-uploaded with the sound.dll file, so you are safe. :)

    The specific names of the archives that contain this dll are:
    Higher Settlement Budget v1.3-818-1-3.zip
    Rename Dogmeat-4507-1-0.zip
  12. In response to post #31570530.

    SS88 wrote: I don't see how our user accounts being potentially compromised is a big deal at all for those just downloading mods (obviously different story for those uploading content). However mods being compromised with .dll's that 56 virus scanners haven't picked up is a major issue and it begs the question why you haven't informed us yet about which mods have been compromised. I'm assuming it's popular mods in an effort to infect as many PCs as possible and you are complicit if you know which mods are affected but do not release this information and thereby prevent us from removing these from our PCs (other than getting rid of all mods).

    The mods in question has been removed from Public View.

    As to having already downloaded them, and them infecting your PC; If you had downloaded them, you would quickly spot that something was wrong. The downloaded archive would not contain the mod your were downloading at all. It would only contain a dll, a txt document, and a ".mod" file.

    Sitting in an archive, this dll file will be incapable of doing anything to your computer at all.
  13. I said I was going to sleep now, but... I tried one last thing, and wouldn't you know, that solved it.


    Instead of using individual nif files for each flag, I used Material Swap to change the material the static uses to my materials. This seems to have cured the crashes. It still takes longer for the new flags to load than the vanilla ones, but at least it doesn't crash. I will be adding more flags tomorrow, to see if it still works with more stuff to load.


    I also got to figure out the FormID List / Keyword, so that I can add the flags to separate "folders" for better sorting (thinking; Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, America, Organizations, and Misc)

  14. hehe, that doesn't sound all too good. ;D


    I've looked into the icons thing, and the transform seems to be about how large the icon is, and as of now, the size of the icons for the new flags are the same as the vanilla flags. I might open a thread about it on the BGS forums as well, if I can't figure this out tomorrow. For now, I gotta sleep. But I am not giving up on this!

  15. Hm... Try this: Load up the esp I sent, and open build mode. Now, it may take some time for all the icons to appear, so just wait till they are all visible, then go into Decorations, wait for all icons to be visible, then into wall deco, again, wait, then into flags. Now, it doesn't crash.


    However, if you do the same, but you don't wait for all the icons to load, it will crash.

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