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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Okay, removing the British flag from the esp seemed to have fixed the crashes, which is kind of odd, since it is the same kind of copy as the other flags. I've tried removing them all one by one, and only the British flag seems to cause the crash.


    And if it is going to be like that with more of the flags, then I have quite a lot of pain ahead of me, with 90+ flags to add. :P

  2. I've been trying to get my "Flags of the Old World" to be a non-replacer, so you can place all the flags you want in your base, but I've run into an issue. While the flags can be placed, and all seems to work as it should in that regard, the mod also crashes the game when going into the flags category in build mode.


    Picture of the mod:



    I've looked over all my additions in FO4Edit, and I can't really figure out what is causing the crashes. Could be that I haven't included something that is required, but I simply do not know.


    In case someone wants to have a look at it, and possibly help me figure out the issue, I've attached the files.

  3. In response to post #31033235.

    SheogorathISDolan wrote: 10 million accounts is an achievement but how many of them are actually active?

    i have seen large groups of users on facebook and reddit who mock nexus due to how moderators and admins behave to users. a potential bad reputation will scare potential users away. i have seen so many people on fb complaining they got banned for reasons that are not enough to be banned when using common sense. shame some great mod projects got stopped because the author got banned for whatever reason.

    thanks to skyrim nexus got really big. if one day TES6 is out hopefully we will see the same effect.

    From the article:
    "4.2 million of those have been active on the sites in the past year"

    When you see people complaining on Facebook or Reddit, try to look up their username in the Forums Rules and Warnings section. 90% of the time, what they are saying does not match the truth at all. ;)
  4. jakeschafff banned.




    Reason for the ban




    has anyone had issues with fallout 4 crashing?

    someone pleaseeee



    i haven't jakeschafff



    damn, ive played the game for like a week and all of the sudden today it crashes on the title screen



    do you have the steam version?

    jakeschafff you got steam version?






    Jake did you pirate the game



    maybe :>






    did not know that was against the rules lel. i mean it was running fine for like a week sooooo


    Reference post


    The mod was taken down due to the author being banned. We don't usually remove the mods a banned user has uploaded (unless requested), but in this case, there was a link between the uploaded content and the reason for the ban.



    And yes, as per now, we allow such controversial content, granted it is not uploaded with the intent of inciting hatred or racism.

    The mods he uploaded were part of the reason for banning him. This doesn't quite seem to fit

    Why not just ask him to change his name?


    I was thinking of making an SS officer uniform in future, but it doesn't seem like a good idea from this case.


    It was clear to us that he was in fact a "white supremacist", and simply put, we do not tolerate racism or hatespeech here.

  6. hellokarrot has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Chat troll.



    tech help, only got 3.6 ram on this piece of s*** computer. Can I still run skyrim?


    It looked and ran like s***, but I could do it


    [another user]




    s*** s*** s***




    i like guns, i like meth, i like hitting my wife on the courthouse steps. MURICA!


    Is this circlejerk loving or hating canada?







    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, hellokarrot has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot use the chat for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  7. Going back on-topic.


    Last post on-topic was:

    I think it makes sense that they don't bother to clean.

    I mean in the world how it is shown in Fallout 4 you basically have to be ready to abandon your hideout at any minute.


    Raiders, Super Mutants, Synths and Settlers are fighting each other over the scarce resources that are left.

    Not to mention the Brotherhood that just arrived.

    It's a constant cat and mouse.


    Sure, diamond city may be an exception.

    But then again in theory even diamond city could be attacked by a massive group.

  8. mambo985 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Continued bashing of mod authors, mods, and its users.


    this is disgusting, never understood why people like it


    yeye that's fckin "usefull"


    donwanna complain about design but the textures are just HORIBLE


    what is dis sh.t, this looks terrible




    I really don't see any point in this mod. What is this? Wenches with big tits instead of draugr? I'm asking a simple thing -> WHY DID YOU MAKE IT? JUST WHY?


    does she have something unique or just another useless doll follower?




    I sometimes wonder what kind of drugs people use, when they make such mods

    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

    Restrictions in place
    As part of the warning, mambo985 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days

    Important links:
    Our terms of service
  9. In response to post #30156205. #30161600, #30162210, #30178410, #30185540 are all replies on the same post.

    Theseus12 wrote: I wonder how long before the UFP exists (Unofficial Fallout Patch)
    Syq111 wrote: I heard that modding will be locked till final patch.I dunno if it is actual
    01386612 wrote: Hopefully, they won't break lip sync with last patch this time...

    Anyway, great news on new site!
    Ykalon wrote: All they said is that the Mod tools won't be released until early 2016. There are lots of mods that can be done without those. There will likely be hundred mods released before the GECK is out.
    Syq111 wrote: When i read in polish site they say something about they will lock any mods that would come up till they fix any issues etc.I dunno if its true

    What that means, is that the official GECK won't come out until the final patch. 3rd party software can still be made, just like it was for Skyrim. :)
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