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Staff account compromise. What's happened and an apology.


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wow this i kinda scary especially after taking starting to mod skyrim again for the ............. third time i think and wanting to see if i need to update my mods but after reading im still a little curious does this mean we need to manual down load mods and check all the file paths for any thing off and how exacly did the users figure out the mods were bad mods
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In response to post #15477990.

This, but only for "popular" mods .. so for example (I'm picking a random number now), mods with a minimum of 1000 endorsements and/or 100.000 unique downloads. That would assure that the staff isn't restricted too much when it comes to this, on the other hand the more popular mods would have another safety barrier.

On a second thought .. I don't know if that's the solution either.. if the kid has already fallen into the well, so something "bad" was uploaded somewhere, it would sort of prevent the staff from removing it again. Edited by pStyl3
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you relise that if you don't find this so called ''hacker'' winch is probbably nothing more than just noob who was playing around and got lucky,he will use the same exact method,and would probbably sucseed next time as well,Right???


the so called hacker ,i have to admit,must be pretty smart,because i never tought of it this way because never had any foul intentions,but this is a central hub for millions of gamers,gamers who mostly intentionaly disable their anti virus and firewall to boost their online-play-ping time,and reduce system load while playing a game as heavy as eighter skyrim or fallout 3,this was a calculated smart move,and since the security of your staff winch are surely experianced gamers,winch would then follow what i've said and probbably disable their security systems in the same order as any experianced player would,is naturaly below avrege,it was deffinetly the easiest way to infect a large number of people with a ridicoulessly low level of skill.


as a possible soloution i would suggest the removal of altering or adding files via administrative prevelages given to staff,while keeping the ability to remove,and only,remove ''mod pages'' and not ''mod files''.


Edited by thehorn2000
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I have been having the same fake Java add problem but that is also happening on other sites though it mainly happens on the Nexus. However, that was largely after my paid Norton ran out. Since I might be upgrading my PC soon, I didn't want to pay for another antivirus program which was a foolish mistake. Anyhow, I fixed it using the free version of AVG which has cleaned up many viruses with the name "Add..." in them. I also got the wonderful addon called Addblock for Google Chrome (which I use currently) and that seems to have slowed it down. I also get adds from some company called Online Broswer Advertising despite being a Premium user. But don't worry cause I know that's not your fault as when I log out of the Nexus it shows not only your adds but also those virus adds. I don't know where I got them from but the addblock seems to minimize their effect coupled with the wonders of AVG. Just thought to point this out if people are having similar problems. Many thanks for all your hard work!! :)
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