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Everything posted by Adipose

  1. No need for replies. Just venting. Having lots of trouble navigating site. Slow or nonexistent searches, etc. Understand tht's general at this point in time...or at least I sure hope so. If not general my server and comp are totally psycho.
  2. Attempted Hoth DL. NMM says file doesn't exist. NMM messed up or Hothtrooper44 pulled file? File site stiil on SN.
  3. What's best way to tone down a follower that you've put on night guard duty? Mine go completely out of control, become unmanageable, and attack everyone in the place...except me.
  4. After having sampled a number of player abodes, I've decided that either Lakeview with all the extensions or vanilla Sutvaka are vying for most preferred. Of course preferences evolve from personal taste and mine probably aren't compatible with others. I also really like Rorik's Keep, Farview Cabin and Eagles Nest, but those are for the times when I'm only running one, or at the most, two companions. All three are short on follower bed space. Farview will handle five in a pinch...if you don't mind having your toon share one. Lol! I entered the basement of Farview on one occasion to find three of my naked ladies sharing the bath. Too bad we can't tweek the mods so that they can immerse themselves and actively engage in washing all their various attractive bits. Eagles Nest is very well done, however, I'm a bit put off by the fact that the crafting area is wide open to the howling winds and snow to be found at Skyrim's higher altitudes. Rorik's Keep is also very well done but I don't use it unless I'm only running one companion. There's only one shared bed...unless I'm missing a pallet here or there.
  5. The new Mandu armor set is very well done. I'm particularly fond of the black male set. It may well be the best looking heavy set I've put on my toon, but then I've always been a fan of decorative clothing motifs from eastern Asia. Plus, it seems to complement the beat up, rough complected Dark Elf characters that I tend to prefer.
  6. Almost from the beginning I've occasionally had dead Dragon remains flopping(literally)around in the middle of a main thoroughfare(usually Whiterun), in front of my door in Lakeview Manor, or following my toon around the countryside. Dratted thing spawns all over for no reason that I'm capable of understanding. Now I've got one cluttering up the grounds of my new estate dl outside of Whiterun. Anyhoo, can someone explain why this happens and how to fix the problem?
  7. Lol, I have a member created mod companion who occasionally shoots me in the back during combat. This can be a bit awkward at times 'cause she has a paralyze effect that she can use on her arrows. Only fair, really, as I occasionally zap her accidentally. Crazy toon continually moves into my line of fire.
  8. Wonder if it'd be possible to do a mod that enabled players to create personal crests for shields, armor, etc.?
  9. I've been giving serious thought to running an Evil toon. Regarding character choice, I'd probably go with an Altmer or a seriously warped Breton. Thing is, I'm not sure I know the best way to go about that. What is the standard approach in Skyrim if one wishes to be an evil player?
  10. Overall, this is a mod done well. In fact, it's currently my favorite and one that has caused me to get rid of most of my other dwelling mods,,,with the exception of a a scenic little dwelling mod that I keep around as a place to stash my stuff when I'm starting a new game. It provides Lakeview Manor with a feeling of security, warmth, humanity and all sorts of other lived in characteristics. A great improvement on the basic Hearthfire expansion. In the past I've preferred dwelling mods that placed me on a high mountain peak, and still do like them quite a bit. However, I've never found one that satisfies entirely though there are some good ones out in Skyrim Mod Land.
  11. Over time I've noticed that various strongholds in Skyrim are built in such a fashion as to enable the player to climb onto cliffs and whatnot which then puts the player above the hold and enables them to fire various noxious and pointy missiles down onto/into the vile heart of darkness. This enables the player to be much more secure as he/she picks off the neerdowells in a relatively leisurely fashion. These are bad tactical locations, which any right thinking medieval lord would have worked to avoid. Of course, from the view of an ES player it's a lot of fun and is likely to have been something which the game designers did on purpose. Fortunately, the various mod dwellings that are located in the same fashion don't have bitmaps with evil intent that are programmed to climb onto the mountainside above in order to rain down death and destruction...but that might be an interesting mod. Anyway, as a result of my own particular way of looking at dwelling mods, I generally shy away from those that do the following: 1) Locate smelters and forges in places that have no way to vent poisonous fumes safely to the outside. I'm going to try applying this bit of reality to Hearthfire if it can be done sensibly. 2) Have locations that cause them to be vulnerable to plunging fire. (Makes the self-preservation drive itch. Can't help it.) One exception being a mod that also has outerworks located in such a fashion as to defend against evildoers intent on occupying the high ground. 3) Have interior arrangements that are open to the elements. I mean, who wants to crawl under the furs while exposed to a raging blizzard? I know Nords are tough but seriously... ? 4) Have big/huge open interiors that have no feeling of warmth or humanity. Frex, I find it nearly impossible to like Dwemer holds. I loot'em and leave'em. Don't want to live in'em. 5) Have no provision for retainers, merchants, or other bitmaps that provide a lived in atmosphere. I'll be the first to admit that I have no modding skill at all, and truly appreciate any and all modding efforts but I can't build a car either though I still want to drive one that appeals to me.
  12. I notice that a good many players prefer personal toons and mod npcs that seem to be inspired by Anime, Cosmo, and Playboy. Now, I'm EXTREMELY attracted to the physiology of the beautiful ladies that appear in those publications...it's the whole hetero-testostero reflex reaction don'cha know. Further, in my own personal lake manor, wiz tower, hunting shack environs I find that populating any and all with attractive toons is a great mood enhancer...dialogue gets old, but various bobbles, etc. never do. Of course, I'm referring to clothing optional here. HOWEVER, having said all that, I'll also add that the companions in question live a hard, hard existence in Skyrim. They did before I recruited them and they do when they follow my guy out and about the vicious and very chancy world of the Elder Scrolls. With that in mind I've got to say that cutesy, cutesy just doesn't get it...at least for me. I much prefer haggard faces, scar tissue, some hair, fairly defined muscle, and so on. In a good of many of my mod npc dls I notice that a fair number of the original looks wind up being modified by my texture and body preferences so that they beome far less centerfold airbrush attractive and much more hard bitten. Probably purely fortuitous but I like it that way.
  13. When we download Dragonborn do we also download the latest version of Skyrim which seems to be 1.9 etc.?
  14. Stupid question: What's a Savegame mod and how does it work?
  15. There's a mod that enables four guards around our Hearthfire estates. Recently one of them was killed. Don't know how as I wasn't there at the time and was made aware of it only after I got the inheritance letter. Anyway, does anyone know how I go about replacing that guard? Is it simply a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling the mod or is there a mechanism to provide new guards on a case by case basis?
  16. In the past I complained that I had little use for really big personal homes, castles, etc. This was because my crew usually consisted of my toon and a companion and I felt overwhelmed as I rattled around in a place that was many times too large. THEN, along came NMM, and the mod that enables us to concentrate all our companions in one place. FANTASTIC!! Now I got Lakeview Manor and it's full of crumpet. Trouble is, Lakeview is now short on room and bed space. I never thought I'd say that but there it is. Soo, I downloaded the Underhall, and found that I'm back to too much room...but not in all places. At least there're enough beds and I'm about to move everyone down there...with the exception of the spouse and kids. That is, I'm seriously considering making the move. I assume that the mod isn't bard friendly and I like the variety that comes with having him around...even though he only knows two songs. BTW, is there a mod that gives him extra songs to sing? Anyway, I'll likely give it a go to find out how it works.
  17. What happens, gamewise, if I tire of Faendal and Aerin visiting Camilla and Mjoll and decide to stick an arrow in each of them? Say, a nice little ambush along the trail from the manor? Does the "Law of Unintended Consequences" raise it's ugly head?
  18. Sorry if this belongs in the Mod Talk section. Anyway, we seem to be seriously preocuppied with modding tweaks or replacers for a relative handful of prominent NPCs, such as Jordis or Lydia. Failing that, we seem to resort much more frequently to creating stand alone or unique mods. My question is: Why? In my travels out and about the world of Skyrim, I've run across a number of ladies that are either attractive, flirtatious, or simply standouts for some other reason. Frex, Vivienne from the alchemy shop in Solitude; Greta, the sister of the npc who was executed for treason in Solitude; Thane Bryling, from the Royal Court in Solitude, etc. They're all over the place. This isn't to say that some few obscure npcs haven't been modded. They have. However, it seems to me that modders(I don't have the skill)focus rather heavily on those first encountered in the vanilla game, primarily those found in Whiterun. One fun mod that I'd do if I had the skill would be one in which I was able to hook up with the Thane of Riften and become her Consort. Being of seriously advanced years myself, I find the more mature ladies to be attractive. In fact I'd prefer to associate with mods of those npcs since I tend to run toons that exhibit very high mileage...gray hair, bald on top, badly scarred, eye patched(cudos to the modder to developed the eye patch), and so on. In fact, if someone would develop a hook as a hand replacer I'd probably use it. Shields could be rigged to fit the hook, or blades could be modified as prosthetics. I also like the jewelry and eye patch mods because they can be enchanted, thus expanding the potency of one's gear.
  19. I appreciate all the help. The problem seems to have been caused by one or more dark/black armor mods that I'd forgotten about. Anyway, I went back and deactivated five of those and my companions seem to be back to normal. Not to say it wasn't official DLC related. May be too early to know for sure. Anyhow, now I'll go back and reactivate the armor mods one by one and see what happens. So far it's taken at least ten minutes for the glitch to occur, so it's a matter of hanging around the house for a while. One other effect that I've noticed, is that on my female companions, even out in the field on assignment, any bare flesh...such as upper arms...will be blacked out also.
  20. Not the done thing to reply to my own topic, but I've never let the done thing bother me much. Anyhoo, either this is some kind of very selective video card glitch (which I regard as unlikely)or someone has introduced a mod (official or otherwise)which accomplishes the effect. Anyway, I'm out of Skyrim until I figure out what's happened. I've played this game for several thousand hours...including all the way through to the end of the dragon at least four times. I was about ready to bail and put it on the shelf for good until NMM became available. At that point my attitude toward the game was rather significantly refreshed. When one is playing solo, it's nice to have lots of company in the game...preferably crumpet. So, with some regret(but not a whole lot)I bid all the little bitmaps adios. If I can't play the game as I've become accustomed, then I choose not to play. I've been around far too long to willingly suffer this kind of frustration with anything even remotely approaching patience.
  21. Have house full of followers that are nicely sans culottes when not on assignment. Suddenly blacked out from neck seam to soles...except for hands beginning at wrist seam. Anyone got any idea why? Only big changes I've made recently involve one of the alternate start mods and download of latest official DLC. Typically, when I do a new start up and enter the house, all npcs are normal and then, at some point in the game, usually around five to ten minutes, everything goes black on the bods. Noticed it on one npc bandit that attacked me also. It's so neatly selective I'm wondering if someone has decided to pull the plug on exposed flesh. Think the bandit was wearing armor though.
  22. B...y Steam!!! Tried to buy Dragonborn. Filled out purchase form, Filled in my home state. Tried to advance to next page. B...y AI continued to ask for state or province and wouldn't let me advance. Logged off and filed notice with support. Still haven't heard from them and it's been several hours. Went back and tried to access the Dragonborn page. B...y Steam wouldn't even let me view the page. B...y &*()%$# Steam. I really, really yearn for the days when we just played the Elder Scrolls off the disc and weren't required to put up with all the c...p from Steam/Valve!!!!
  23. As far as I'm concerned, the modder known as Beans posts some of the best looking face mods on SN. However, I rather like the idea that once I've acquired a house full of female followers they all revert back to their birthday suits when not actually working with me. As far as I've been able to discover, Beans never posts any mods that will revert to the alltogether when not otherwise employed. Is this an accurate assumption on my part? If so, too bad. His faces are simply wonderful.
  24. This may belong in the mod talk section, however, here goes. I occasionally find myself experiencing unexpected reactions to various mods. Frex, I downloaded a mod a few days ago that causes my female citizen npcs to appear in loose fitting, skimper versions of their vanilla outfits. On the whole the mod is well done from a technical point of view. However, the personal jury's still out at to whether I'm gonna keep it. Thanks to NMM that's now a whole lot easier as a judgement call. Anyway, I've noticed that a couple of the outfit changes to the females like Adrienne at the forge in Whiterun seem to have caused their figures to become better upholstered. Adrienne always was well endowed in the chest area, even as a vanilla toon, however, she now seems to have heavier thighs, derriere, and so. This morning I was looking at her as she moved around the forge and thinking that the outfit was totally innappropriate for someone in her profession. Then I thought that it made her appearance rougher or more basic, which would have been realistic for that job. Then I took a look at her backside and upper thighs, which are now revealed, and found myself looking for cellulite. At that point I just cracked up. I dunno why. Guess you had to be there. Btw, speaking of Adrienne, I've always been of the opinion that her vanilla face was just fine. Totally appropriate for a good looking woman who's chosen to be a Smith. A good many of the mods currently on offer do a blanket change to most of the female npcs. For the most part I don't see the need to change Adrienne, but that's likely a matter of personal taste. Sooo, since I didn't like the earlier multi toon facial mods I kept on tweaking around until I came up with a face for Adrienne that was as close to the vanilla as I thought I could get. Between UNP, Navetsea, and so on I finally got back pretty close to her start point. Then I did what I think of as the blanket flirt mod and wound up with general body tweaks that I'm likely gonna get rid of. Oh well, so it goes in the Bitmap Dollhouse. As you can tell, I'm not a creating modder so I do the best I can with what you folks come up with. For the most part I've got my Skyrim pretty much where I want it for game play and I'm not likely to do a lot of mod adds from here on out...unless the mod enhances immersion through increased interpersonal toon activity.
  25. Lol! Actually I'm pretty happy with where I am mod wise. You folks here in Nexus land have done a superb job. Primarily when I log in I'm usually looking for new or hitherto undiscovered mods that enable me to add physical interaction between me and my spouse/companions. Then, as a fundamental expansion of the physical interaction I'm also looking for mods that provide added verbal interaction. To sum up, I suppose that what I want is improved interpersonal activity with those NPCs that form the core of my character's private life. FREX, Hearthfire is a major step in the right direction. With that expansion modders here on SN have added tweaks to the expansion that have made the game more immersive. Thanks to all of you. Like to see more of the same.
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