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Everything posted by LadyHonor

  1. This should be so simple, but it's not and it's driving me nuts. I have a gate (portcullis) that is open. I need it to close when I pull a lever. Opening it is simple enough to script, but there is *nothing* in the placeable states to close a flippin' door and faking it with setting an open gate inactive and a closed one active won't work because the player will see it happen. Does anyone know a way around this?
  2. This is so dumb. I usually like the sites upgrades, but this one is nothing but a pain. When I accessed it with my pc all I had to do is click "I am not a robot." When I accessed it with my cellphone I had to do the captcha thing that was nearly impossible to read. I finally had to use the audio thingie to say it for me. If it has to be there it would make much more sense to only have to click the I am not a robot for cell access and do the captcha thing for your pc browser.
  3. thank you so much! this is great! i really appreciate it!
  4. Is there a tutorial anywhere to walk you through creating new custom music presets? Like, how when you are in an area, it has one song it plays when you're in explore mode and another that plays during combat mode....I've searched but haven't been able to find anything. Thanks in advance! LH
  5. I know this will sound crazy but take all your cosmetic mods out of the override folder. Go back in the game then come out. Put them back in the folder then go back in the game and that should fix it. I've had it happen to me a few times after adding more hair.
  6. the party picker is actually teeny, tiny area that opens in an area and uses very minimal resources. the party camp the other hand, is a relatively large area and uses a ton of resources. you could make one that would look like it using less, but it would still be very large and even if it would work, most likely it would take far more time to open than the smaller one used. making a smaller exterior level is possible, but it would still need to be large enough to deform the land enough to hide the cut off.
  7. never mind....found a site that has a great timeline and i even learned some things about DA i never knew. :P
  8. I need four journal entries for a mod I'm working on. I have the plots written for them, but I need dates and I know nothing about the Thedas calendar. The month and day will be passable, but the year would be great. Does anyone know what year DAO supposedly began?
  9. I'm not an expert but I think you need three sizes of your diffuse map.....if your blah_blah_0d.dds is 1024 x 1024, scale it down to 512 x 512 and add l2 (that's an L not a one) at the end the name like blah_blah_0dl2.dds. then scale that one down to 256 x 256 and add l3 at the end of the name like blah_blah_0dl3.dds. step down each size by half if you're using different sized maps. I'm not sure, but you may need to do that for your other maps too. like I said, i'm no expert on texturing. I've just done a little for things like rugs and couches.
  10. Generally when a script doesn't compile there is an error message in the log window. Providing that message would go a long way in helping us to determine what's happening to prevent it from compiling correctly. Also a copy of your script would be an even bigger help.
  11. With the charitable donation thingie, does the user get to pick the charity or is does nexus decide that?
  12. One (or more) of the mods you've installed is using the default module_core script instead of their own or none. The only solution I am aware of for that is to either have the modder fix it or remove it completely. Unfortunately you'll have to go thru them one by one to figure out which one it is.
  13. Is THAT what OP was going on about? *shakes head* Honestly I'm not sure. Apparently he played DAI with a default world state and the ritual was done. It seems pretty clear he hasn't played to the that point and doesnt know the story behind it. At any rate, morrigan doesn't cheat on the male player with Alistair. Alistair doesn't cheat on the female player with morrigan. Even tho this is a spoilers forum, it's abundantly clear you havent reached that part on the story and I dont want to spoil it for you.
  14. It is only cheating if he does it behind her back. She has to practically beg him to do it. On the off chance you don't know the reasoning behind, I would suggest letting him live long enough for it get to the point where the decision has to be made.
  15. like I said, I've got way too many to list manually. I tried copy and pasting them from my files and the paste option is greyed out on this site.I don't think you're quite getting the point here. There are literally thousands of DAO mods alone on this site. No one is going to play a guessing game of "this might be the problem if you have this mod or that mod installed". Different mods have different bugs or compatibility issues. No one here is going to bother helping you if arent even willing to answer the most basic of questions to help yourself.
  16. Try installing dazips with this. I've used it for years with no problems. https://rd.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/286
  17. Adopted does the same thing. You can find it here: https://rd.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/201
  18. Although I've already answered this in PM's, I'm going to reply here too just to give anyone else who may be interested an update. The mod is still very much alive. There has just been a long break due to the holidays from the end of November until now. Everyone has either been busy with family obligations or traveling. Part one is in the last stages with writing and some of us have moved on to part two so that the wait won't be too long for the part two release.
  19. Sure, but it's going to require a lot of editing to get it to look right in the game. First of all, create a new level, give the layout name in the area properties oth999d. you'll have to play around with your atmosphere settings to get it looking as you want in game and in most cases, you'll have to add character lights. in the actual character stage area, you'll have to rearrange the waypoints to accommodate the new area layout.
  20. See? It's not hard, people. Robin and company do listen when you give them something useful. Elaborate. Be descriptive. Suggest alternatives. Be helpful. That will change the new site faster than calling people autists (seriously, when did nexusmods become 4chan?), or just venting that you hate the site but not giving reasons why. You can't fix something if you don't know it's broke. Was chat something that was going to be fixed for the new website, or are you staying with the Nexusmods/Discord duality? I ask because you could add a small visual element (from what I remember of SQL, it was a bit of code to simply do a run-check, I think) to the Chat button at the top of the page to display status--red for it being down, yellow for it being high-traffic busy, and green being good to go. This could just be changing the color of the text itself so users know at a glance when it's up or down. I don't know if it's possible to have that kind of software inter-operability, though. Also, and perhaps one of the more veteran posters here can answer this, but could we have a list of third-party websites that nexusmods allows to be linked on this site so that people who are new to the forums know which ones they can use? For a while, I was using photobucket. Then they went premium. Then I switched to postimage.org. Not allowed anymore on Nexus. Nor were a few others. Or at least, is there one you would recommend that doesn't require signing up for a membership just to host images? Tinypic.com is one that seems okay. If we could have this as a sticky, or just as part of a general site FAQ, that would be useful. I bring this up in response to the people who mentioned the drag-and-drop issues. I normally used postimage, but that no longer works, and its like a revolving door, trying to guess which third-party site will be allowed every time I want to post an image. --in the forums, not on the website, per se as I have no problem uploading to my profile. Just wanted to clarify that. Wait....postimage.org isn't allowed? That's what I've been using....I've tried tinypic, mediafire, flikr and the like, but all of them load so many ads and pop-ups, I can't do a thing with them. why isn't postimage allowed?
  21. I disagree. I browse on mobile when I can't get to my pc and for years the only internet I had was on my cell phone. That's not the case now, but I still download a lot to my phone first and transfer it my pc when I get home. So, yeah.....mobile friendly *does* have a purpose.
  22. Thanks for offering, but since this was originally posted we've resolved the problem. :smile: As for what it does, it extends the human noble origin....a lot. lol
  23. I do hope by the time all the bugs are worked out it's a little more edge friendly. There are several things on here that don't play well with edge. Uploading images is one of them.
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