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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Yeah fair enough, I actually upgraded from my fast 3600 16GB RAM kit to the slightly slower 3200 32GB RAM kit, just to stabilise these generations. My word they can take up some RAM (I've got a screenshot somewhere where I managed to get CK to use 65GB of VRAM, all of my 1080ti 11GB, all of RAM, and nearly all page file). It runs a lot better now, minus the new CK (post 1.9.4) extra level of convolution (I still keep a 1.9.4 EXE though).
  2. That is a good idea for a mod :smile: Well, I'm imagining you've got a script on these buildable objects, is there not a way you could point to a settlements workbench via a property and then some creative casting in your script to get what you need out of it? I've not done that type of thing before myself and I might be misunderstanding your setup of these objects. But then you were probably better off with the furniture to begin with EDIT: I'm at work atm, so I'm not able to look at much.
  3. Thanks for the doc. That is interesting that this effect occurred elsewhere, would you say there was anything obviously common about the affected cells in ECD and Concord? Any of your custom building etc? Just as a loose thought, I'm wondering if somehow these physics files are generating similar/same named files/paths internally and overwriting each other - and some gens are causing errors on these files. Something like this if you catch my drift. I haven't the extensive knowledge of the internals to troubleshoot this much either. When I did your mod myself (the files I had provided you some time ago now) I took the lazy approach and did overlapping gens at various ugrid rates to make sure I caught everything. If you recall for example, I started at Cambridge at Kendall (02? cell, can't remember co-ords) and ran it at 11 grids, then moved over the Cambridge Crater and ran 7 grids, and then Bunker Hill at 5 grids, and then downtown centered over the bank near GN, another 7 grids (as an aside, I will attest performance was smoother across all of these regions over vanilla and I did not find any physics bugs, not that I looked too hard, but no where near the scale of some of the claims I've seen particularly around Beta's mod). Although this method results in long waiting times in generating and a metric tonne of useless precombined meshes, it seems to be the most consistent. Oh and just in regard to an earlier post by using an Enable Parent, I'm not sure anyone would wanna go down that route, that will lead to persistence of a lot of things.
  4. Well your essentially changing the script instance by doing that, I'm not familiar with any hard limits or problems outside of normal save game boohaha. But what is the use case? Are these Activators persistent at all? I'm curious to help you troubleshoot this.
  5. Edit to the first post (repost so you can see it), with the example you gave above, you said you starting from 13,1, is that at 5 ugrids? Technically 13,4 wouldn't be loaded at 5 ugrids. Just a thought there. In you case is probably better to do that cell alone then go to 7 grids though.
  6. What kind of objects you adding? There's a good mod that adds lots of food items around that might give you some inspiration: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18065/
  7. Strange. I'll have to test this further eventually as well, but it would seem odd for it to skimp out on something due to low performance.
  8. I think Bethesda has rewritten the definition of convolution. Good to know but, thanks. I wonder what the hell is the difference in doing that.
  9. When you say you have to regenerate the cell by itself, do you mean you do a full gen, then gen just that cell again?
  10. I've not experienced that issue myself with any of my gens, or at least I have not found them, however BetaVirus has with his Downtown fps fix mod (Valyn81 on Nexus). You might talk to him about it, but he had mentioned he lost physics for fires and stairs (particularly those wrecked buses) with his generation.
  11. Yeah I can confirm that I've seen the precombined meshes bake their nifs, and textures. For the nif, I've been able to remove the original and it still shows up, but not the textures/materials (it will show up purple) Another thing you might consider payload, is to generate for the major landscape and building only, and then apply your clutter (can do so via using layers as it has been said). This way you get a fair benefit from generating precalc without stressing yourself too much, you'd only need generate if you made major changes to landscape and major features.
  12. Yeah not sure about that one, but given you found a patch that fixed it, maybe it's another mod or patch you have. I vaguely remember something about a language bug but couldn't comment past that.
  13. The type of items you are referring to aren't usually persistent, as in the aren't usually stuck in the save game so there naming should be whatever the Ck value is (whatever is in the Esp or Esm) so there must be some other patch still touching the names or somehow they've become persistent but this would be very strange. Have you looked in FO4edit at all?
  14. I'm still running the save from the day the game came out. It's had WOTC in it a few times (notorious save bloat). There absolutely has to be some problem with your mods that have trashed your save or your PC has hardware issues, as it was suggested. Fallout 4 is better at cleaning itself up then Skyrim, so you might try remove a bunch of things and try to get one of those saves to start. If that works out, I'd be digging through xEdit for problem with mods.
  15. Yeah it's just slow. Not enough hours in a day lol. I don't intend on releasing a half baked product either, it's all you can eat buffet or bust :)
  16. So ultimately, your picking an object to spawn to. Is there an absolute need for the refalias? If persistence is the issue with the alias method, have you tried casting it to an objectreference property and clearing that? I need to read your code a bit more. I thought refalias was as persistent as a property, but I do recall seeing a post saying this isn't always the case.
  17. Well I've won quite a few cases, mainly with ISPs, and a few other subscriptions (Adobe a big one) and quite a number of debt collectors, due to their terms being unlawful or their actions entirely illegal. Judge or relevant department did not care about any signed contract in them cases. But yes in short I've found a lot of these types of things are circumvent-able on account of the terms being unlawful or outright illegal, but that's just how it is here I guess, I know the US for example is pro-conglomerati.
  18. Updated OP, added "System and Regions" definitions guide. Third spoiler tag.
  19. This is the method I used on remaking precombineds for Vault 88 and the Mechanist's Lair, and it is every bit as painful as it seems it would be. Of course, since I was trying to ensure certain things would be scrappable, I'm not sure if there was a better way to do it. I seem to have issue with using "Delete" as opposed to "Initiially Disabled", proven by my Monsignor OCc Box Disabler - when deleted has issues, when disabled gens fine. Or maybe you were referring to "delete" as "disable", but wanted to note this anyway for good measure.
  20. I'm seeing precombineds pickup any custom loose textures (or those that may be loaded from a BA2 if working on a mod that has one) and permanently bake them. If I remove textures/materials, newly precombined refs show up purple. Only way I found to get it to ignore stuff is by disabling as you mentioned. Halgoth and I ran a bunch of tests on layers, It does indeed include multiple copies of the same object if more than 1 is on different layers. A lot of times Bethesda has not disabled duplicates of even full buildings in their layers, as if the precalc system was gonna make up for it regardless. We investigated this due to Z-fighting originally. Now lets bring up Valyn81's downtown regen. THis is a reasonably popular mod, all he done is run a new gen downtown. His "honest" users are reporting 10FPS better performance (some clowns reporting 40FPS plus, they must already have something breaking precalc). I'd like to know the science behind this increase. So here is a list of theories: 1. As jonwd7 earlier suggested, physics files for the precombineds are better through the CK gen. 2. Packing just the precalc for one area into a BA2 significantly improves the lookup and load times (as opposed to searching a larger/fragmented BA2) 3. As chucksteel suggested, Bethesda has added more stuff after a gen and not regened. 4. In regard to 1st idea, perhaps our generated files are less compressed. Also in regard to Valyn81's mod, he has reported that there are various physics bugs that have shown up with his regen. Such as fires becoming static, and "bus stairs" on the broken buses seemingly not having collision (I'm not sure thats 100% correct, that's just from memory). Anyway I can attest I get a smoother experience regening downtown (as I use Better Goodneighbour I hav done down here), I wouldn't put a number of FPS but it is generally smoother to the point of being noticeable.
  21. It will work with them because it does not edit vanilla
  22. I have only used default compression on my "Main" (non texture) BA2s, so yeah. Why I generated at different ugrids? So I only covered the areas (approx) I wanted to cover. There's no option to generate Vis for world, so there's no "easy way out" so to speak (even though that means gigs and gigs of new and mostly pointless data). I drew of map of how my patch covered it, but don't have it anymore. Basically 11 grids gets the whole of Cambridge (centered on Kendall), then going over to Crater and gening 7 grids gets the missed part between Cambridge and bunker hill, then doing BH at 5 grids gets the cells miseed on the outside of there, and then doing Downtown (because I have Better Goodneighbour) at 7 grids got all that area and joined to the south of Bunker Hill. Worked out real well, I think it was about 3-4 GB all up. I had Beantown, PoE and Stumble Upon.
  23. So is precalc still broken or you just referenced the cell in your esp and the fixed remained? Edit: lol didn't see second page. So that answers that.
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