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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. My use of static markers may seem too generic at first glance, but you might be pleasantly surprised. There's a couple of things I do now to randomise the position of group spawns, which actually came to be due to multithreading and multi group spawn concerns. Although this still relies on static markers and some fine tuning is needed (particularly for planned interior spawns), this alleviates some of that predictability.
  2. If you look a few pages back or so, I did it for Vault 88. I can't remember off top of my head, but I believe I just did the current cell option, and did not do precombined Vis (maybe I did). It is much more straight forward then exteriors however. There was some issue with putting placed objects on the floor, but I did not encounter that issue when I did it the way I did.
  3. Necromancing for the sake of relevance, keep all info together. But simply there is no reliable, straight forward way. Currently in my own work, I'm am popping up a debug messagebox telling player to exit the pipboy. I then remove the inventory menu item and start a 1 sec timer. Upon exit, the timer will fire and open the messagebox menu. Could probably do the same with menu event but this is easier. So now I am considering using a holotape menu. I found this post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4843890-help-wanted-dismissing-the-pip-boy-from-script/ Curious if said exploit works. Given I won't have my pc back until next week, I can't test it now. Not the point of me posting however, simply if it does work its good to keep relevant I found together in an existing thread. My issue is handling starting a number of timers when certain options are selected. I will defer these to the menu events, but it's interesting to see if above exploit works. One other thing that might of helped is faking a key press for tab button, if the current script extender supported it and you could fire it at the right time. @ThoraldGM there is this as well but it would seem to be more for custom menus like MCM. The lack of documentation at present doesn't help: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=UI_Script
  4. @payload, A number of mods attempt. To do similar thing (I call that "dynamic placement" whereas mine are static markers*) and while some do this well enough (thinking of SKK50 mod, personally haven't used it but I've heard good things) there are problems that come with doing this. However, that doesn't mean I can't do what you mentioned, as I'm already structured to intercept SpawnPoints at will. One of my modes is Ghoul Apocalypse mode, and another will be the 7 days to Die mode, based on that game. When enabled, any SpawnPoints firing can be intercepted and told to spawn this instead of whatever it was supposed to spawn. For now, I simply have to focus on this core and I won't be focusing on adding new ideas like this, but I may revisit it later, although I have finally figured out how to take the whole mod modular so third party Modders can add on to it/tap into it, so worst case scenario someone else might implement these ideas.
  5. Factions are absolutely shot. I used a script to make Institute friendly with player and workshop npcs explicitly. Around 6 factions modified. And it no works. Problem is (and this I've been told) that if any of those factions are enemies with other factions that are friends or allied with any associated factions on either side, they remain enemies. It's like a big heirarchal mess. I'm yet to go back and look at it and table up all the associated factions for that script I made and work it all out. And frankly I don't look forward to it.
  6. It's fairly easy to write a function (or more, say one for add, one for search etc) to emulate an array longer than 128, using multiple arrays. Chesko made something like this (don't have link handy) and I also do this for a 512 member array. Keep in mind there a 4096 bit property table limit on any one script however.
  7. My motherboard, CPU and Ram are off for Rma at the moment. I only just got a reply today from them saying they are replacing my board and CPU. So I have been hiatus for about 2 and a half weeks now. In other breaking news for non Discord followers, I've scrapped the Turf Wars system. It was way too demanding on performance and Dev time for what it was worth. Also I am expanding the capabilities of the SpawnPoint script and writing up a new multithreading system for larger SpawnPoints.
  8. It is script heavy if you are referring to how many scripts and how many lines of code there is, the entire mod is scripted, there is no edits to vanilla apart from some SpawnPoints placed around the map (and this time not including ActorBase markers at all). However script is only fired when necessary, ie when you actually walk into an area and a SpawnPoint fires off. The mod uses known safe functionality and completely steers away from methods used in WOTC.
  9. I've always known weather mods to go toward the bottom of the load order. You might do that to as good practice. I hand order my mods, Loot not really good. There will always be mods that you need to inspect in FO4edit to decide their load order (meaning that you can't always "categorise" you load order by mod type)
  10. Have you finalised the navmesh? I spotted a similar issue, but then I decided to remove this type of navmesh for objects that could possibly be kept by the user, such as furniture, cos if the player does not actually scrap the object the precut remains. It is also of benefit by the seems to have the navmesh actually touching the object if you can help it. I can't recall if there was anything else you needed to do.
  11. This usually happens when plugins.txt turns read only. That was a good idea pre-Beth launcher but not so now. Check that this file (located in username/Appdata\Local\Fallout 4) and that directory itself is not set to read only. NMM should be taking care of this for you though but check anyway. It may revert back to read only again, try running NMM as administrator also.
  12. FO4edit probably your only hope here. Download that and lookup some guides how to use it if need be. If you can, use the in game Console and click on one of these items on screen. See what Formid comes up, the first 2 digits will be the position of the mod that had this item in your mod list. If the first 2 digits are FF, then you'll need to dig through your mods manually and find it.
  13. Try to clear your browser history and cookies to refresh it? Or download manually and add to NMM?
  14. Have a browse of recent topics (maybe go back a couple pages if necessary) in the F4 CK and Modders thread. Much good info there.
  15. I concur with the performance improvements, I've also noticed since moving to NVME and locking up my heavy textures in a Ba2 (also very happy Hein84 Vivid mod is now packed) that the texture loading is much smoother. And that was before I upgraded to the 1080ti from the 980ti.
  16. I used to think it was slower to have an archive, my reasoning being that it would take longer to load in a ba2 file and extract it, but that's not how it work evidently. It would seem if your esp has an archive it will drastically shorten the lookup latency, like it tables the contents of it individually, and especially if it's a small archive. I have to imagine this effect becomes negligible when the archive gets very large/split up but I would like to see how the engine tables the directories to get a better understanding of this.
  17. From what I can see, you don't want to be using a formlist for Actors, because getting their Base Object (unless a unique npc) is not really going to happen unless that actor is made persistent (and even then I'm pretty sure there problems). There is also apparently problems with form lists where they drop any variables that aren't persistent (or ck filled) between loads, but I've not tested directly. What's you might want to do, is use a RefCollectionAlias. Then you could add your refs to that directly. It is like an array with the the benefits of an alias. Have a look at this: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RefCollectionAlias_Script If you are also savvy to using the alias, you can add a script that extends actor placed in this alias that will attach to any actor in question added to the collection. Then you can directly add properties to them. You could then setup a relationship between this dynamic actor script and a "master script" on the refalias or even your quest to do further work.
  18. Yeah it would be a bit of work, and not everything could be made *harvestable" without breaking the precalc engine. There are a lot of movable statics that you could allow to be picked up, but looks like the mod above already does that.
  19. Fair enough. Not sure what to say about that. I have previously tested placed ActorBase with an enabled marker and reset every game hour after death, and they spawned in the same location. Apart from that I have a number of cells in my game that are affected by cell reset and actors there respawn at the same location. I will keep an eye out for said behaviour in future though. Can't say it surprises me with everything else going on with npcs as it is ;)
  20. That seems really bizarre, I've not seen actors spawn at the location of their death in vanilla. What's the scope of this mod? To automatically move and kill actors so that player can grab all the loot?
  21. Ya it's a nightmare system to say the least. Terminals are the most gimped, hopefully you aren't trying that off a pipboy holotape cos that's outright broken lol. I gave up with it and instead using conditions to display different options in a messagebox menu and also to decide if to use custom messageboxes with custom text. Seems text replacement can't just use simple strings anywhere ffs. Edit: I was just iterating over text replacement wiki again, I wonder, is it possible for you to use the method said at bottom of the page here: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=AddTextReplacementData_-_ObjectReference I was thinking if there is some problem with getting the name from the refaliascollection, you could setup a property that you would set when needed, and use that to pass your AddTextReplacementData function? If it's not working for actors, possibly you could work around that by having a property of a different type (some objectreference perhaps) that you could rename with the string when needed, and then display that. Unless that's all the same and it only displays CK value for display name.
  22. I've not looked at the perk quest, but that seems strange. Special perks calling Event directly, and not actually setting stage? Edit: there are some events that won't be sent in menu mode, but I didn't think this was one of them.
  23. Wow let this serve as a reference for everyone else. Should pin this as Papyrus 101 or something. Just wanted to touch on what BnF said about registering for remote events, a good use for this is to listen to certain quests for stage changes. I don't know what idea your working on, but I wanted to mention it because that is my favorite use of that event. You could work a mod to be aware of story quests or whatever quests, and change settings or outcomes based on this. It's really quite a powerful tool.
  24. Fair enough. I like to work around complex things so this struck my fancy is all.
  25. Well, perhaps you could dynamically get the workshops container as a property between 2 points, and open it from one end and take stuff out. That would result in requested components going into players inventory though, where I think you wanted to have specialised options to request components transferred? I see on your page there you mentioned a 128 item limit. Am I correct to assume you are using an accumulated array here? I could share some code with you I made for my Spawns mod to emulate a larger array (I have mine up to 512 for my purpose). I could also share the code from WOTC that forms an array of the vanilla workshops via GetForm if that would help you,
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