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Everything posted by Ghaunadaur

  1. Not sure if it will work, but you could try the following... Look up the ID for the race in Tes5Edit. Load the mod in CK and remove the 'Walks' flag from the race, can be found under the 'General Data' tab. This should make them unable to walk at all.
  2. It's a random dialogue that will play when you walk near a guard or talk to it. ...or do you want to know how to find the corresponding quest?
  3. When putting the registerforsleep in a custom function, the function needs to be called from any event in your script, or from another script. I can't see this ... Replace... Function SomeFunction() RegisterForSleep(); EndFunction ...with... Event OnInit() RegisterForSleep() EndEvent ...and see if that works. Test it with a clean save (a save you made without your mod being activated). edit: could also be a problem with the quest not starting or the alias not filling for some reason. Did you check this?
  4. You don't need to worry about the NAVI record. It holds information about the connections/teleports between the navmeshes (NAVM records). This is a special record, which is merged dynamically on every game start. So, if several mods changing the navigation info map, the changes are not overwritten by the last mod, they are rather added for each mod. Hope that makes it a bit clearer.
  5. Should work with persistent items even if in the inventory. If the reference is held in an alias, it will be persistent. If it's held in a variable or property it will be persistent too. Maybe something like this could work? ObjectReference Property Myself auto hidden Event OnInit() Myself = self EndEvent Event OnRead() RegisterForKey(2) EndEvent I found this article quite helpful : http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Persistence_%28Papyrus%29 And this : https://github.com/xanderdunn/skaar/wiki/Understanding-Forms%2C-Object-References%2C-Reference-Aliases%2C-and-Persistence
  6. little typo... Event OnActivator(ObjectReference akActivator) should be... Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
  7. Extract the strings files for your language from the .bsa or add the .bsa to the .ini
  8. Everything between those {} brackets will be treated as a comment/description for the script. You need to remove them. I recommend to read at least some basic tutorials on how to create a script.
  9. ESM doesn't work in this case, make it an ESP.
  10. Should schools screen for mental illness? Yes, but not the children, rather the teachers should be screened for mental illness. I can tell you, I had some really mad and ill teachers in my school time, like alcoholics, cholerics and the like (mostly women btw). Just my opinion. lol.
  11. No reason to feel dumb for asking a valid question. ; ) Glad I could help.
  12. I guess it's in the 'Tamriel' worldspace. Search for cell WhiterunExterior or similar.
  13. Always nicer when know-it-all morons reply in this fashion as well..... Hehe, kudos for this
  14. I think yours is doing the same, but I could be wrong. Ok, I can see that you have the a-condition at the top of the stack, I have put it at the end, which shouldn't matter since the OR-blocks are evaluated first. The conditions inside the OR-blocks can be flipped. Comparing both condition stacks, I end up with this: My suggestion: ( B OR D ) AND ( C OR D ) AND A with OR-blocks flipped: ( D OR B ) AND ( D OR C ) AND A Your evaluation stack: A AND ( D OR B ) AND ( D OR C ) I'd say it's the same... Again, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. This is tricky stuff and it's monday. :D
  15. First expression to be evaluated is this: (b AND c) Second is this: ((b AND c) OR d) And lastly: a AND ((b AND c) OR d) So I would set it up like this: b OR d AND c OR d AND a Someone correct me if I'm wrong. :confused:
  16. 1. You need a property of type faction, not a objectreference property named 'Faction'. 2. Variable 'Player' is undefined. Scriptname tdOrcFactionDisplay extends ObjectReference Faction Property SomeFACTION Auto Actor Property PLAYERREF Auto ObjectReference Property EXIBIT Auto Int Property DoOnce Auto GlobalVariable Property td_DisplayMAX Auto Event OnCellAttach() if DoOnce == 0 if PLAYERREF.IsInFaction(SomeFACTION) if EXIBIT.IsEnabled() == false EXIBIT.enable() DoOnce = 1 td_DisplayMax.SetValue(td_DisplayMax.GetValue() + 1) endIf endif endif endEvent
  17. Yup, seems to be working again. Thanks to whoever fixed it.
  18. I'm trying to download a certain file for hours now...without success. It's the main file from this mod page: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53071/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D53071&pUp=1 After I click on download link it directs to filedelivery.nexusmods.com (I think IP is, but the download doesn't start and I'm getting a 'network timeout' error after a short time. I can download other mods without problems, I can even download other files from the particular mod page, just not this file. Seems to me like a download server is down or something. Can someone look at this?
  19. If that global is used in a quest, you may need to call UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal() on it to get the correct resullts. Just a guess. Try OnCellDetach instead. According to the wiki it is more reliable.
  20. It actually means that the percentage to get no extra items is 0, while setting to 100% would disable all extra gems.
  21. It's not a actor value just a global variable used in some leveled lists. setstage TGCrown 200 to set the global set TGProwlersProfit to 0
  22. If that happens, it usually mean that you are running low on RAM (Memory) or VRAM (Video Memory). Try to use smaller houses or remove some high resolution textures. To monitor your memory usage and other things, you can use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/?
  23. I'll try... Have you by chance updated the unofficial patches in this current playthrough? If so, this could be the culprit, depending on the version you updated from.
  24. Yup, adding a keyword to the magic effect would be the way to go here. I think it's also possible to use a quest alias to temporarily add a keyword to an actor, some scripting required, still. Btw, it's now officially allowed to link to "that site". ;-) Googling for "MESKSEUtils" got me nowhere, had to search for "Skyrim MESKSEUtils" to get to the file. I didn't know about this plugin yet, so thank you very much for the hint. :-)
  25. Sure it's possible... Scriptname _test extends ObjectReference Formlist Property SomeFormList auto Event OnRead() int i = SomeFormlist.GetSize() i -= 1 int j = Utility.RandomInt(0, i) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(SomeFormlist.GetAt(j) as Spell) EndEvent
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