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Everything posted by Ghaunadaur

  1. Run the meshes through Nif Optimizer.
  2. Looking at the Game script, this function doesn't seem to exist for Skyrim.
  3. If you want to remove a un-needed master dependancy from your mod, you can do this either with Creation Kit or TESEdit. I'm not going to write out the procedure again, just read the last 2 posts from this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4012185-built-mod-with-usleep-as-masterhow-to-remoove-dependancy/?hl=remove+master&do=findComment&comment=36793035 As for the original question, I can't think of any limit other than the hard limit of 255 active esm/esp files. P.S. Make backup in case anything goes wrong.
  4. If !(TRPD.IsLocked()) or If (TRPD.IsLocked() == false) or If (TRPD.IsLocked() != true)
  5. Patches are here: https://neverwintervault.org/patches?field_game_tid=6&field_official_version_tid=All&field_platform_tid=All&field_language_tid=All&field_requirements_tid=All If haven't already, you may also want to get the NWN2 Patcher: https://neverwintervault.org/patch/nwn2/english/nwn2-patcher-tnt220
  6. Hi you need a NAS system and professional backup software like Acronis.
  7. Really ***censored*** design. I'd say the "professional designer" was a waste of money
  8. Yep, UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal needs to be called on a quest or from a quest script. GetOwningQuest().UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(MyGlobalVar)
  9. 1. Is the global variable added to the global list of the quest? 2. Try using function UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal before.
  10. Add a property for ammo? Ammo property AmmoToEquip Auto if (AmmoToEquip != None) Self.EquipItem(AmmoToEquip, preventRemoval, silent) EndIf Or better make your own script, rename it. It's not ideal to change the original script.
  11. Interesting idea. I wouldn't know how to remove the regular methods of saving, but saving by activating an item is definitely possible. One could even control the naming of the save file through a configuration menu or so.
  12. The actor reference can be stored like this: Actor MyActorRef = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceActorAtMe(MyActorBase) SetPosition is expecting an ObjectReference, so you may need to make a cast (MyActorRef as ObjectReference).SetPosition(PlayerRef, 120.0 * Math. Sin (Player Ref.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math. Cos (Player Ref.GetAngleZ()), PlayerRef.GetHeight()) Cleaned up script: ScriptName MMFTDemonicShrine1 extends ObjectReference Armor property DiscipleRobes auto Armor property GoatHead auto Weapon property DaggerofCeremony auto Perk property MarkoftheDamned auto Spell property AzazelCurse auto ActorBase property MyActorBase auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() If akActionRef == PlayerRef ; only the player can activate this ObjectReference SelfObj = Self as ObjectReference AzazelCurse.cast(SelfObj, game.getplayer()) PlayerRef.AddItem(DiscipleRobes, 1, true) PlayerRef.AddItem(GoatHead, 1, true) PlayerRef.AddItem(DaggerofCeremony, 1, true) PlayerRef.EquipItem(DiscipleRobes) PlayerRef.EquipItem(GoatHead) PlayerRef.EquipItem(DaggerofCeremony) PlayerRef.AddPerk(MarkoftheDamned) Actor MyActorRef = PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(MyActorBase) (MyActorRef as ObjectReference).SetPosition(120.0 * Math.Sin(PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()), PlayerRef.GetHeight()) utility.wait(1) SelfObj.delete() EndIf EndEvent
  13. Not sure, but try to replace 'GetBaseObject() as Actorbase' with 'GetActorBase()'...?
  14. Yes you can :smile: Have you checked the papyrus log for any errors? It may help to narrow down the issue. Maybe also add some debugging lines to your script to check if some variables or properties aren't filled correctly.
  15. Version for Skyrim SE is now available as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9003/?
  16. Ok, the mod is finished, but not sure in which category to place it... Some details so far, - the price depends on the level of the player, just like the reward, but it's more expensive (500 - 1500 gold) - can also be purchased from Camilla if Lucian is dead - I used generic shared dialogue for the responses. Since I only have the german voice files, I'm unsure if it's really fitting to the english game version. This can be changed easily, I'm open for suggestion on this. Skagens, a version for special edition is not a big thing. Will make this later. edit. placed in miscellaneous category for now http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82779/?
  17. Is there still a request for this Mod? If so, I can try to make it. Doesn't sound that complicated or time consuming.
  18. The backup would have a file name like YourModName.0.bak. Rename it to YourModName.esp and copy it to the data folder. Then you can load it normally in Creation Kit.
  19. That's sad to hear. If you're lucky there's a backup located in your skyrim\backup folder, but no guarantee.
  20. Untick the 'respawn' flag of the actor, or set the encounter zone of the cell to never respawn.
  21. Best solution is to disable the existing plaque, then place a new one. Same goes for weapon racks, bookshelves and the like.
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