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Everything posted by Millenia

  1. draiyan banned. Piracy of Dawnguard (and probably Skyrim as well)
  2. jamestrent banned. Piracy of Fallout: New Vegas.
  3. dukartdu banned. Piracy of Skyrim.
  4. /me has leveled up
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Camon


      great headphones, good for listening calssic vocal music.



    3. harveeymon


      I like your hair dude nines almost that long
    4. Deleted4709949User
  5. Micalov requested to be banned because he had other stuff to sort out. It's not a big deal guys :P
  6. Because that's how I roll :armscrossed:
  7. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/4836884-13king/ User loses chat priviledges for some really inappropriate comments.
  8. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/2869420-aerophoneix/ User loses chat priviledges for inappropriate comments.
  9. Do you happen to use any IM program? Might need to ask you for advice with your deep knowledge of modding Gamebryo :P
  10. I made a tutorial a couple weeks ago: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL925958D31D8D30C7
  11. Inappropriate comments in the chatroom. This isn't a dating site, go be horny somewhere else. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/4189493-dragonzaf/
  12. Doubtful, since searching a database of 4 million gets a tad heavy on the database.. Before it was modified, a couple consecutive searches could literally take the site down.
  13. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/375-mod-authors/ This should work if you have access. If not, it'll just display an arror.
  14. I was experiencing slow speeds and downloads cutting off around 30-40mb mark from the UK server. US premium server downloaded OK, but it was still far from optimal speed (around 500-600kb/s)
  15. Thanks dude :P
  16. Dark0ne has said that he'll only want to make Nexus sites whenever he feels like there's a need for one; if there's already a fluorishing community for a game elsewhere he doesn't want to step on anybody's toes. http://gamebanana.com/ is pretty big when it comes to HL1/HL2 engine games modding. That being said I personally wouldn't mind, but I doubt it would happen with so many communities for those games already PS: Lol I worked on Cry of Fear
  17. Yeah, I think it's a pretty bad idea because some mod authors will delete any criticism, even if it's constructive, valid and well presented. The premium member "sea of red thumbs" route is good enough, imo.
  18. Mine was fixed at least, it was 220k, then ~300, now it's back at ~220k.
  19. You should probably post here This section is for Nexus-related meta discussion.
  20. If you want to add me on Steam for further advice, go ahead.


  21. Posting NSFW content and continuing to do so when told not to. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/2416401-asam3/ Ask a moderator to let you back in after a few weeks.
  22. You do realize I only banned him for one week for calling people dicks for not helping him in a non-support, general chat..? It is by no means permanent and should just act as a warning him to take a closer look at the rules before participating in the community. Anyways I won't derail this thread further. PS: Bumping is also against site rules.. "CHAPTER II - SPAM Spam is... 1) Posting one liners. Replying to a thread and just saying something like "hey!" "yeah!" "lol" "I agree" "no" etc.. 2) Posting the same thread/post repeatedly in order to gain attention. 3) Posting something completely off-topic (OT) that has nothing to do with the thread. 4) Posting in a thread to simply "bump" it back to the top of the forum listings with no additional or useful content." See section 4.
  23. The reason why you were banned from chat is because you acted self-entitledly, demanded help and called us dicks when we didn't provide you support. Read the rules next time. As for your problem, you could try right clicking on the game in Steam, going to Properties - Local Files - Verify integrity of game cache. If that doesn't fix the problem, try disabling any mods you have. If that doesn't help, reinstall the whole game. If that doesn't help then you're pretty much screwed :P
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