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Everything posted by Sepherose

  1. No it isn't stated who gave it to you... That... is a whole other questions that needs answered >.<
  2. Late night, 2137, south of The Boneyard It's cold, but the harsh Wasteland sun set a while ago. Looking at the stars now. Pain is coming, I can feel the bones grind together in my leg and shoulder. Can almost remember what happened, not quite though. Try to move the body again, but can't, too weak. I just stare at the stars and think of years gone by. Pain is too much, I'm passing out again. I remember growing up in the remains of Las Vegas. My parents said they remember it from before the bombs, barely, they were both five when the bombs fell. They said something saved Vegas, they didn't know what though. I was 13 when I had to run away from that place, never looked back. I remember that last night there. My dad was telling me about the first few years after the bombs. “Son, I remember, barely, but I remember when this place was lit up like the sky itself! All the colors you could imagine a light would be, it was there! But then, the bombs fell. Your grandparents couldn't afford a place in the vaults, so we hid in the basement. I remember we lived in the outskirts at the time, but I don't recall exactly where. So anyway, the day the bombs fell, we were in that basement, and the ground shook! It shook like the devil himself was wanting to come up from under the earth. BOOM!” My dad had a way of telling stories, he always threw himself into it like an addict would throw himself at drugs. “So anyway, we waited. Days it seemed like, but I was young, I don't really remember exactly how long we were down there. One day, your grandpa decided we had been hiding long enough, so he dug out his geiger and went outside to find out how bad it was. That was the last time I saw him son, he just never showed back up. My guess is some gang got him. Your grandma, she was always more careful, she dug out the guns your grandpa had hidden away, showed me how to aim it and load it and we left right after that. First time I had to kill a man was the next day. I won't upset you by telling you why.” He always thought it better to try to hide the truth of the world from me, still don't understand why. “Anyway, over the years, there were riots. People trying to get others to band together. Gangs. Murderers. Thieves. But one thing I learned boy, and take this to heart, if you stick your head up in the world now days, it's liable to get blown clean off.” He hadn't ever told me what it was like right after the bombs. Maybe he was trying to forget. I'll never know. That night, our home was overrun by raiders. They started trying to kick the door in, mom and dad rushed me to a back room, and dad handed me his handgun and shoved a fist full of bullets in my pocket. “Boy, you keep quiet, keep your head down, and get out of here when the noise stops. Don't you dare look back, you just run, far, as far as you can. And when you don't think you can run anymore, keep runnin'. Remember what you learned boy, it'll keep you alive. I love ya boy.” My mom couldn't even talk. She was crying. She hugged me, and pushed me into the crawlspace under the house. I'll never forget what I heard that night. It went on forever. When it finally stopped, I slipped out through a grate in the foundation. And I ran. Haven't gone back since.
  3. Who was using world edit?? I know it couldn't have been me, even on accident, I have a minimap installed and my client is patched to allow x256 texture packs, that's it o.0
  4. I make no claim of being an amazing writer, but I have always wanted to chronicle a survivor in the wasteland, so please, enjoy. This is a story that will eventually come full circle for this character though, so if you like it, check in from time to time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime around noon, 2137, unknown location in California, south of The Boneyard. Opening my eyes I am blinded by the wasteland sun. There is something heavy on me, can't see what it is though. My nose is filled with the smell of blood and dust, my skin tingles with that Old World warmth. My eyes finally adjust, I look down to see what the weight on me is, a body. Try as I might, I can't push it off, and think to myself that this is it. I drift back to the sweet embrace of unconsciousness. I dream of the Great Winter. I remember the cold, the ice. The bodies. I was wandering through The Boneyard after leaving the Hub, not being able to find any freelance work there I had wandered off in to survive off of the land a while. I don't remember how I ended up in The Boneyard though, too many bullets and too many foot falls ago. I was twenty, but I knew how to live off the land. I hadn't seen snow before, but I had heard about it. I remember it got cold. It was late though, I was used to the drop when nightfall was coming, but this was different. The smell in the air, that's something I won't forget. Crisp, almost painful when you took a deep breath. As the temperature dropped, I started to get numb, so I climbed into a burnt out building. Built myself a fire after checking for rads with the geiger counter I had managed to scrounge for, it said there were rads, but it was safe. That thing saved my life, kept me from wandering into the more dangerous areas in The Boneyard. I built a fire using some twigs and scraps of cloth I had. Pulled out the ratty old bedroll I had found a few weeks before and bundled up, watched out the busted windows, looking at the bones of the Old world under the starlight, and wondered what it had been like. I had heard stories, but at the time I longed to see it for myself. That changed, with time. A few hours passed, my guess anyway. It was still dark, don't know exactly when I fell asleep. I was freezing. I could hear footsteps, and the fire had burned down to cinders. I tried to grab my gun, ten millimeter, if I remember right. My hands wouldn't listen, couldn't feel the texture of the grip, I dropped it, and I heard a voice. Rough, couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. I looked out the window and finally saw it: snow. At least as far as I could tell. There was a faint green glow to it, I had heard stories before, and that wasn't a part of them. Not sure how I managed, but I got the counter out and flipped it on, the needle jumped. Rads were lethal outside from my guess. I was as good as dead. I had used the last of my RadAway a few days before. I decided to slip back to sleep. Rather freeze to death than find somewhere warm where I would rot from the inside, slow and painful. It wasn't going to go that way though. I woke up, barely, while I was being carried by someone. They weren't big, but they were strong enough. I remember that rough voice though, still to this day. “Don't worry kid, I'll get you somewhere safe. You can't handle the rads like we can.” The next few days were flashes of sight. I remember being terrified when I first saw their faces. Looked like someone that had been chewed on by molerats and left to rot in the sun of the wastes. But they saved me. The rest of that story, well, is pretty simple. I did what I had to to survive. Not to say I'm proud of all of it.
  5. Justice needs to be impartial so it can make a more clear decision on how merciful it can be. Revenge is ruled by emotion and often starts a cycle of perpetuating itself. The two are dramatically different, but anymore the latter is often mistaken for the former, or the former is often left behind so that a quick solution can be reached.
  6. This is Sharia law. However I agree a little with you and also @HeyYou. Perhaps death penaltie would be too harsh for stealing a car. But I support it to some extend in cases of economical crime, where the smart one ruins thousands of average hard working people. And walks away due to good lawyers. This is very unjust, and mercy is out of the question here. This is not Sharia law. Give me a break. I didn't mean that they could pick any penalty, The law should have a set guidelines for what a person should get. It is the victims that should have a say so in how much leniency the court should impose. If any. This would be true justice. That strikes me more as court sanctioned revenge than justice. The two are drastically different.
  7. @Nintii: The way you asserted what another individual would do in a given situation as if it was incontestable came across to me as overly aggressive. ;) Just my view of it.
  8. Wow that was a brutal response, I don't see why you put such animosity in it. There is always the chance that someone recording what they thought was an alien craft might be panicked and not speaking. Personally I would think that if someone were recording something that looked truly alien, a realistic response would be silent panic.
  9. I believe that the two MUST be brought together, Justice tempered by Mercy.
  10. I would have to disagree that it has little to do with the Courier. Ulysses decided to do what he does because of the Courier's actions. A background story, or a history, doesn't have to be fully fleshed as per your example. The Courier and Ulysses have a history together, and that premise leads to the risk of shoehorning a fleshed out story, as per your example, into the plot. I was simply stating that it was simple. Also, Ulysses tells you that a home can also be someplace you bring life to, which is what the Courier did to The Divide. It wasn't a home in the conventional sense ;)
  11. Somewhat related to the mention of Project Blue Book, check this out, it's another declassified file from the FBI's declassified files vault: http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy/Guy%20Hottel%20Part%201%20of%201/view Something that I have seen a little mention of in the news and whatnot. It's short, but interesting.
  12. When I first heard of Ulysses I was thrilled. When Honest hearts came out, I remained thrilled. When OWB came out, I started to be concerned. I was worried that the story writers might force a specific, completely filled out background on your character, no matter if it went in direct contradiction of what you thought your character was like. A friend and I sat down and talked about potential repercussions of that and how cheated we, and others, might feel. In the end though, the full circle of that personal story was grand and didn't force much of anything on you as a player. I loved that it was simply you using The Divide as a route which you traveled along regularly that brought civilization to that area. I also loved the fact that delivering one small package is what brought it abruptly to an end. It fits perfectly with the idea of your character being a courier in my opinion. What are other users thoughts?
  13. I did a playthrough in NV with a character that was a cannibal and insane. He killed, and ate, everyone he came across. That was an interesting playthrough. XD
  14. I personally love the immersion. I wouldn't go out of my way to kill a child, but I most certainly will either mod it in, or install a mod, that makes them killable. If I am fighting in a town or city and I throw an area effect spell, I expect consequences if a child has been caught in the crossfire.
  15. I think there is something up with the chunk at spawn. Everytime I approach it, the server bogs down and I get about 2 FPS....
  16. I wouldn't expect you to :) I would set something up for when I am online using my comp but I can't seem to get vent or mumble to play nice when I try that.
  17. That would be all well and good, but I believe that is for Nexus in general, not this minecraft server.
  18. That really just comes down to saying "I want your property. I can use it better than you. There's a law that says I can take it. I'm gonna take it." How did you get that from what he wrote?? I got this: 1. Taxation on income is legal. 2. He also dislikes those that leech from the system but are fully capable of supporting themselves. 3. People that abuse the system regularly tend to get away with it because so many people do not report it. You have not heard a single argument against your stance, not really. You keep resorting to essentially calling those that would use it thieves and leeches. This is not true. What you aren't realizing I don't think, is that this would also help you were you to ever need it, and in today's market, you may find yourself needing it next week. Would it be your fault if the company you work for suddenly had a financial lapse and you couldn't find work somewhere else due to a rough market? No it wouldn't. Would you deserve it if you slowly lost your means to live due to not being able to find a job because of the market? No, you wouldn't. In said situation, if you lost your health insurance due to all of these other variables, would you deserve to be left to die after a car accident or during an illness? No, you wouldn't. Because you are human. This is what this whole situation really boils down to: A human does not deserve to be left to die when the means to save them is readily available. There are of course societal exceptions, but even the death penalty is humane and quick, unless there has been a mistake. Since this is talking about UHC from an American standpoint, I think these points are valid.
  19. Well, I'd use it, I'd just need the info.
  20. You could check out the Nexus wiki, plenty of tutorials there :) There is a link to it at the top of the forum pages. :)
  21. Like I stated earlier: You filled out a W-4 form when you got your job, meaning you signed away those taxes of your own volition and choice. You could have refused to sign and not gotten the job, but you obviously didn't therefore your money isn't being stolen or taken against your will in any way shape or form. You signed away on it. If you don't want it taken, then get another job and refuse to sign your W-4, see how far you get. Like you have reiterated time and again, it's all about choice, but you have also avoided responding to anything related to people that haven't had a choice about their situation. A middle ground could easily be something like this: A flat tax hitting everyone's income by a set percentage, corporations included because they are legally people, or a set sales tax nation-wide would probably suit your ideal more closely, as you said a sales tax gives you the choice. Another interesting thing to note about sales tax is that even if people are panhandling, they still pay it so they are still paying into the system, and the money they are using was given of another person own choice. Would that suit your ideal better, or not? With all your arguments to this point, I honestly don't see why it wouldn't.
  22. I beg to differ with this: All of these were in the context of talking about taxes and how they are spent. All of these quotes indicate you do in fact have a problem with how they are spent, and one indicates that it is theft, ergo, illegal in your eyes. The last quote of yours I find particularly disturbing. It is essentially saying that anyone who can't contribute and those who don't contribute, fall into the same category. I agree that if one refuses to contribute there should be something done about it, but if one is incapable due to mental or physical defect, they should not be forced to live in the refuse. A certain quality of living is our right as human beings, the US government touts this routinely, as do many other nations. UHC would be a step towards that, and it could greatly improve quality of life for many by more easily controlling the spread of pathogens through the population. If funding for war were cut, a portion of that could easily go to paying for a UHC system. There have been many tax paying Americans that have spoken out against their taxes being spent on war, is your argument any more valid than theirs? There have also been many tax paying Americans that have wanted a UHC system, but their argument is no less valid than yours. A middle ground needs to be struck in a situation like this, and too many people are looking at it in black and white, when it is a much more complicated issue than that. Also, this is fairly interesting. I'm pretty sure UHC would be cheaper.
  23. I'm sorry but I just read the ESRB summary, and it is hilarious! It goes from very direct and structured to some of those quotes and descriptions XD
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