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Everything posted by Sepherose
Skyrim System Requirements to be Announced Monday
Sepherose replied to Mitch2129's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Maybe this? For those that don't want to click the link: I don't know how reliable that is though. Still waiting on the official stuffs :D -
Well, if it is a DLC... simply don't buy it. It really is that simple. I have seen many games where I think a zombie survival DLC would be pretty cool. Skyrim at least has that, and it could easily fit the lore. A powerful necromancer decides he is tired of hiding, etc. I read quite a few threads about GTA4 along this line of thought, and I always thought it was silly that people kept saying it would ruin the game, even though it would have been a completely optional experience. The same goes here, if it were a DLC, it's optional, so simply don't buy it.
AHG! Can't... comprehend... the AWESOME! :psyduck:
So putting that in my siggy.... :thumbsup:
I already have the CE ordered with same day shipping... >.> <.< Otherwise I would go for this...
Looks to be neat :D
Hmmmm.... I may do this...
You are far to negative, at no point did he suggest it was a bad thing. He was simply pointing out that the majority of the improvements in FNV from FO3 come from community mods for FO3. And yes I would say its fully justifable to include mods for both games when comparing them, thats like saying "we cant use DLCs to compare the two either!" Before you go saying "oh well thats because the console versions cant use mods." Yes we know that, thats the choice you make when you pick to play from a console, to deny yourself the use of mods, and any gaming attachments you could possibly desire. That doesnt change the validity of the comparison. Hell the mods for FO3 and FNV keep the games going longer than the official content ever could. Community contributions are a part of it all and should be recognized to give a fair comparison. Now FNVs companion wheel is a seldom mentioned great asset to the game. I like being able to access things easily without having to go through the same line of gibberish each time. And yes the DT is a much better system. As well as the expanded faction system. However the abandonment of Karma effects is a negative score. As for the music, a lot of it is just the same tracks from FO3 with an instrument or two added to enhance it. While most of them it makes sound even better yes. Its far from original. (were not talking radio here.) However both have the Existance 2.0 mod, which far surpasses any of the IG music and radio for both games. Ummm, no. Not in the area of game play altering mods. No DLC did that. You can then nix mods out when comparing the two, the same can be said for mods that alter the feel of the environment, I will explain. When comparing two games on their own merit, you can not take into account user made modifications, because by definition, they would no longer be standing on their own merit alone. Problem you run into with that is that a lot of the key features in FNV are from FO3 mods. Meaning those user created variants are the only reason they exist in the FNV game. (well you could argue they would have come up with similar but we honestly can never know for sure about that.) So to remove such things that were so innovative to the series that the developers went right along and said "you know what? Were putting that in!" kinda makes the comparison a bit biased. If you are going to compare two games you compare them on their off the shelf, vanilla merits and flaws. That is simply the end of it. When you bring mods into the equation, all you are doing is making the entire comparison overly complicated to the point where you will have a different opinion for every person that pipes up, because they most likely have a different mod load installed on their copy of the game. So what if NV incorporates mod mechanic introduced in Fo3? It means the devs listened and watched. It's part of the vanilla NV experience at that point, therefore a solid point to make. It doesn't matter that it was a mod for Fo3, because it was not a vanilla aspect of Fo3, and many of those required FOSE to actually work, which is a third party plugin not even built using the devkit. NV, again, had these features out of the box. No complex mod installs, no waiting three days/weeks/months for someone to add weapon mods to guns in the game, etc. It also had better companions out of the box with their own stories. It had a much more complex faction interaction than Fo3 out of the box as well. The list goes on with this stuff. NV is superior in gameplay asepcts, in my opinion, because I didn't have to wait for modders to add the cool weapon modkits and a better companion system, iron sights, a better damage system, etc... The devs at least gave us a head start on those things. As for story and setting: I'm a sucker for something closer to the first two games, so I prefer NV.
You are far to negative, at no point did he suggest it was a bad thing. He was simply pointing out that the majority of the improvements in FNV from FO3 come from community mods for FO3. And yes I would say its fully justifable to include mods for both games when comparing them, thats like saying "we cant use DLCs to compare the two either!" Before you go saying "oh well thats because the console versions cant use mods." Yes we know that, thats the choice you make when you pick to play from a console, to deny yourself the use of mods, and any gaming attachments you could possibly desire. That doesnt change the validity of the comparison. Hell the mods for FO3 and FNV keep the games going longer than the official content ever could. Community contributions are a part of it all and should be recognized to give a fair comparison. Now FNVs companion wheel is a seldom mentioned great asset to the game. I like being able to access things easily without having to go through the same line of gibberish each time. And yes the DT is a much better system. As well as the expanded faction system. However the abandonment of Karma effects is a negative score. As for the music, a lot of it is just the same tracks from FO3 with an instrument or two added to enhance it. While most of them it makes sound even better yes. Its far from original. (were not talking radio here.) However both have the Existance 2.0 mod, which far surpasses any of the IG music and radio for both games. Ummm, no. Not in the area of game play altering mods. No DLC did that. You can then nix mods out when comparing the two, the same can be said for mods that alter the feel of the environment, I will explain. When comparing two games on their own merit, you can not take into account user made modifications, because by definition, they would no longer be standing on their own merit alone.
If you love the nexus "post yes here" lets try to get over 1.m
Sepherose replied to XxPockieNinjaxX's topic in Off-Topic
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohdear: I got over excited.... -
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTT!!!! That means I don't have to learn a completely different program like I was expecting. :biggrin: Theoretically at least, if I don't like something in the first couple days I should be able to change it myself without too much trouble. Hmmmmmm, anyone want to place bets as to when the first Skyrim Mod gets posted on here? I say give it about an hour from release XD
I actually managed to get a copy of the CE for 360 ordered, but anyone that has talked to me about my gaming habits knows that I always get console first, so I can play through the vanilla game without modding it. I then later get the PC version for modding, either for personal practice or to play some of the awesome mods from Nexus :D
No, it is not. It is stated in black and white (or green and black rather), that he was a monster both physically and mentally in fallout 2. You really should play through it again and find out everything there is to know about Horrigan in game, or look up the transcripts of the game dialogue files, or rip open the game files yourself if you own it. I'm not saying this to be rude, but I have both opened the game files and seen it in game, and I think it is pertinent to this discussion.
Look, flippantly disregarding minngarm's posts is very rude. I have been reading his posts, and he knows more than you give credit for. As for Horrigan, play through Fallout 2 again. There are many references to him being a more than capable combatant even without his advanced equipment before he was mutated. As for his mental state possibly getting in the way of his ability to be loyal to the Enclave, it wouldn't. Even after completely losing it, he was still loyal to the Enclave chain of command.
Yes he did say that. Besides Horrigan was just crazy they never said anything about him being anymore physically fit then a normal trooper. People like Lanius, Ulysses, and the Courier are not common especially with the relatively soft living of an Enclave trooper. Actually, about Horrigan: That is from this page, and the main point in it is the first line. Lanius was looked at in a similar light. All of that can be confirmed by the game files from Fallout 1 if you would like to verify. The bottom line is that you are mistaken, not completely wrong, but mistaken.
....... I keep getting a 502 error when I try to connect to the server. EDIT: Nvm... it's working now...
You read about Horrigan, then say that all Enclave soldiers wouldn't fit into the same concept as Lanius. And Horrigan was a monster before all the augments. People like him were not a complete anomaly in the Enclave. Now, I will say that infiltrating a nation like the NCR would be easier, but that does not make the Legion impervious to a potential Enclave remnant getting into the ranks. Especially after the fall of the Enclave. Also: And: So yes, you did say it wasn't possible, and no, minngarm did not say it would be easier infiltrating the Legion over the NCR.
And never overestimate them as well. Which is exactly what you are doing. I choose a middle ground: The Legion would be tough to infiltrate, and tougher to integrate into, but it is possible. There is literally no reason it wouldn't be possible considering that you get to witness multiple times where exceptions were made to the typical rule of how one becomes a legionnaire. Ulysses is a good example of this, as he was conscripted, meaning he was at the very least a teenager. As is Lanius, he was brought into the Legion AFTER the battle of Hoover damn, this is evident because Graham never knew him. Also, it is no secret that Lanius hates Caesar. It is mentioned in game at least a few times. Even though he hates him, he still respects him. But these are two high profile cases where someone who actually has reason to completely screw the Legion are knowingly put directly into a position where they could. These two characters do prove my point that under the right circumstances, the Legion could be fooled.
Except Cassidy, and Raul both make mention of traders being allowed free travel through the heart of Legion territory, and plans MUST be sent through the ranks, meaning there could always be a leak of intel somewhere. Also, the plans on how to deal with any enemy of the Legion must be sent through the ranks if they are to do anything about it. I seem to recall idle chatter about the Great Khans amongst the typical Legion troops.
Its simple technology not some advanced futuristic heating element. 2. The same board idea can be said about NCR but its not true. Enclave want genocide against anyone who isnt a pure human and want to bring back Pre-War America and Democracy which is what the NCR want(minus the genocide) which is the whole reason Caesar has such a Vendetta against the NCR he HATES Democracy and sees the NCR as just trying to resurrect the system that caused the great war to begin with. Caesar is just as Ideologically apposed to the Enclave as he is the NCR which he states ingame to be the whole reason for the war. 3. Answer marharth I never said that Graham wasn't a part of the founding of the Legion for that part, so if you have somehow come to the conclusion I did, you are wrong. As for a trader could help destroy the Legion? It's called ears. Everyone has them, and no matter what, someone is going to say something they shouldn't at various times around a trader. All they have to do is send that info along various channels. Your comment about the NCR's and the Enclave's specific goals do not fall into what I said: I was talking about base mindset, and no, the NCR do not fall under that banner fully. They are not nearly as xenophobic, which is half of the entire mindset of the two factions. A ballistic fist is NOT a simple piece of tech, sorry. You can argue it all you want, but to design it in a way to not destroy the hand or wrist of the user would require advanced engineering, same with the thermic lance. These are not things you can put together at random in your garage and have them be safe for general use. Also an artillery gun is NOT simple, nor basic tech, and the Legion was more than happy to use one. A chainsaw powered by fusion batteries is not simple tech either, but the Legion uses them as well, and maintains them. These are all points against the Legion having an fanatical anti-tech mindset. As for Caesar's ideological opposition to the NCR or Enclave, pure skill and usefulness can circumvent that. The mole the Legion has in the NCR that you have to stop from blowing up the train is a good example (he was part of the NCR before their contact with the Legion). Even though he is on the side of the Legion, it could have easily gone a different direction, like him telling the Legion he would help them but keeping the NCR informed. Exceptions are made, and your character is not the only one in existence, even at the time of the second battle for Hoover Dam.
Where is the great divide
Sepherose replied to Rattlerx5150's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
The road you travel down is supposed to be a real one, from what I recall of the interviews. -
Big MT has been cannon since before FO3, just to let you know. As for the part about linear stories, that is your opinion. Everyone has their own. I personally loved how dynamic the end sequence was in NV, much more than FO3's "endings". I put the quotes there because there were almost no shades of grey in FO3's endings. They had advertised many different endings, not simply two. I don't like to see an open world game where your choices don't have an effect on the outcome.
God damn it i need to stop making a new game every damn time a new DLC comes out so i can play this stuff sooner. Was Caesar involved or was he on his own? Dont explain if he was on his own. If Caesar was involved then who is to say they wouldnt pull the same thing with the Enclave? I think i just won. How precisely did you just win? You stated that wasn't possible. This simply is not true. If Caesar saw a use for one of them, then he might extend the offer, in exactly the same fashion he did to you. And to point a few other things out: 1. You use modern tech or advanced tech just like the Enclave. Also, the Legion does not abhor all tech, they use ballistic fists, thermic lances, and use peices of advanced armor in their own armor designs. It is modern medicine that they primarily have a problem with. 2. There is no difference to the base mindset of either faction: They are both xenophobic and believe everyone should fall in line with their "better way of life". 3. The average trader can go deeply into Legion territory unmolested, meaning traders have something pretty close to a free pass. This is referenced many, many times. Yes they may have to let the Legion know that they are trading in the territory, but still. These are all things that make it fairly plausible that Enclave remnants could infiltrate the Legion.
What he said^ The chances of a child spy successfully integrating the Legion and very low. The Enclave could brainwash a child but thats 2 or 3 years of brainwash vs growing up in the Legion. Then you have the low survival rate in the Legion so the child is very likely to die. Oh and your still forgetting about how rank in the Legion works which is not given like normal ranks in NCR or Enclave rank in the Legion is given by ability in Combat which further reduces odd of the spy getting anywhere. Plus the child has to remember how to contact the Enclave from age 7 with no notes, or radios, or anything because these would be found etc... Chance of success: 1 in 100,000 @Sepherose Twisted Hairs, White Legs read about them. The Legion wont accept outsiders into their Ranks not in such a way at least. They would set up the Enclave as an ally then when the time is right betray them like they have time and time again. I know about both of them, and I knew how Legion conquered the tribes before New Vegas was ever even hinted at. Try reading the Van Buren Design docs, specifically the ones about Legion. It is possible. I never said it was likely.