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Status Updates posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. My account has been blocked from the RP section. AS of now, this account is being closed. Goodbye, everyone. It was nice working with you.
  2. *peeks in and leaves an elf, elf makes candies*
  3. Hmm.. where did that extra Kudos come from?
  4. *peeks in* on the subject of Kudos, you have to earn it. I give them to people who are good writers, or good at drawing usually. Although, you do get rating stars from my simply because you like Baldur's Gate as well as I do..
  5. Why, thank you! I'll see you later on! *Psycho attack*
  6. *throws cakes, pies and cookies at you and runs away laughing*
  7. *finds the tiny ticking present, and leaves it on your Kudos, pets cat with pirate hat you dropped on my head*
  8. *Peeks in for no reason* Sup. *goes off to kill lady in the shower in his hotel* ri ri ri ri AAAAGH *SLASH*
  9. And to you, random peeking lady! I was just seeing if you were into any writing things.

    Happy Halloween, Merry Samhain, etc. to you as well! Wiccans FTW! Excuse me, there's a Midget Shotgunner killing me in Borderlands

  10. *sends Gollum* She has the precious!
  11. Hmm, pies and pizza? I got counters! *Launches wedding cakes out of Catapults, and fires twizzlers using a slingshot (as a crossbow would not work)*
  12. Two can play at this game! *releases a ton of Ewoks from Star Wars, to distract the children, and starts shooting you with Chocolate Covered Almonds*
  13. Happy Halloween Everyone! Let's hope you don't encounter anything Psychotic!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mythicdawnmaster


      You must have good trade-in prices- I imagine if i took all those games in, i'd get a few pounds tops.
    3. Naktis


      Wow you are lucky indeed. Wish I could afford so many games.
    4. BaldurAnthology


      Not all mine, mate. My room mate and I both sacrificed games. we both get games, and share back and forth.
  14. *waits til you're in the shower and Norman Bates you* Ri ri ri ri ri SLASH
  15. Double comment problem= solved. I just deleted the extras.
  16. Hey all. The weather's turned pretty bad due to Hurricane Sandy making it's way inland. Although it's once again down to a tropical storm, I may go out of contact. I hope to god that the power stays on, and the water stays hot, and the internet doesn't fail.Good luck everyone on the North American Eastern Seaboard, and I hope to stay on the Nexus.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flipout6


      Heh, did look outside today, big dark layer of clouds that looked to be spinning hurricane style. Still, I don't estimate it being all that bad. Now that I've said that I'll have a tree fall on me or something, life can be like that =P
    3. BaldurAnthology


      Weell.. I just got power back, and my room is steadily warming again.
    4. VisseNekku5746


      Oh well, being alive is usually a plus, right? Surely by now it's all fine again.
  17. Old man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch
  18. Aye. Steam won't work for some dumb reason, and my Skype won't connect properly either. :C I'll try downstairs later.
  19. Still waiting on your post.. or I'm gonna take over Cathy and move her, so I can use Tomoyo again.
  20. Is that so? Well, I hope you can see them again someday. Semi related topic to wales and whatnot, I love the Celts, and their music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld2dDbmVWUg This is simply amazing, and the girl who plays it is cute and adorable. You should check it out.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld2dDbmVWUg check this OUUUT! I know you will simply LOVE this girl! she's an AWESOME musician, and uber cute too :D
  22. Problem is, Naomi, the airfare is expensive, not to mention the lack of a passport on my part, or the cash, or TIME to fly out to Wales.
  23. I am sorry, I was not aware you had actually LEFT.
  24. Heyo. You can post in Beyond the Sea, also you forgot about the Fallout RP
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