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Status Updates posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. Just so you know, if she is approved, she isn't in Megaton, she is closer to he camp they have made. I was planning to have her trip over my other char Sandro. You could leave megaton, join us. We are not that far away
  2. Also.. in spirit of fairness, I will allow you to create a new character sheet and rejoin My RP. I killed of Mirabelle, as you were banned, and that battle was bull anyway, since I had claimed the town, However, I am not here to argue or debate. You get one chance, as you have me one chance. One warning. you get warned once. After that, kicked. Deal?
  3. Right, in the sake of attempting to loosen up a bit, I have posted a char sheet for you to look at. Dealing with a bit of a fanboy here, so don't get annoyed if I correct something, like an Animagus is someone who can change them self into a specific animal at will. Not exactly a werewolf
  4. Just watched Brave. It was seriously awesome! I even cried at one part. Seriously Impressive! I don't cry for anything!
  5. I did not see that. Where does he do it? I will tell him off for that too. Also, he doesn't seem to listen anyway, so what's the bloody point?
  6. Greetings, Newcomer! Welcome to the Tales of Faerun RP!
  7. sorry, I had brain fart
  8. could you acknowledge the greeting and then have him depart plz? I don't want my research to be for nothing :)
  9. I will let that last one go.. as you were warning the other.. but do not OOC again!
  10. I may not be the only one, but I am the one you are testing the patience of.
  11. 3 warnings. One more and you are on your first strike. I saw what you did in the RP
  12. I run the RP, so I am allowed to issue warnings about the use of OOC, whether in or out of the RP. YOu are currently sitting on 2 warnings for OOC behavior. one more warning. Then you get a strike. I am not in a happy mood today, a lot of s*** has gone on, so do not test my patience. You have been warned
  13. You are not getting Falkreath, I already decided you could take Whiterun or Windhelm, or Dawnstar, not Falkreath. Falkreath and Markarth are mine.
  14. Your post, Brown Cow!
  15. Posting or not? and if you want to respond you have to comment on my profile, not yours, just to let ya know
  16. My boy, I posted in Tamriel, and it concerns you! (RP)
  17. Happy Canada Day!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


      Thank you, eh! Yeah, we Canadians take this day to drink beer and eat maple syrup, eh? Ha!
    3. Flipout6


      happy former canada day to me! Canada ftw!
    4. Flipout6


      happy former canada day to me! Canada ftw!
  18. DAWNGUARD! I am getting it tomorrow! WOOT!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


    3. mythicdawnmaster


      Ah, what a satisfyingly evil DLC... how i enjoyed using Auriels bow to... oops, almost had ourselves a SPOILER... that would have been catastrophic...
    4. mythicdawnmaster


      Ah, what a satisfyingly evil DLC... how i enjoyed using Auriels bow to... oops, almost had ourselves a SPOILER... that would have been catastrophic...
  20. For all on my friends list etc. We need more people on the Tales of Faerun RP. I can provide a link if necessary, but we need more people
    1. Naktis


      Heh good idea! ;) I was thinking about writing something like this in a few Forgotten Realms groups on DeviantArt. Or is that a bad idea? O_o
  21. Yes I do. Thank you very much for writing it. I will take your suggestions into account, genius kid! Seriously, I am way above average intelligence, but you dwarf me in terms of writing, and many other sh*t as well
  22. My statement still stands. I would love some creative feedback from one this good at writing. The first spoiler bar in my signature has link to my story.
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