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Status Updates posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. Ugh.. crappy weather... no wonder I slept in today..
  2. Advertising a free survival pvp server for Minecraft. No Mods, IP is
    1. AnotherAverageName


      My brother wants to know what your name is on minecraft. (my brother) He wonders if you are Bryce246 or something. Like I said, its my brother...not me. I don't play minecraft.
    2. AnotherAverageName


      My brother wants to know what your name is on minecraft. (my brother) He wonders if you are Bryce246 or something. Like I said, its my brother...not me. I don't play minecraft.
    3. BaldurAnthology


      I am Kingkahn222 on Minecraft
  3. Hey! Feeling better?
  4. Would have Pmed you, but it said "Maharg67 cannot receive any new PMs" Perhaps your inbox is full? Anyway, A friend of mine wrote a story and is looking for feedback. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753229-that-old-lonesome-road/page__pid__6053259__st__10#entry6053259

    It's called That Old Lonesome Road. Check it out please?

  5. Once again, thanks for the support. I do that as well as other things. However, "Talented" writer as I may be, I still have earned several people's Ire. I thought you were going to join Heart of Hearts? what happened to that?
  6. *sets aside the custard cause he doesn't like custard but enjoys the ice cream and cake, taking shelter from the thrown rocks cause people don't seem to like him right now, and who can blame em after his temper problem?"
  7. *strolls into your profile, dodging thrown rocks and hides behind your status update, stealing a piece of cake*
  8. Thanks for your support.
  9. *hides cakes in your profile behind your contact information panel and ninja's away*
  10. Right. Back from a session with my anger management counselor and therapist. I wish to apologize for all the a*hole behavior that I have shown in recent days and posts. I do not excuse of condone these actions, but I wish to explain that I let my anger get the better of me, and that I am working on fixing it. I do not count that as an excuse, my actions were wrong. I just ask for understanding and forgiveness. Mythic, I probably don't get any from you, so don't add your two cents in please.
  11. "Supermodels, PFEH! nothing super about them. Spoiled stick figures with poofy lips. I used to design for gods!" Edna from The Incredibles. Gotta admit, she has a point....
  12. *indicates where he hid the cakes*
  13. *hides the eclairs he stole from Mythic over here*
  14. Wrote a short story called Thrill of the Hunt. Thoughts on it?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


      There is a debate even in the game itself whether it is Riften or Rifton
    3. mythicdawnmaster


      Well, i am standing by the way it is labeled on the map.
    4. Naktis


      Ooh! Very nice little story you have here. I always forget that there's a place for writers on the forums. xD
  15. *runs away with the eclairs he stole before Itildin can figure it out*
  16. I just got back from The Dark Knight Rises. I must say, it was probably THE most epic thing I have seen all year. I HIGHLY recommend you lot see it when it is available in your country, or if you got the spare cash.
    1. Naktis


      That's cool. I myself prefer the old Batman though the Dark Knight was cool.
    2. naomis8329


      Not been to the cinema for ages, should g I guess xxx
  17. Thought I'd take after Ithildin. Kudos Added yesterday.
  18. Hey Micalov! Thanks for the add!
  19. Is that so? Oh, and I still have you on ignore, so if you are tryin to message me, don't bother. We aren't buddy buddy yet, but I am willing to offer a truce. So long as you don't start things, I will not either. Can't get fairer than that.
  20. That's a shame. It had potential. Ah well, live and lose, better than not livin at all, true?
  21. Likewise sorry to post on your profile. I removed the excess. I have also pointed people in the direction of your Wands and Broomsticks RP. No sense in there being open hostility, eh?
  22. Fanfic I'm reading, check it out, or not, This is mainly for my use http://soulriders.net/brian/fanfic/kbdh/kbdh11/
    1. BaldurAnthology


      Note to self, on chapter 16
  23. Compliments on the anime pic! Saw your comments browsing my friend's profiles to check if they were online, and I just wanted to pop in and say hello! On a side note, I would love if you joined Heart of Hearts, based off the Inheritance books (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance) by Christopher Paolini that I run with TokyoBleach. Or Tales of Faerun, which AurianaValoria1 runs.
  24. Need members for Heart of Hearts RP. Also, could use new people in Tales of Faerun. Join us please!
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