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About InActionMan64

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  1. Without checking, Your saying that GetDistance3d returns the distance from the outer edge of the explosion but you want to know what the distance is from the point of impact + 128. if you used GetDistance3d, then added GetExplosionRefRadius, this should give you the point of impact. So... say (Distance = 300 units) + (radius = 50) == point of impact, - 128 units = DANGERZONE. Yes ?
  2. You could.... Put a Collision box around it and an activator around that. Have the activator deactivate the Collison Box when the player enters with the explosive in their inventory. Remove the explosive from the players inventory, set an explosion to destroy the wall, and have the player pushed back from the blast (optionally with minor damage). This is scriptable.
  3. Begin Onactivate DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackPermanent SexChange Con_Save GENDERSWAPSAVE Scriptwait 240 ; JIP functiom Con_LoadGame GENDERSWAPSAVE RemoveImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackPermanent ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeInFromBlack4sISFX ShowMessage aaGenderCoffinMSSG EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 END
  4. Hi, Yes the first version is up, FCI TTW - Revision Have a look, see if you want to jump in Cheers
  5. Looking for additional Beta Testers for my, very buggy, mod(s). Anyone wanna help out, nothing too strenuous, just play and then scream the problems at me on Discord. Let me know..
  6. How about lowering the players stats, after the brain extraction ? Deactivates some of the perks, drops all mental functions by a %, and reduces physical attributes. Those brains in jars don't actually know what they're doing, yeah the auto-doc did most of the work but Darla screwed around at the end. Do it all through the Brainless, Heartless, Spineless Perks. Have each apply additional debuffs, making OWB more challenging. Thoughts ?
  7. Added to the Portal. Cheers
  8. I can't see any way to add a NEW tag, or request it. Is there a way and I've missed it or ....
  9. Yeah, that seems completely do-able. Copy the Ghoul Mask effect into a Perk and reward the player at the end of the quest. Alternatively, anytime you're heavily irradiated you get mistaken as a ghoul.
  10. A Quest that runs every ??? seconds to check addiction state and then do whatever you want.
  11. If you're truly done with a note, as in happy to lose it rather than archive it, it would be possible. Solution 1 You could setup a Terminal. Have it dynamically build, from a pre-set list, entries that would purge any Note that has been read for the specific mod. This would give you control over which Note is kept and for which mod. Solution 2 Set an EventHandler for every time you finish reading a note(s), that displays a "Are you Finished With That ?" message. If [OK] then the note(s) would be purged. Solution 3 Create an Ingestible that would work like the EventHandler but for ALL read Note's. The Problem It would be very time-consuming to make any of these and whichever one ended up being made would have a very limited appeal. Possible... You could try ySI Catergories and see if they can help with creating an Archives category for Read Notes. Hope this helps.
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