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Everything posted by CrashMasterJMM

  1. Xarnac, seriously.... how hard would it be for some damn good blacksmith to make a metal tube closed off on one end with a chamber for an explosive material packed paper / parchment "led" ball round, slap it on a wooden stock with a simple spring and lever trigger? I know there are chemicals and other materials that can explode on impact in RPG's like Dungeons And Dragons, and in real life, without the need of some sort of primer or flint to make a spark. I fixed guns in Army. As complicated as guns are now... what I just described is REALLY simple. Essentially, It'd be equivalent in accuracy to a revolutionary war rifle. They were accurate enough to do the job, even without modern day rifling in the barrel. No need for industry... just really good hands, a little mechanical know-how and lots of patients. Especially if you're gonna teach others how to make the components as well. As far as mass production goes... may-haps there is none in Tamriel in this era, but here's a reasonable scenario that negates needing it - [ Quartermaster: "Hey... we need THIS many rifles for a small squad of special soldiers... how long will it take?" Blacksmith: "It takes me X amount of days to make ONE... so.... a month." ] As far as magic being better than a fire arm... "Whooptie-do for magic users!" Not everyone in Skyrim knows magic, and a player may not WANT to use it. Same goes for a bow. Maybe a farm hand can't draw an arrow fast enough to shoot a wolf attacking his live stock from outside of a bow's affective range and needs a faster projectile of better range to kill it. And even more simple than that... the player may just enjoy the SADISTIC FUN blowing some one or some THING away with a BOOM-STICK! By the way... Davis237834, if you're still alive and watching this thread... I found this at Planet Elder Scrolls.. maybe you can talk with the maker of this mod and co-produce your mod. Gun - BOOM STICK mod for Oblivion http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=430
  2. The game has giant steam ROBOTS made by the ancient dwarves. If "steam-bots" can be made by an ancient extinct race, these rifles aren't a far cry from being plausible.
  3. If the dwarves could make steam ROBOTS, breach loaders wouldn't be a far stretch, lol!
  4. A little update... I ended up finding an option I didn't explore in the multiple marriage mod that suffices for now. However, my new problem is that the spouses I send to my house all just want to stay on one floor. I have chairs and small tables on the basement floor along with crafting stations. Second floor has beds and more chairs Top floor has my master bedroom. I figured the beds would give the npc's an incentive to follow their sleep routine... but they simply stay in the basement. Is there something I didn't do to give AI further incentive?
  5. I'm learning the Creation Kit... Just created a new house, generated a nav-mesh, and linked the door to the outside world. (( it's my version of Leomund's Tiny Hut from AD&D )) Now... I would like to know how to make Skyrim believe that it is a player home, so I can send my spouse there to live there. I already have the Multiple Marriage mod if that is one requirement. I'd assume even in vanilla Skyrim, your spouse will still want to know where to live, and I'd like my new modded house to be that place.
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