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Everything posted by crawe1x

  1. Totally worth it. I've sunk 2500+ hours into FO4 thanks to mods, etc. Great game, despite its flaws. And what game doesn't have flaws?
  2. At a glance, the perk changes make a lot of sense. I won't lie. It will initially feel odd not being able to magically double my firearms damage. But that's too bad and I look forward to getting used to this new system. Some of the vanilla perks just make no sense at all. Was this the case in previous Fallout games or is it just a FO4 thing?
  3. The Mossberg animations are looking good! This is based on your Hunting Shotgun animations, correct? Great work that you and Deadpool did on that weapon.
  4. Personally, I think we could do away with magical effects altogether. The big problem with the vanilla game is that Beth puts the 'magical effect' on the weapon rather than the ammo type. So we have explosive rifles as opposed to rifles firing exploding rounds. Things like Explosive, Irradiated, Incendiary, Plasma Infused, etc. should be handled via the ammo - which I think you already have covered, right? (So many elements to the mod that I can'r remember all the features. :laugh: ) Penetrating could be interpreted as armor-piercing rounds. Even Two-Shot could be reinterpreted as some sort of fragmenting round. Crippling and Kneecapper type effects could be automatically added to shotgun shells. It's a unique effect for this type of scattered ammo. This would make shotguns a genuinely useful weapon type - right now they're useless unless you add the Explosive effect, at which point they become way overpowered. Of course, Never-ending is a lost cause - and good riddance. Other magical effects are already covered by things like receivers. Powerful and Rapid are examples of this, i.e. Advanced, Heavy, Rapid receivers, Hair Triggers, etc. Many of your new ranged legendary effects sound good, but even they could be a result of Barrels, Stocks, and other moddable categories.
  5. Seems like a good choice to me. Looking forward to unleashing it on unsuspecting behemoths!
  6. The Barrett looks great. Yes, I think most of us can appreciate the amount of work involved. In terms of labor and ambition, I think WARS has more in common with major projects such as Sim Settlements rather than just another weapon mod. Very much looking forward to the release, however long it takes.
  7. No, I barely even know what Discord is. :wink: I'm not really into instant messaging and chat-rooms. And I thought I was the only one! :wink:
  8. @Bottletopman: Yes, these are all good points that you're making. It just shows how poor some of the game mechanics are and how bad Beth is when it comes to balancing. To be honest, I think they've always had these problems. Skyrim had similar issues. The difference was that their previous games broke new ground and so people tended to overlook these problems. FO4, on the other hand, doesn't break new ground (the settlement system could have been something special, except they half-assed it). As a result, if a game doesn't break new ground, then it needs to be a great game in terms of mechanics, story, combat systems, etc. Problem is, FO4 isn't - it's a good game, at times highly enjoyable, but not a great game. Anyway, I'm going WAY off topic - sorry to high jack the thread, antistar, but I think it demonstrates just how much frustration there is with FO4 and why people are so excited by your projects.
  9. You do know what game balance is, right? Previous Fallout games had automatic guns dealing less damage than their semi auto counterparts despite using the same ammo for balancing reasons. Yes, but just because the game designers did it in previous games doesn't mean it's the right approach. What that tells me is that they have been making the same mistake over and over. Which sounds like laziness or madness. In terms of balancing, the downside of automatic weapons shouldn't be a huge loss in power, but greater recoil and less accuracy. The weapons in general are way under-powered in the vanilla FO4 game. I've had to double the damage on most weapons in my game. In the case of shotguns and miniguns, I'm close to quadrupling their damage because they're pretty much useless otherwise (unless you use the explosive magical effect, in which case they suddenly become far too overpowered). On top of raising the weapons' damage, I'm using a mod that triples all my damage and quintuples the enemy damage. Suddenly battles become interesting, as opposed to the ludicrous bullet sponging of the vanilla game.
  10. My favorite word. I don't care about how real/arcade or deep/shallow something is as long as its clean and tidy :happy: Absolutely!
  11. antistar, seriously, every time you release a new update report, I have to pause and consider whether I want to continue with my current playthrough, or just ditch it and wait a few months until WARS comes out. I'm actually not a fan of having too many modded weapons in my game. I've tried to limit myself to just Deadpool's mods, but as the playthrough progresses, the number of other mods gradually creeps up and the whole thing starts to become very messy. What I love about WARS is that you're fixing Beth's failings on the existing weapons, filling in any gaps regarding missing weapons, and providing us with a consistent all-in-one system. Fantastic work and really looking forward to the project once it is complete.
  12. Cool, got it. That dynamic naming system sounds like a really nice idea.
  13. Hey antistar, quick question - apologies if it's already been asked and answered, but this thread is becoming quite the epic tome! :laugh: What sort of naming procedure will you be using - generic names (i.e. "Combat Shotgun", "Combat Rifle", etc.) or specific names (USAS-12, Mini-14, etc.)? Also, depending on which way you decide to go, will it be simple to create our own names using FO4Edit? In most other weapon mods, changing the names takes a couple of seconds, but there are a few exceptions.
  14. I used to be an avid DCMS user, but I also wanted to use Sim Settlements, which wasn't compatible. So for my current playthrough, I finally uninstalled DCMS and replaced it with Sim Settlements. I haven't looked back. Sure, there are a few things I miss about DCMS, but I can live without them. DCMS greatly improved on Beth's poorly designed settlement building/management game dynamics. Sim Settlements, by comparison, reinvents the vanilla dynamics. On this playthrough, I'm enjoying building and managing my settlements in a way that didn't occur before, even with DCMS. So yes, it's a shame that DCMS is gone and probably won't be coming back, but life goes on. In Sim Settlements, we have a real game-changer of a mod, supported by a talented and dedicated author. @pra: Thanks for bringing BS Defence to my attention. I've been looking for something like this for a while now, but somehow never came across this mod. Should prove very useful.
  15. Sounds good! Really looking forward to it. :thumbsup:
  16. Hey antistar, the latest updates are looking great - as always. :tongue: From what I can gather, the SA80 is now definitely going to be making an appearance in WARS, correct? If so, will it be in the initial release or is it something for down the road? From your 'maybe' list, is the BAR still a strong possibility? I know there's been talk about the problems of implementing belt-fed LMGs, but I think if done right, considering their power and range, a mag-fed LMG, i.e. something like the BAR, is more than adequate. I mean, twenty shots from something like that should be more than enough!
  17. Sounds great. Maybe I missed this, but is there any chance of adding a "track damage" function after the attack had been defended against? DCMS had this feature and it made life a whole lot easier.
  18. Genuinely curious... What sort of bugs are we talking about? I'm using NMM with 200 odd mods and have no problems that I'm aware of. I've made a few patches along the way, but other than that, NMM works like a charm for me.
  19. To an extent, I agree with most of the comments on this thread, but in the end, I think the above actually makes the most sense. From my personal experience, most corporations are run my their marketing departments, who have very little understanding of the product they are marketing, be it a car, a computer game, or a range of fast food. They're 'clever' young people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Typically over-qualified and under-educated. In the case of Beth, I'll bet most of the people working on CC have no real understanding of the games they are marketing, let alone the modding community. They've just seen an opportunity and are trying to make money out of it. It's a combination of greed, ineptness, and laziness. I'm seeing the exact same process in the movie industry, which unfortunately is where I make my living. Regarding the mindset of many gamers, including Beth gamers, I think wanderer3292 is also right - most gamers have no understanding of the work that goes into a mod. All they want is free crap. :confused:
  20. Ah, I can see you are one of those mature, open-minded types. :laugh: Don't judge something until you try it. Yes, I spent a tiny amount of money, and having done so, won't be spending any more unless they come up with something truly amazing. As for your disappointment, I'm really not going to lose any sleep over it.
  21. Just saw your new posts of the Mossberg. Truly amazing work, antistar. There are some fantastic weapons mods out there, but WARS looks like it's in a league of its own!
  22. It doesn't sound like much of a pay wall on Beth's part! :laugh: It's interesting what you did there, but for now I'll stick with renaming an .esl to .esp, editing in FO4Edit, and then naming it .esl again. Honestly, I doubt I'll bother with any more of their micro DLCs. When it comes to weapons, I've already got more than I can even use. So unless Beth and the CC can offer something better than antistar's upcoming WARS mod, why bother?
  23. Yep, it was a good spot. Thanks for the tip :thumbsup:
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