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Everything posted by crawe1x

  1. For some reason, when it comes to shotguns, I find semi auto more satisfying. Plus I've hugely raised the damage on all the weapons in my game. I think my shotguns max out at over 600 damage, including perks. Plus I use Better Explosives, which amps up the explosions. So using fully auto in close combat could get pretty messy in unintended ways. :tongue:
  2. This is exactly what bothers me - they're over-used. Having said that, I agree, in the right circumstances, they can be fun. FO4, for all its flaws, is a very good game with a loyal long term fan-base, so fair enough.
  3. Fully upgraded semi-auto combat shotgun with explosive legendary effect. It kills everything, often including the person doing the firing.
  4. Yes, cossayos and I have already discussed this at length on other threads. :wink: Like him, I too had absolutely no problems with the mod. Having said that, some of the people who did claim to have problems were experienced mod users, so I wouldn't dismiss their opinions entirely. But I suspect that whatever problems they experienced were most likely down to conflicts. For instance, I clearly recall deciding not to install up to half a dozen other mods because they would have potentially conflicted with DCMS. Had I installed them, then I too would have possibly had problems. Now I'm sure DCMS did have some bugs here and there (what ambitious mod doesn't?), but whatever they were, for me at least, they were never game breaking - far from it. I do hope it returns. A genuine modding masterpiece and one that made the Nexus all the richer for it.
  5. Yeah, it's Easter eggs and nothing more. I've never understood the appeal, but game developers and filmmakers keep throwing them about - there's nothing particularly witty or clever about them. In my opinion, Easter eggs should only be the icing on the cake, once you've done a brilliant job with everything else. You've got to earn. Instead of adding Easter eggs, Beth should maybe focus on properly fixing some of their brilliantly conceived but poorly executed ideas, such as FO4's buggy and superficial settlement system.
  6. As someone who moved over from Skyrim to FO4, I feel very positive about the modding scene here. There's also - generally speaking - a very good vibe between the mod authors and the mod users. Right now, I have 150+ mods that have greatly enhanced the quality of my play-throughs. In fact, the main challenge is weeding out and uninstalling those mods that I like but don't really use. Yes, Skyrim has more mods. But from memory, there were times when it felt that 90% of them were nude body mods or skimpy clothing mods. There's still plenty of that stuff here too. :tongue: But there are also some great mods. It really is a case of looking around, but there's a lot to enjoy. The big quest mods and character mods are now coming out in trickles. Like Genolune says, there was Maxwell's World. There are others in the pipeline. Another area that has greatly improved in recent months are the weapons mods, which is down to the ability to do custom animations, etc. I find most of the weapons mods from the beginning of the year virtually unusable now. Currently, I'd say we're averaging half a dozen high quality weapons mods per month. There are plenty of settlement mods, though unfortunately the key settlement management mod, Don't Call Me Settler, is currently unavailable. Overall, as a modding layman, I'd say it's quality over quantity.
  7. I already have this version on my machine - downloaded it from the Nexus a couple of months before the mod disappeared. I'm pretty certain it's the last version because I was tracking the mod quite closely. Given that it was pretty much inactive for quite some time before he took it down, I think this is the one. But yeah, anyone looking to get hold of it off other sites should take the necessary precautions. It definitely appears to be available though, and I'm pretty certain this is the version number to be searching for.
  8. Yeah, 1.73 appears to be the latest version. It seems to be available on several Russian/Chinese sites if you do a quick search.
  9. Yeah, my characters and all my followers are ranged. Ada's just the one melee exception - that's how badass she is. :D
  10. I'm pretty sure I've got the latest version, but I can't check until I get home later today. Also, I haven't noticed any problems between DCMS and BS. I always load BS first, with DCMS very near the bottom of my load order.
  11. Ada IS pretty damn lethal when fully upgraded. I prefer to keep her melee only. It's quite satisfying standing back and watching her *censored*-slapping a gang of high-level supermutants like they're ragdolls. :happy:
  12. Are any of the scrapping mods - Scrap Everything, Spring Cleaning, etc. - available on PS4? They would let you achieve some of what you want to do (i.e. the emptiness, but not the flatness).
  13. You mean like this: http://falloutcascadia.com/ I think there are a few others currently in development. But like damanding says, these sorts of projects take years and involve large teams of experienced modders, I'm sure some of whom may even be professional game developers by day.
  14. Well you have a few options that do just that: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17315/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18002/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13702/? Personally, I use the first one. :thumbsup: Not sure if they're on PS4, but worth asking.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't DCMS also the first major mod that implemented immersive in-game holotapes to tweak the commands? Reason I ask is because I just started a new play-through with new mods, and suddenly I have a dozen of these useful holotapes. In fact, I think pretty much every heavily scripted mod now has one, which is a good thing.
  16. Very possibly. I do think the timing of Skyrim SE wasn't a good thing for FO4, particularly the modding side. I loved Skyrim at the time, but I spent two years playing and modding that game to death. As a PC gamer, I'm not sure why I would want to go back to it now - especially when the SE is no improvement on the vanilla PC game, let alone a modded version. I'd rather play FO4 for another year or so. Having played one major Beth title from each of their big franchises, all things being equal, I do prefer the Fallout world, though I'm probably in the minority.
  17. Very true! :happy: Seriously, of all the lines of background or 'ambience' dialogue Beth could have given them, surely they could have chosen something else. In this respect, I find Cait the most annoying - she always complains if I do something logical, like picking up scrap.
  18. I think Construct a Custom Companion is one of the most underrated mods on the site. But for me, it falls into the same category as DCMS, and possibly EFF - at their core, they're all truly excellent mods, but some of the bells and whistles can cause problems. In the case of Construct a Custom Companion, I keep it very simple. At the start of a new playthrough, I create a couple of bodyguards, who then pretty much serve me for the rest of the game. They're a constant who never leave my side, while other followers come and go. I do it this way, because I remember in the past, I had all sorts of problems dismissing these sorts of companions, using them as settlers, etc. I also found that the more of them I created, the more likely problems were to occur, which is why I limit myself to the two early on, and maybe a third later. Also, the whole name ring thing in that mod has never really worked for me. The instructions on how to use the rings aren't very well documented. Even before the author brought in this feature, I just used the 'setactorfullname' command in the console. There's a great little mod on this site that hugely expands the name library. If you put it near the top of your load order, it should work fine (I've had problems with it if it's further down the load order). I find that using this in relation to the console command works really well and gives you plenty of names to choose from. But yeah, overall settlements/settlers/provisioners are easily the most bugged part of this game, with or without mods.
  19. Yeah, when the game first came out, mod authors always offered a reminder to alter the ini files. Now, however, it's pretty much a given. As a result, the latest mods rarely mention this, so if you're new to modding FO4, it's not necessarily something you'll be aware of... That said, I thought I read somewhere that the ini files don't need to be altered anymore, but it was probably someone talking crap and honestly it's not something I've looked into since I made the changes myself over a year ago. So yeah, gamefever is right, check out Gopher - I've learnt so much from that guy ever since Skyrim came out.
  20. Also, I'm not sure how active the Mod Requests forum is right now. Last I checked, it seemed pretty quiet, though that was some weeks ago. If you haven't already done so, you may be better off checking the site and seeing if there is something similar already available for PC. If there is, you can then politely ask the mod author about his/her plans to port if over to PS4. Another option is to remain here in the Mod Talk forum, which is fairly active, and provide a clear and more detailed description of the sort of mod you're looking for - someone may be able to point you towards a similar existing mod or some 'white knight' may even like the idea and run with it.
  21. I think this sums it up pretty well. I just started a new playthrough, and yes, I'm really enjoying it. It's a very good game, I won't claim otherwise. BUT there's also this sense of a missed opportunity. There are so many times where I find myself thinking, "What a great idea, but if only they had implemented it differently, or if only they had approached this with a little more imagination or put a little more thought into it." Even with DCMS, the settlement side of the game is far from perfect. Yet the very fact that DCMS has become so key to many of us shows how far short Beth fell in some of these areas. Thing is, Beth has no real excuse. It's not like they're banging out a Fallout game every year. They've had years to get this game right. That one lone modder can come along and vastly improve their settlement system is a little embarrassing. As for the continued disappearance of DCMS, and more importantly the lack of word from a1a3a6a9, I'm not particularly confident we'll be seeing the return of DCMS any time soon, if at all. So if you have an old copy, better make a backup copy. :wink:
  22. I have no major problems with Preston, though he can be a bit self-righteous. I normally recruit him for his perk, and once I have that, I dump him at the Castle. Where I do have a problem is with the story-line, which doesn't really make sense. The problem is that in FO4, Beth has given us a very specific plot, which doesn't sit well with the open-world sandbox element of the game. When you come out of Vault 111, you're a grieving spouse and parent, hellbent on revenge and the need to save your child. Nothing should get in the way of that. You even tell Preston some of this after rescuing him. He offers you his sympathy - and then casually asks you to break off your personal quest to go kill the raiders at Corvega. If you do this, he then makes you the general and sends you off on other errands. None of this makes sense in regards to the main quest - your character just wouldn't go along with this. Skyrim was different in its set-up. It was less specific. You were just some random guy crossing a border, who gets mistaken by the Imperials as a rebel. As such, you have no personal stake in the main quest. Even when you discover you're the Dragonborn, it's vague enough that you can stall on the main quest without breaking immersion. To be fair, I actually prefer the FO4 main quest. I always found the Skyrim one tedious and dull. But the Skyrim one DOES fit better with Beth's sandbox approach. I think the only way for FO4's main quest to make sense is after you've rescued Preston from Concord, you need to head off to DC and focus on the main quest. You can then return to Preston when you learn that you will need help with the teleporter (assuming you want to do it with the Minutemen). In the interim, he has no doubt heard about your exploits. As a result, him making you the general makes more sense (it always feels so random when you save him, clear out Corvega, and then become general - it's too much too quick). At this point, it WOULD make sense to build settlements and recruit settlers - in theory (though not really in game-play). The teleporter is meant to be a big deal and should thus (again in theory only) benefit from having a community of allies to support you. This is how I always play the game and for me it's the only way to do so while maintaining some immersion.
  23. Yeah, I'm pretty certain you can't recruit Codsworth until after you've helped Preston and returned to Sanctuary Hills. However, you CAN turn Sanctuary into a settlement straight away. I started a new playthrough yesterday, left Vault 111, and had access to Sanctuary the moment I opened up the workstation. I remember doing something similar on previous playthroughs - and I'm pretty certain it's part of the vanilla game. But like I said, Codsworth won't be a companion and won't leave Sanctuary until after your return from Concord. I also use Unlimited Companion Framework (is this what you mean by EEF?) and Construct a Custom Companion - neither of them has ever bugged this part of the game for me. In the case of Unlimited Companion Framework, I seem to remember Expired going to great lengths early in the development to make his mod compatible with these sorts of aspects of the game. So yeah, maybe it's one of these mods, but I very much doubt it. I think it must either be another mod or just one of those random moments where the game just 'loses' it.
  24. I'd be very interested in a modular system. I use very few clothes mods - in fact, out of 150+ mods, I haven't got any major outfit mods currently loaded. That's partly because I like the vanilla outfits and partly because many clothing mods fixate on CBBE, which I'm not a fan of. However, it does feel odd when all my companions are wearing the same harness with the same pair of sneakers. So yeah, being able to mix things up would be cool.
  25. Yes, but that's understandable - and to some extent, a sign of the Nexus' success over the past few years. After all, Skyrim was Beth's crossover game. Sure, Oblivion, FO3, etc. were popular games. However, they didn't appear on the radar of the average non-gamer. In addition, there were a lot of gamers (such as myself) who were aware of them but didn't play them. Skyrim changed all that. Pretty much every serious gamer has a copy of it and even non-gamers are vaguely aware of it. Put it this way, I'll bet there are a lot of casual gamers out there who see FO4 as "Future Skyrim", and when the next TES game comes out, these people won't see it as TES VI, but as Skyrim 2. Thanks to Skyrim (and its continued use by YouTubers), the mod scene has exploded. So much so that even console players are becoming aware of it. Since 2011, modding has basically gone from being a niche to something far more mainstream. That increase in interest, however, will invariably lead to some dilution. Prior to Skyrim, there was a relatively small group of hardcore players - a large number of whom, by definition, were also modders. The current player base is far larger, but also more casual and therefore less likely to try its hand at modding. That's just the nature of the beast. You can't, unfortunately, have it both ways. On top of that, regarding the decline in new FO4 mods, I think there are many other factors at play. The six-month delay in the CK resulted in some loss of momentum - many modders got tired of waiting for it and moved on. The controversies that accompanied the launch of Beth.net left a nasty taste in the mouth, and again many talented modders moved on. The timing of Skyrim SE hasn't helped - it's sucked yet more modders away from FO4; it's also delayed modders from moving over to FO4. Finally, there are certain aspects of FO4 that just make it harder to mod - voiced protagonist, etc. Yet despite all this, there are still great mods coming out - perhaps not nearly as many as people had hoped, but plenty nonetheless.
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