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Posts posted by Jennifur68

  1. Its a lot higher poly than I tend to model and I agree it could probably benifit some optimization but then what I make tends to be used in real time rendering for IMVU and Second Life where you might have 20+ other human player avatars present in any given area so it needs to be efficient. My models for Skyrim tend to be the minimum poly count I can get away with as well and when I look at the vanilla skyrim weapon models some of them have six sided grips and minimal polys overall too so I'm not terribly concerned about making my meshes really high poly just to make super smooth rounded corners. Its all really about using the least you can and making squeezing the most out of it.
  2. I dowloaded your file and when I imported it to 3DS Max and applied an Unwrap UVW modifier what I saw was far worse than ghosu saw...



    You'll need to properly unwrap the UVW or get someone to do it who knows how because what I'm seeing is never going to be texturable.

    When I apply my grid texture to it I see this mess. Honestly it doesn't look like it would be terribly difficult to unwrap. Try reading this UVW unwrapping tutorial.



    Just using some very basic UVW mapping techniques I did this in like 5 minutes...cylindrical mapping on the shaft and flatten mapping on the rest brought it to something that could be refined into a useable UVW with some work.


  3. Changing where the mesh looks for textures is easy enough...just go to your Skyrim/Data/Textures folder and create a new folder - name it whatever you're calling the weapon like "Bob's Big Sword" or whatever, now copy and paste your textures into there. Load the mesh you want to retexture in Nifskope, open two instances of NifSkope...one for the 1st Person weapon and one for the weapon...like in my example I'm using the greatsword so I'd load one Nifskope with 1stpersonsteelgreatsword.nif and the second with steelgreatsword.nif...these are the first person sword and its worn/sheathed version...you need both.


    Now in Nifskope:

    Click the BSFadeNode to expand it by clicking the little arrow next to it.

    Look for the Nitrishape with the weapon name by it...ignore the others. So I'm going to expand the one with 1stpersonsteelgreatsword by it.

    Under that look for the BSLightingPropertyShader, expand it.

    Click on BSShaderTextureSet

    In the window below labeled Block Details you'll see Textures, expand it.

    You've now found the textures...lets replace them. You'll see three that you need to worry about - in my case its:

    Steelclaymore.dds - This is the texture




    SteelClaymore_n - This is the normal map it controls how lighting interacts with the mesh and adding texture details that aren't actually modeled onto the mesh itself.




    SteelClaymore_m - This is the specular may and determines what areas are shiny or dull, light areas are shinier than dark areas.




    To replace a texture right click its path and select Texture then Choose. A window will pop open and you can browse to your Skyrim/Data/Textures/Your Weapon Folder you created and select your texture.

    If you created a normal and specular map do the same thing to replace them. Your first person weapon will now have your texture on it in Nifskope. Repeat this for the other Nifskope windows with the worn weapon.





    Now go back to your Skyrim folder and in Data/Meshes folder create a new folder with your weapon name...Again like Bob's Big Sword or whatever you want. Save your .nif files to this folder naming them1stpersonBobsBigSword and BobsbigSword respectively.


    Now open the Creation kit and

    by ghosu to create new forms and finish adding your custom textured weapon into Skyrim by saving your own .esp plugin.



    If you still can't get it or just don't want to bother let me know and I'll do it.

  4. This
    completely covers installing SKSE and does a good job explaining it, its required for some mods like SkyUI interface and Convenient Horses. SKSE is the Skyrim Scrip Extender...it basically allows mod makers to add features they otherwise couldn't. Not all mods use it and in fact most don't require it but those that do can really improve game play by adding features such as the Convient Horses mod alowing your followers to have their own horse.
  5. With most mods everything goes into the Data folder and will sort itself out...but the description page says, "THIS IS NOT THE READ ME FILE! YOU MUST READ THE READ ME FILE TO USE THIS MOD PROPERLY." So I downloaded the mod to look at the Read Me. The first thing you'll need to do is install the Skrim Script Extender (SKSE) for this to work because accorrding to the first Read Me document, "Skyrim Script Enhancer (SKSE) is now REQUIRED for this mod." You can watch a very good video on how to install SKSE

    . Follow the video's instructions and you will succesfully install SKSE...you'll find a lot of good mods do require SKSE so its worth installing. Before proceeding futher test that you have properly installed SKSE as the vidio instructs you using the console command.


    From the looks of it I'd say dropping everything into your Skyrim/Data folder should install it some folders may need merged thats normal...in the "Duke Patricks Combat - Installation Read Me 3of5.doc" it says the .ini file edits are optional but if you're installing the mod I don't see why you wouldn't edit the .ini file. Personally I don't know about the "Save 158 - Durd Skyrim 01.15.09.ess" that looks like a save game file so I don't know if you actually need that or not maybe someone else can advise on that.


    Obvioulsy thing like the read me documments you don't need in the Data Folder so copy these items to Skyrim/Data:

    Meshes, Scripts and Seq folders and the Duke Patricks - Heavy Weapons Combat.esp, aadpCombat (If promted to merge folders say Yes, you shouldn't need to overwrite anything.)

    As far as the "Save 158 - Durd Skyrim 01.15.09.ess" is concerned I'm not sure...I suggest testing it without it initially.


    Read the "Guide to edit your Skyrim INI.txt" and the "Duke Patricks Combat - Installation Read Me 3of5.doc" to editing the .ini file. After looking over the .ini editing documentation at least one of the .ini edits appears to be required.



    Do start Skyrim from the Steam launch button before you try to play it through the SKSE launcer after installing the mod...in Steam click Play then in the launcher box that pops up check the Data files to make sure the mod is checked...if it isn't check it. Close the Steam launcher after confirming its enabled and launch the game using the SKSE launcher you created setting up SKSE.



    With most mods all you'll do in click "Download with Nexus Mod Manager" then after it downloads you simply activate it.

  6. I didn't kill Paarthurnax because...well I liked him first of all. To me he was more help than the Blades were in dealing with Alduin...I mean he teaches you things, helps you learn the ancient Nord shout Dragonrend, he helps you fight Alduin and helps you capture Odahviing. While Paarthurnax is doing these things what are the Blades doing? Oh thats right, they were holed far from the danger in some ancient ruin reading. So what if Paarthurnax was Alduin's right hand man...he really had no chioce in the matter and was following his nature, he himself overcame his inherent evil to help men throw off Alduin and the other dragons rule. Sure he admits not a day goes by he doesn't think of returning to his old nature but he's held himself in check a very long time so I see no reason to think he'll crack anytime soon. If Paarthurnax does return to evil then he'd have to deal with the dragonborn...who killed Alduin, the dragon that Paarthurnax wasn't strong enough to kill on his own. Plus theres the fact that the Blades claim to be sworn to your service...really because they pout and refuse to help me more if I don't do what they want. Seems to me if they're really sworn to the Dragonborn's service your word is law and you should have the option to tell them no, let them whine and moan then give in because its your will that Paarthurnax lives. They are sworn to protect and serve you.
  7. In my game I know Lydia, Jordis and Illia seems to have a persistant cough...I've often wondered if they've contracted some awful skeever disease. I head the cough as though its comming from their direction if I have one of them with me but not when I'm alone.
  8. If you adopt the girl, however, i warn you... don't give her a knife. She'll spend all her time in the basement stabbing that poor target dummy. I think she may be psycologically damaged.



    I gave my two girls wooden swords and they play with them outside by kneeling down then going into a crouched posture face down with one hand on the ground and doing what appears to be maybe back scratching with the sword...not sure what they're doing but it looks really strange. It certainly doesn't encourage me to give them real weapons.

  9. Did you check to make sure any mods are disabled in the in the Skyrim launcher's Data tab? I've had mods linger active there even after disabling them in the NMM.
  10. I haven't studied the floors extensively but from what little I have paid attention to them I think they're just textures...I'll look closer next time I play. If thats the case I'm sure someone can replace the textures for you.
  11. This page has a cure section but it sounds like you've already passed the part it talks about. I avoided vampirism and werewolves like the plauge...in fact when I was told to meet them under the forge I had to restrain myself from putting an axe in their foreheads. If you aren't against using console commands as a last resort I'm sure someone can probably tell you how to undo it that way.
  12. [Have you by chance thrown that poor man's remains into the lighthouse fire?



    I did place his remains in the lighthouse fire as he wanted...I always read everything and keep the journals so the fate of people isn't just forgotten. I don't know if I'm weird like that but its kind of important to me that people are remembered and their journals kept safe.

  13. I just did the Frostflow Lighthouse muders a few hours ago...I'd passed by the lighthouse early on but never entered...now at over 400 hours I decided to look inside. The whole thing didn't win any sympathy points for the plight of the Falmer or their insect allies...I was more than happy to do a bit of exterminating in the basement tunnels. I wish I could have reunited the family afterward by placing the bodies in their beds.
  14. Do you have Hearthfire installed? If you do, then that appears to be the problem. I too am having the same problem and have been researching it. I can't enter Breezehome from the front door or from the trap door from one of the mods I have installed. Both instances CTD...


    Pat the fix for your problem is to disable the Breezehome mod(s)...they conflict with Hearthfire and will cause an instant CTD if you try to enter the house. I was having the exact same problem...its because with Hearthfire you can ask the Stewart to put in kids beds the mod clashes with Hearthfire causing the CTD. I suggest you disable Hearthfire, enter the Breezehome, remove anything you have in the mod room and store those items in the upstairs chest. Then enable Hearthfire and disable or uninstall the Breezehome mod...once you do your CTD on trying to enter Breezehome will stop.


    9 times out of 10 when Lokir is killed he's been shot in the leg. I have often wondered how that is a fatal shot...



    He used to be an adventurer like you...then he ran at Helgen.



    Overall I'm pretty happy with Skyrim...I like it way better than I did Oblivion...but after reformatting my hard drive and reinstalling steam I had a piece of the ground mesh move slightly to the right and toward the tree in Whiterun. Its the piece with the steps leading up to Jorrvaskr Hall so now I have a gap in the ground that like 5 feet wide to the left of the steps and about 3 feet wide at the top of the steps that NPCs drop into till they pop out. But even that is more a bug in my game but I did see its apparently somewhat common for the ground mesh in Whiterun to move or vanish.


    I was surprised today to find out they actually had around 70 voice actors...I was guessing it was maybe 12 or so. There are some fairly well known actors on this list. I did recognize Micheal Hogan as General Tullius right off when I started playing but Max von Sydow, Christopher Plummer, Lynda Carter and some of the others I didn't catch. I guess we tend to notice the repetative comments from generic NPCs because we hear them so much.

  16. I had a mod that added a workroom to my Breezehome...once I got Hearthfire it conflicted with the mod. Its my understanding that since the Breezehome can be modified by asking the Stewart to replace the alchemy table (or is it enchanting?) downstairs with kids beds any mod that affects the Breezehome will cause crashes to desktop...once I uninstalled the Breezehome mod everything was fine and I could enter the home again.


    Since I had a lot of stuff stored in the chests in my mod room I initially disabled Hearthfire, that allowed me to go into the mod room and remove everything from the chests and manequin...I put that stuff in the upstairs chest, then saved. I disabled the Breezehome mod then enabled Hearthfire again and everything worked fine just like I'd never had the mod...I miss having my Breezehome workshop but I like the Hearthfire house except for the workshop being in the basement. If you disable/uninstall your Breezehome mods you will of course get the "This save relies on missing content" warning when you start Skyrim again.

  17. It appears to me that what happens...and I could be wrong but I don't think I am...is that the weapons mesh is duplicated and slightly enlarged sort of like the blood layer is a separate mesh that sits just over the sword, dagger, mace and axe blades. This duplicated layer is given an alpha texture to hide it and when the weapon is enchanted the hidden alpha layer is used for the enchantment "swirl" effects with a texture that contains an alpha to only showing the enchantment swirls. Alpha layers have a tendency to conflict...one usually wins cancelling the other out...in this case the bow is dominating and the shadows behind the bows effect layer are rendered invisible. I see the same thing in my game but my alpha conflict effect looks sharper to me, I see it on clothing as well...I would suspect on clothing its the blood layer. I'd say its nothing to worry about and is expected behavior where two alpha textures overlap. I use no lighting effects mods.





  18. How did you unwrap the UVW? Its very likely what you're seeing are polygons that are collapsed onto themselves so that they look like edges.


    Here's what I suggest...in the edit UVW window look for the Selection Modes, you should see Vertex Sub-object Mode, Edge Sub-object Mode and Face Sub-object Mode. Click Face Sub-object mode, then make sure Select Element just below is checked. In the edit menus on the right side of your screen I tend to keep Ignore Backfacing unchecked unless I need to select only the front faces. Now on the edit window select your blade by dragging a selection over both parts of it, the blade should turn solid red in both the edit window and in your main view windows. In the edit window click Mapping then Normal Mapping. Select Front/Back and click OK and you should end up with your blade laid out in two halves...the front and the back. If you got anything else like the sides or ends of the blade don't panic, just select Mapping, Normal Mapping again and in the dropdown where it says Front/Back try Left/Right or Top/Bottom until you get the desired layout of the top and bottom of the blade. If doing this results in a perfect or near perfect blade unwrap then whatever you've done has resulted in polys collaped to edges in the UVW editor.



    UVW mapping is a tedious chore that takes time to learn to do efficiently. As is your UVW map has a lot of black...the more of that you can fill with your mesh the better. I'm assumming this new lower poly sword is something of a test piece to work out whats going on with the mapping...if thats the case send me a copy and I'll see if I can open it in Max 2010 and have a look at whats going on...but I may not even be able to open the Max file because you're using Max 2012.


    Serana of Dawnguard already idles with sandbox when you talk with NPCs or she isn't doing anything. You don't need UFO if you have Dawnguard as such. Serana is kinda a perv. though. She likes to get up REALLY CLOSE to you when you're talking to someone... to stare at you.


    That drives me crazy when I'm in free cam trying to get a picture or take snapshots for my mods and she walks up to me and says, "What do you need?" and blocks my shot. She pushed me off a high cliff one time doing that. :| I really like Serana but she is not without her annoying side.

  20. I just realized that I don't know how to install it,sorry I'm very noob,if you please explain a little bit to me I'll install it as soon as I can



    Download the brokenfanghome.rar that Acidzebra attached, save it someplace you can easily find it...maybe your desktop. Open the Nexus Mod Manager, in the upper left you'll see a blue puzle piece looking icon with a a green plus sign, if you hover your mouse you'll see it says "Add mod from file", click that then navigate to the file you downloaded, select it and click Open. It will then proceed as though you downloaded it through the Skyrim Nexus. Activate the mod as you normally would.

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