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Everything posted by Jermungand

  1. No.. that would make dialog options pointless. That is to say, that it is leveled easily, simply by doing the obvious. In Oblivion, you didn't HAVE TO run all the time, it was just the clearly preferable option.
  2. I have to wonder if Speech is going to be the Athletics of Skyrim: It inevitably climbs, no matter who you are.
  3. Thanks So how do you level it up (I never played F3 long enough)? It sounds as if I'd be majoring in the skill, just because I would have no reason to be recklessly nasty. What about bartering?
  4. It suddenly occurred to me: How does persuasion and bartering actually work this time around? I know they're one skill (and that's a good thing), but how are the minigames actually played? Have they been simplified? Do they feel rewarding and worthwhile? I'm sure they've ditched the stupid and awkward 4-quadrant option bulls***. Has this been covered? I should think it has, but I have no memory.
  5. I thought the new videos revealed a LOT more fine detail. Even if it was all there before, I wouldn't have noticed it like I did just now watching these, and that's what counts. WOW. Though on principle, yes I agree, they should stop rehashing the same golden claw routine over and over.
  6. Eh? I thought it was The Creative Assembly. Oh. I guess Activision is just the publisher then.
  7. Activision makes the Total War games. That has to count for something. At least it will again after Shogun 2 comes out. As for Bioware? Dude, ugh!!! All they do is churn out really dumb, linear, video games with uber-cheesy storylines (like the most generic games of a generation ago) and cloak it with a false pretense of being an RPG. Dragon Age's combat was the only thing it had going for it. Everything else about it were just shallow and superfluous imbellishments that got puffed-up to look like they were a big deal.
  8. It's not a skill. You acquire new shouts as you progress through the game regardless of what class you are. This is the power of the voice-thing that is featured in the storyline, to which people have been referring to all along.
  9. Oh, and of course, randomly generated Nords, standing naked by the side of the road, having been tricked by some witch. But since this game will be more from the Nord's perspective, maybe we'll have randomly generated witches that trick you and steal your clothes. Come to think of it, what if there were some shallow date/romance with npcs system got implemented into the game, and if you botched things up, you'd find yourself naked by the side of the road.
  10. Maybe they folded acrobatics into athletics as a single skill.
  11. Well, should Morrowind be modded into Skyrim, I think the logical first step would be adding the territory to the immediate west, around the city of Blacklight. That way, the team working on the mod could get it's feet wet before moving on to the more difficult task of doing Vvardenfell, and the new area would connect with Skyrim, making it continuous. No doubt those "Tamriel Rebuilt" people are thinking over this right now, even though they never get anything done. I'm not discouraged though. If there was ever an ES game that could benefit most from such a project, it's going to be Skyrim. With more organization, and leadership, and creativity, this could be done. Where there's a will there's a way, and there's going to be more than enough will to get this done, I'm sure.
  12. Might and Magic 9 was set excusively within a viking themed place. If you haven't heard of it, it was the last and worst game of an otherwise awesome series, that was kind of like the Wizardry series. It came out around the same time as Morrowind.
  13. The five cities are Solitude, Riften, Whiterun, Windhelm, and Markarth. That's a fact. You can put that in the summary now.
  14. Why don't they just get out of the old folks home on the mountain, hobble down the 7,000 steps with their walkers and FIND ME if they want help so badly? Stupid old people. "DOVAKHIIN!!!" rumbles the call through the misty nothern air. A trek through the wilderness and 7,000 steps later: "I need you to help me prick my fingers."
  15. The artists for Skyrim are are actually motivated by an interest in portraying a culture extensively and in depth, like they did in Morrowind.
  16. Sounds fine. I haven't used a construction set so far, but it sounds like you'd have to require every downloader to make half the mod, all by and for themselves, in that case. However, the legal circumstance on using Oblivion meshes and textures could be different from using Morrowind's. Many of Morrowind's were made by third party companies, who did not grant permission for them to be used outside of the game they were intended for. The case may be different for Oblivion. I don't know.
  17. Wow!!! This is totally awesome. Even the things I've been skeptical about have just gotten justified, and then some. Though, I do kind of wish I could drive up those 7,000 steps in my car. Maybe I'd be more inclined to walk up if they put some moon sugar every few hundred steps that I could snort.
  18. Wow, this isn't at ALL what the moderator told ME when I posted the idea. Crickey, everybody reacted to my own thread a month ago as if I'd been arming a bomb with every word I typed, and then the moderator locked the thread. It was explained to me that Bethesda doesn't want people do it AT ALL. Well, that was a lot of ruffled feathers over absoloutely nothing (sigh). :dry: Thanks for clearing that up. I think Red Mountain needs to be taller and more mountainlike. The original one was actually pretty low, because nobody had to worry about what it looked like from a great distance.
  19. Who says I'm making it for the public. As long as I am not marketing it this is perfectly legal trust me I should know. This is no different than creating a past creature or faction previously existing in an elder scrolls game. If you have a problem with it wich clearly you do or you would have answered my question you can remove your post or alow me to unless you have profitable information to share! "IN AMERICA WE STAND TALL, LONG LIVE FREEDOM" Dude, you need to CHILL OUT. I, personally, do not have a problem with it. I never said anything to imply that I don't like the idea of a Morrowind Total Conversion. I like the idea very much, and it is in fact legal. What I'm trying to tell you, if you'd actually try to read what I typed, is that the people who run this site don't like it regardless. I like the idea, it's legal, and I have no intention of shooting you down. What I politely pointed out to you is that a moderator is going to show up and end this conversation. Get mad at him, not me.
  20. In a little while from now, a moderator will come along and lock this thread so it can no longer continue. This idea you're mentioning has been done for Oblivion (it's called Morroblivion), and ever since then, mentioning such a project has become taboo on these forums. While recreating past TES games in newer ones isn't striclly illegal, Betheda doesn't tend to like it, or at least not when it gets the publicity of being on a big site like this one. The people who run this site prefer to maintain a happy relationship with Bethesda, meaning they're about to end this discussion. I don't like it either. :(
  21. Actually, the entire development angle of Skyrim seems to be a direct reaction to the "canned"/canned-ness (cannededness???) of Oblivion. They've drawn more concept artwork than they ever did for any game before, and they're making the locations unique. This will be "fresh-picked". They announced that while Skyrim won't actually be larger than Cyrodiil in terms of area, it will still feel and be bigger. Know what that means? You know how the Morrowind map was actually really small compared to Cyrodiil, but felt HUGE because of how it was designed? Yeah. Now imagine that sort of planning being applied to something that is actually Cyrodiil-scale. Oblivion and Fallout 3 were put together with a very different agenda in mind. It was Bethesda's foray into "How do we make an Xbox game right?" Well now they've learned, and now they'll return doing what they were competent at doing before, flex their old abilities, and see if they can outdo themselves on their own familiar ground after eight years. That's what they do. They like to swing back and forth. They're going to make Skyrim the true successor to dwarf Morrowind, and then go explore some other tangent for a really long time while we all wait.
  22. Oh, I'm not. I really can't wait for Skyrim. I was just referring to a statement brokenergy had made.
  23. Wow. You're right then, about the armor. Thank you for pointing that out. Maybe we could get bonemold or something like it. But it doesn't in any way say that the finishing moves have a racial basis. How did that come up? o_O
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