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Everything posted by Jermungand

  1. Let's not be whiners. Whether you like to have stacked bimbos on your wall, your desktop, your browser, or decorating your favorite computer game, it's all the same damn thing. If you really think that having that kind of mod defines you as some sort of lonely nerd or something, then it's probably because you're actually insecure about being some sort of lonely nerd in the first place. If you feel that way, try asking yourself the real reason why you feel so. There's no difference. It's all an association that you choose to make in your mind. I don't mean to make any judgements, but if the shoe fits anybody, you'd do well to hear me out. Besides, Skyrim is supposed to be a lot like Sweden, right? :wub:
  2. Definitely sailable boats. These guys are vikings, after all.
  3. Depth of field and Ambient occlusion. You mean that's not already going to be there??? :huh: My answer's going to be largely based off what's present in the original release of the game, especially in how this Radiant Storytelling stuff will be shaping it. I would love to add some warring factions, and Solstheim (of course!)
  4. I wouldn't say that. Yes, they aren't exactly the same; Skyrim is only based off of the historical Norse. That doesn't mean that in the creative process of making Skyrim believable, Bethesda isn't turning to historical Norse stuff for inspiration. That probably is what they're doing, after all! So it makes sense that we would be making conjectures about how this is going to be done, as we have been doing on this thread thus far.
  5. You're right, that didn't come out very nicely at all. I suppose the old tongue and cheek commentary does come across as a lot more rude when typed out than it does in real life. I should really watch that stuff. Sorry I sounded so unduly harsh. On the other hand, I do think we could stay a little more chill. It's not like it's illegal to talk about an idea, however illegal it might be. I feel like this subject was being viewed from a bit of an unnecessarily phobic angle. It's not as if talking about this is going to cause any trouble. It really won't. We don't need to get worked up over this. That's where I was coming from. Sorry again for sounding out of line.
  6. :unsure: Sorry dad, I was just asking the question. There isn't a legal repercussion for that, is there? But now that I know the answer, I am 100% less likely to screw-over the site in about three years or however long it would take, if I chose to move ahead with it. Thank you.
  7. Do you know that for sure? Did that element factor into the Morroblivion issue, or was it just the liscensed material? After all, Morroblivion is still available for download, and there are mods that import Morrowind models/textures into Oblivion (not that you'd want them anyway).
  8. Check out Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. I'd never play without it, and neither would a lot of other people.
  9. Is that all it was? Does Oblivion contain those kind of resources? I'd like to see Oblivyrim.
  10. Did the Morroblivion mod suffer some sort of legal compromise on account of using models/textures from another game (Morrowind)? Does anyone know exactly what the conundrum on that was really about?
  11. Levelled enemies, huh? That's actually the detail that disturbs me. If I have to feel like the world is catering to me all the time, I lose the sense that I'm doing anything worthwhile. If enemies are levelled, then why level up? The RPG is destroyed. Thank God it won't be as bad as it was in Oblivion (I hope)! The two best changes to the game have to be the skill/level system and the combat, for sure.
  12. The answer is yes. Read the Game Informer scans posted several topics down.
  13. Yes, that's exactly what I mean. No guards. In the Morrowind manual it even says, "violence is an accepted part of Nord culture," so it's clear that Bethesda is aware of this knowledge. apparently there will be "duels" for people to settle their differences so I'm sure they will have guards and you will just be able to challenge someone Are you saying that I implied there were going to be duels (I didn't mean to imply there were going to be duels, though there COULD be), or did some exterior source of released information tell you there would be duels?
  14. You should change "zombies" to "draughr", I believe.
  15. I do agree that, without FCOM or OOO mods, Oblivion would definitely be a 6/10. The level scaling completely gutted the game, and made every reason to play the game, spill out on the floor. There was no point, and it was boring as hell. I hope that it won't be so much the case this time, but I'm worried that "Radiant Storytelling" could be even worse. It sounds wonderful on paper, but it might really mean well be having randomly generated, leveled quests. When was the last time someone had fun playing a randomly generated quest?
  16. Perhaps each hero in the carving is actually the founder of each era. You are the result of Akatosh's most recent God-human love affair, and so you are the fourth, after Tiber Septim. The dragons play a part in the cosmological process by which the world is renewed with the coming of each new era. The Oblivion invasion and the 200 years of anarchy that followed were a sort of Tribulation, in a biblical kind of way. During this troubled time, the Elder Council squabled amongst itself. Members became corrupt and tried to seize more power for themselves. Instead of heeding the words of the Elder Scrolls, as they had always done, they turned away from them and ruthlessly discouraged any mention of the prophecy within. The Empire was already fractured, and the Council couldn't abide words within the Scrolls about the coming dragon-apocalypse to leak and spread hysteria. With their sort sighted goals of maintaining power, they lied to the people, and when the truth finally dawned... ...it dawned in fire! I'm good.
  17. I think there should be some sort of minigame-like thing to spell casting, as if drawing upon the mystical forces were more complex and engaging than just having a reservoir of blue fireball-juice.
  18. Everything's a staple until a new game comes out. Bethesda has no problem pulling out staples. Don't get hooked on perceived trends. Bethesda enthusiastically rewrites the TES recipe with every release.
  19. Yes, that's exactly what I mean. No guards. In the Morrowind manual it even says, "violence is an accepted part of Nord culture," so it's clear that Bethesda is aware of this knowledge.
  20. I think I just hit on one of the possible defining differences of TESV. Among the historical norse, killing was a fully acceptable way of settling a dispute. It was up to a victim's family and friends to decide if repurcussions were in order. If that family/clan and it's attachees were a lot bigger than your own, God help you. Though you could suffer the retribution of an extended injured party, there may be no cops in TESV.
  21. Ah, but with Oblivions mess of an engine, it did :P Who knows, they might make the new engine do the same. (Dual wielding was a engine limitation. Adding new skills was an engine limitation, but more likely hard coded. But dual wielding defintely was a limitation of Oblivion's engine :thumbsup:) You are confusing the engine with the way the game was made. The engine is underneath the programming of the game, not the same thing. Fallout 3 has the same engine as Oblivion, so by your line of logic, it must have exactly 21 skills divided into three catergories within an identical character creation menu. Heck, by your definition of "engine", it really is a good thing we're getting a new one, or we'd be getting a complete clone of Oblivion. The engine defines how your computer goes about rendering, animating, texturing, and calculating the way objects interact within the environment. It does stuff like that.
  22. These things are great, but they don't in any way depend on what engine is being used for the game at all.
  23. Tell me about it! I think many of us have been posting pessimistic predictions about TESV, because we feel the same way. We've all been bitter and cynical for so long that it's taking forever for the good news to fully register. In order to justify our still lingering pessimism, we assume the game is going to suck. It'll be over it in a week or two.
  24. Don't worry about it. Cold weather doesn't stop nords from running around in their skins. If barbarians don't have to be clad in fur, why do assassins?
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