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Everything posted by raulfin

  1. I'm patching the mod Wind Destruction Magic for PerMa, and one thing the original author, reaperix, had wanted to do was add a Resist Wind enchantment. I have the AV, Object effect and MGEF set up, but the AV doesn't appear in the AV list of the MGEF. I'm pretty sure I've seen similar stuff done before, but I can't recall any mods that have right now, and was wondering how to get it to work, if even possible.
  2. :facepalm: why are small thing so easy to miss...
  3. Aaaaaaaaaand it doesn't work. I think it may be in how I'm trying to change the value of the global; int sw3 = ASISSpawnWeight3.GetValue() As Int if (sw3 != 0) && (swu != 0) && (random <= swc) ASISSpawnWeight3.setvalue(sw3+swu) Endif if (sw0 > 0) && (HM != 0) && (sw6 || sw7 || sw8 || sw9 > 0) && (random <= roc) ASISSpawnWeight0.setvalue(sw0-(swu*2)) EndIf where swu is a stored player set variable. All the globals are set as floats. or it could be the random itself; int random = Utility.RandomInt(0, 100) I have also tried doing; int random = Utility.RandomInt(0, 1) Int Ran = (random * 100) as int if (sw3 != 0) && (swu != 0) && (ran <= swc) ASISSpawnWeight3.setvalue(sw3+swu) Endif
  4. Thank you very much! :dance: Batch compile of 1 files finished. 1 succeeded, 0 failed. Can finally start on some beta testing to see if it actually does what i want it to!
  5. I just posted the updated script and errors to the same links. I didn't change the storing variables section, just pretty much everything below it.
  6. That cleared up a lot and showed up a few typos and such, now it's just giving these 2 errors; this error for lines 24-64C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\Source\DIE_ASIS.psc(27,5): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated) and these on the quest.stop()C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\Source\DIE_ASIS.psc(329,1): variable RaulDIELevelUpQuest is undefinedC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\Source\DIE_ASIS.psc(329,21): none is not a known user-defined typeHelps to have actually defined the quest... :)
  7. Would one of you fine folks mind taking a look a this script for me, on compile it's giving errors on the ints in the ifs & a none error on the quest.stop(). I'm pretty new to scripting so pretty sure I missed something basic. Pastebin - source Pastebin - errors
  8. Would it be possible to add a small annotation line to file requirements, only about 20-40 characters long. Could help reduce confusion if only a specific sub-file from a mod is required, or if the mod requires a minimum version of SKSE to work, being able to enter (SKSE 1.4.15 [or newer]) would be nice. Or if a sub-file on my mod doesn't require a listed master that the main file does, being able to note that could alleviate some confusion for users. (WARF [Not required for file X]) Or being able to assign required mods on a per-file basis. This would prolly be the more complex and least useful option though. Aside: I've noticed that sub-admin on a page (anyone that didn't actually create the page) don't have on-page admin tools and have to take the long way around through user page to make any edits to the page. Could it be set so that everyone in the "Give editing access to other members" list has the on-page toolbox.
  9. lol I wait till AFK releases bug fixes before I go buy beths games.
  10. I'd have to say yes. Most players have all the DLC by now. If it will let you get at some things that were not possible before then I'm all for it. I would have to disagree about keeping the separate files up as unsupported though as many larger mods would almost be forced to maintain USKP separate and merged versions of the mods, since most of the larger mods only require DB & DG, few use HF stuff.
  11. I've been messing around with a book mod in my spare time lately. When read the book will add a perk that gives a small bonus (+1% melee damage, +1% damage to werewolves, -1% X spell school cost, etc). I haven't really decided between needing to keep the book on you to keep the buff, making the buff permanent or making the buffed timed for like 600sec each time the book is read. The buffs are meant to be small, not yet sure if 1% will be too small, or if I should go with 2% or 2.5% though.
  12. I'm looking for this mod that puts all the different critters in different factions, bears will fight wolves will fight spiders ect. It does a lot more than that, I almost downloaded it once, but my load order was getting too much for my PC and now that I got that worked out I can't remember the mod :sad: Edit: SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
  13. Something that can increase the amount spawns through ASIS & OBIS as your level increases, possibly with perk restrictions. Progressive spawns would actually be a better word than dynamic. AOPS :) in my head the basic script seems simple enough: on actorlevel get actorlevel if count = # get count asisspawnweight1 count = count+1 else endif endevent but only scripting I've done was in oblivion & that ended horribly.
  14. Have to vote for Douse that Flame! Convenient Horses lets me adjust horse stamina & speed already.
  15. Unofficial High Resolution Patch, MoonGlow can merge into your bash patch.
  16. ohh wow they really are, tyvm, overlooked that. Kudos :)
  17. Right click on the .jar file & go to 'Open With' click 'Choose Default Program' & set it to 'Java Platform SE Binary'
  18. Moved CCO under SkyRe & re ran qotsafans patch, frostfall esp wasn't replaced 1st time, working now. Sometime ya just have to ask where the car keys are before you can find them in your pocket.
  19. Use the Skyrim Launcher & look in Data files, make sure the mods are showing up & the box is checked, NMM should be automaticly activating the mods you load. When you launch the game to actually play make sure you use skse_loader.exe, not TESV.exe or SkyrimLauncher.exe, the skse mods can't work otherwise. When you install a mod manually make sure it went into the data folder, 10 years of TES games & I still accidentally drop esps in the textures file sometimes :)
  20. Okay, normally I can get this figured out easily on my own, but this has me stumped. CCO is not applying skill changes as it should be, only the racial changes are working. It's worked fine for me so far but I did a re-install of my mods a few days ago trying to figure out why it was causing my CTDs (the Asis-UDBP crash issue), now I have it all working again except CCO, if someone can spot an error in my LO that i'm over looking that would be great, it's sorted by LOOT & then manually according to Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires. I'm pretty sure I messed something up somewhere, but can't see it. Currently loading w/o Asis, had same issue with it loaded & UDBP excluded, waiting for more info before I use Asis again. Active Mod Files:
  21. Had tried to use Lootification, but couldn't get it to work right so removed, game still worked after that. Uninstalled some mods I never used, and re built all my skyprocs through SUM. Game loads fine till I turn on ASIS, then I get CTD on title screen. Without the asis on in game has a few odd dialog bug & some quests won't start. Papyrus log is; [03/10/2014 - 06:49:41AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[03/10/2014 - 06:49:41AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[03/10/2014 - 06:49:41AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[03/10/2014 - 06:49:45AM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?[03/10/2014 - 06:49:45AM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?[03/10/2014 - 06:49:46AM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01018802", missing file?[03/10/2014 - 06:49:46AM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01018802 to (4B018802) because their base types do not match[03/10/2014 - 06:49:46AM] Cannot open store for class "PF__01022031", missing file?[03/10/2014 - 06:49:46AM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__01022031 to (4B022031) because their base types do not match[03/10/2014 - 06:49:46AM] Cannot open store for class "tweakfollowerscript", missing file?This is only with ASIS on, and I've rebuilt a few times now. I've tried reinstalling the mods I removed, but same errors. Did a complete reinstall of everything from a clean Skyrim & getting same thing.
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