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Missing 4 shots in a row when each had ~50%-60% chance of hitting. 4. Shots. In. A. Row.
Is it odd that a 27 year old man prefers Pokemon to Skyrim?
SSGB21 replied to Jiggalopuff's topic in Off-Topic
I still play Pokémon and I see nothing wrong with it. I used to get laughed at in school for this, but that has mostly died down because people are used to me being a complete nerd. When I was younger, I played it because it was fun, it had cool 'mons (and I think it still does personally) and because all my friends played it. I now play it for the stats, the strategy, the fact that it has cool 'mons and (possibly most importantly) because it is fun. -
I just got Kirby's Epic Yarn for Christmas, but when I try to start the game and load a file, the game crashes. It says that there was a disc error. The game starts normally, but when I select a file it crashes. Every time :wallbash: . If anyone knows how to fix this, that would be appreciated. P.S. I have a PAL Wii and a PAL version of the game.
Dishonored is a great game, I bought it during the Autumn sale, but so far with the Christmas sale I've bought Borderlands 2 and Dear Esther. You all most likely know what BL2 is, but you may not have heard of Dear Esther. Dear Esther is more of an interactive novel than a game, but I quite like that idea. I haven't had a chance to play either of these yet due to being on holiday and needing to use a laptop rather than my normal computer, but I think both should be enjoyable.
I'd like to politely disagree with this statement. I find it hard to understand this viewpoint. A huge number (I expect all) of British schools are 'Gun-Free Zones' and there are so few school shootings here that I don't feel that this arguement holds up. I don't believe that the shooter was mentaly stable, so I don't think that some armed people would have caused him to change his mind and not do this. Also, the fact that, from what I hear, it is so easy to obtain guns in the United States (and the fact that it is one of the relatively few developed countries that are like this to my knowledge) has more of an impact than having 'Gun-Free Zones'. I honestly think that it is time for America to change their gun laws. I understand the idea that it is still possible to get guns in Britain (I know, I've been on a shooting range several times), but it is more difficult. I honestly think that America's 'Gun Culture' is more to blame than having a school with unarmed people in it. A large amount of Britons are usually unarmed and I only know one person who actually owns a gun. I also don't believe that, as you put it: "An armed society is a polite society." As I said earlier, the majority of Britons are unarmed. I'll also leave a famous saying: "He who lives by the gun, dies by the gun." Statistics (that I have seen) show that armed people are more likely to be murdered than unarmed people. But then again, I'm English and lived a very sheltered childhood, so what do I know about American gun crime?
I'll go in reverse order for my list of top 5 games. 5th: Dishonored (P.C.). A very recent addition to my list, but it deserves it. This is the game that got me into stealth games and I've been playing a lot of Thief lately. This game has great voice acting, a well written story, fantastic world building, fun gameplay and a reasistically sized city! I hope that they do make a sequel, but only if the don't reopen Corvo and Emily's story. I want to see more of the isles and also the Pandysian Continent rather than just more Dunwall. Joint 3rd: Fallout 3 (P.C.). After Skyrim got me into open-world RPGs, I wanted more. I've always liked the idea of people struggling after a nuclear apocalypse and with a believable (for me, at least) world, Fallout 3 delivers this. Being able to mod the game was a great thing as well. Joint 3rd: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (P.C.). This game passed me by when it was first released, but that was because of me not knowing what genre of game it was! After watching the start of a Let's Play at around Christmas 2011, I decided to buy it. I do not regret this decision. 2nd: Super Paper Mario (Wii). You may think this an unusual choice for second best, but I really like this game. It has great music, good humour, fantastic storyline, deep and quirky characters, etc. I think this is a great game. 1st: MOTHER 3 (GBA). You may not have heard of this game released in 2006 because of its Japan-Only status, but it can be played in English with a Fan Translation. The game has great music, a quirky and offbeat sense of humour, uses mood whiplash fantastically, has an amazing story, great characters, but possibly what propells this to my #1 spot is the minor details such as and the fact that until Chapter 4, when the story takes a sudden turn, almost all of the characters, important or not, have unique names. This game lives up to its tagline of "Strange, Funny and Heartrending." Those are, in my opinion, which is my own and no one else's, The BEST games ever.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2 (Time, Darkness and Sky) all have fantastic music (Credits, In the Hands of Fate, etc.), Halo has an amazing soundtrack as does The Elder Scrolls, Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and also Black/White and Black 2/White 2 and Shadow of the Colossus all have great soundtracks, but my favourite soundtrack comes from MOTHER 3. This is one of the reasons that it is my favourite game of all time with music like Letter from You; Monkey's Love Song; The Peddler's Grand Speech; A Master, A Father, A Thief; Volcano! Inferno!; Drago!?; Pollyana; F-F-Fire!; 16 Melodies; Phantasmagoric; His Highness' Theme; etc.
Introducing Kadvir. Name: Kadvir. Pronounced: Kad-veer. Age: late 30s. Race: Human. Gender: Male. An expert in all forms of magic and magitek, Kadvir was the head librarian in a university of the arcane arts, but after being accidentaly turned into an Orangutan (he got better) left to travel around the world, exploring ancient ruins. On his travels, he has come across, reactivated and repurposed several ancient machinations and invented a method of storing lighting, either natural or magical, for use later and magically extending the interior dimentions of an object. He keeps to himself, but is quite friendly and if someone asks him a question about the arcane arts he will talk for hours about this subject, often not realising that the person he is talking to has either left or fallen asleep until he has finished. Kadvir enters the tavern and walks over to the bar. He askes the bartender for three pints of lager and some peanuts. After paying, he walks over to an empty corner and takes a seat, a table, a blackboard and a piece of chalk out of his bag. After placing his drinks and food on the table, he starts drawing incredibly complex diagrams on the blackboard, muttering to himself.
Adults are just children grown up.
I recently discovered that Vocaloids have some very good music. Spent a large portion of the last 2 days listening to them, mostly Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin and Len. Been whistleing 'World is Mine' to my self all day :whistling: .
The last film that I watched was Toy Story 3 just a few hours ago. One of the greatest of all time in my opinion. :biggrin:
I would recommend Chillblast. They're UK based and they offer a wide variety of computers which can all be customised. It shows you the base price and price + VAT up front. For around £500, I'd say the Firefly (£499.99 inc VAT), Chimera (£550 inc VAT) or Obsidian (£549 inc VAT) would be your best bet from them.
After playing Dishonored and then going back to my stealth character in Skyrim, I felt that Skyrim's stealth option is not as good as in Dishonored. You can't peer around corners or climb, two things that I found essential in Dishonored. I would also like there to be a non-lethal take down like in Dishonored and having spells like the powers in Dishonored/shouts being better for stealth. I don't know if this would even be possible in Skyrim's engine, but I think that it would really improve the sneaky gameplay of my Assassin character. If someone can make this mod, that would be great.
First, allow me to explain what a Nuzlocke Challenge is to those not in the know. A Nuzlocke Challenge is an unofficial, self-imposed ‘Hard Mode’ to Pokémon games (any will do, from Green all the way to White 2). It has several rules which vary from person to person and playthrough to playthrough, but the two rules which MUST be abided by for it to be considered a Nuzlock Challenge are these: 1. You can only catch the first Pokémon that you encounter on a given route. No Others! The aim of this rule is to force you to use Pokémon that you wouldn’t normally use. 2. If a Pokémon faints (either in battle or out of due to things such as poison), that’s it. That Pokémon cannot be used again. Most people either release it or place it in a Box in the PC and never take it out again. Other rules are used by some people such as only using a Pokémon Centre once per town, only using Poké Balls in battle and no other items, and other such things. All rules are open to interpretation to whoever is playing the run. Anyway, today I started a Nuzlocke playthrough of Pokémon LeafGreen version and decided to document it and publish it, piece by piece, here on the Nexus forums. The Rules of this run are: 1. Only the first Pokémon encountered on a route can be caught (If the first Pokémon encountered on a route is already caught, it this rule does not take effect. This means no duplicate Pokémon.) 2. If a Pokémon faints, it must be placed in a PC Box and is considered, for all intents and purposes, dead, deceased, past on, in the Great Poké Ball in the Sky. 3. All Pokémon caught must be given an individual nickname. 4. No Legendary Pokémon are allowed to be captured. Those are the rules. On with the story! As with any playthrough of Pokémon LeafGreen, it starts with Professor OAK explaining what Pokémon are. He then asks me for my name. I decide to use the official name for the Player’s Avatar and call him ‘Red’. He then introduces his Grandson, whose name he cannot remember (some grandfather). Again, I decide to name him by his official name from the games, Blue. Blah Blah Blah adventure Blah. The game Begins! Oh! A NES!.. Better get going. I walk over to the PC in my room and withdraw the potion that is stored. I go downstairs and talk to MOM. She tells me that Professor OAK from next-door is looking for me, so I decide to go next-door to Blue’s house. The only person there is Blue’s sister, so I check in the Pokémon laboratory. Here, I find Blue waiting for Prof. OAK but not OAK himself. I go out looking for him and decide to check north of Pallet Town. Just before I step into the tall grass, someone yells at me. OAK walks up and tells me that wild Pokémon live in the tall grass and that it’s dangerous to go alone. I follow him back to his lab and he tells Blue and I that in his youth he was a serious Pokémon Trainer, but now only has three left and tells me to take one. Blue then chimes in saying that he wants one too. Now comes the point where I make that all important choice: which Pokémon do I choose? The choices are: Bulbasaur, the Grass/Poison type Pokémon, Squirtle, the Water type Pokémon, Charmander, the Fire type Pokémon. The Pokémon I choose to be my partner ‘till our games be over is: Squirtle. This male Squirtle I decide to give the name A’Tuin, after a different famous, fictional turtle. As I turn to leave, Blue decides to use Bulbasaur. He then promptly challenges me to a battle! */Battle Music Starts\* Rival Blue sends out Bulbasuar! Go! A’Tuin! Prof. OAK then darkens the screen and explains what a Pokémon Battle is, just in case there are any n00bs playing. Anyone who has played a Pokémon game knows that this first battle is basically a button mash. Just use Tackle or whatever and 9 times out of 10 you’ll win (unless your name is Emile and that Mudkip gets a critical hit). I win and A’Tuin grew to level 6! */Battle Music Ends\* After that fiasco, I take my leave and go home. MOM heals my Pokémon back to full health and I set out on the Road to Viridian City! Here, I decide to make an exception to rule #1 for the simple reason that I cannot catch any Pokémon yet. After reaching Viridian City, I enter the Pokémon Centre. I heal A’Tuin and go over to the PC. I go to Box 17 and rename it to ’FALLEN’ and change the wallpaper to that of the sky. This is where I will leave any Comrades killed in the line of duty. I leave the Pokémon Centre and go over to the Poké Mart. The shopkeeper asks if I’m from Pallet Town, but since I’m a Heroic Mime, I just walk over to the counter and they tell me that they received a package for Prof. OAK and ask me to deliver it for them. Without waiting for me to say yes, they give me ‘OAK’S PARCEL’. I try to buy some things, but they just tell me to deliver the package. I try to go north out of Viridian City, but an old man in lying in the middle of the road who won’t let me past. Someone standing nearby apologises and says that this old man hasn’t had his coffee yet. There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about this, so I turn and head back to Pallet Town. I jump down the ledges to get back to Pallet Town avoiding most of the tall grass. I heal at home and then enter Prof. OAK’s laboratory. Inside, I find OAK and Blue. I talk to the prof. and deliver the parcel. OAK explains that it contains Poké Balls. He then gives Blue and I each 5 Poké Balls a Pokédex, which he describes as a ‘High-tech encyclopӕdia’. He says that Blue and I should each go on a journey around the Kanto Region and collect as many Pokémon as we can in order to gather information. In other words, do his homework for him. Blue tells me that he could do it on his own and boasts that he’ll borrow a town map from his sister and that she won’t give me one and then leaves. As you should (usually) do in a game if someone tells you not to do something, I went to Blue’s house and talked to his sister, who gave me the town map, which shows the layout of the Kanto Region. I head back out onto Route 1. The first Pokémon that I encounter on this route now that I have Poké balls is a level 3 Pidgey. After lowering its health with A’tuin, I throw a Poké Ball and successfully catch a Pidgey. This Pidgey, I decide to name Doughnut, for no discernible reason. After training so that A’Tuin is level 8 (and now knows bubble) and Doughnut is level 5, I save my game, at 20 minutes into my adventure. What will Red do next? Which Pokémon will he catch next? Who will be the first comrade to be killed in the line of duty? Tune in next time to find out! Thus begins my Pokémon LeafGreen Nuzlocke Challenge. Feedback would be greatly appreciated to allow me to improve my storytelling and give me motivation to continue. Thanks in advance. Many people who do Nuzlocke runs of Pokémon record their adventure in the form of a comic series. I cannot draw for beans and so I WON'T make a comic series of this. If someone does, feel free to post it in replies. See Y'all next time!
Anybody else notice that Fallout 3 GOTY crashes a lot?
SSGB21 replied to GunnerofLife's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Have you tried some other things to stop it crashing? like limiting the game to only using two cores of the processor? The game doesn't respond well to multicore processors. Or disabling visual themes and desktop composition? My game crashed often until I did these.