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Everything posted by breakwind

  1. I've noticed lately that TCL works in some places but not others, especially near structures
  2. That is a favourite pastime of mine when I am bored...only seems to work in Riften marketplace for me though
  3. My bankers name is called console key. Always good for a loan
  4. I reckon that the Dawnguard main quest is better than Dragonborn's but Dragonborn as a whole is much more of an experience than it's MQ offers and to me is replayable
  5. I find that when I try to have sneak thief type of character, they usually end up becoming a sword or axe warrior type, that is just the way the game is designed....for me
  6. Ah, so someone did steal your sweetroll? :happy:
  7. Don't you have to cleanse the stones to get the final word of power to control the dragon to get to the battle?
  8. Do you mean, when you download a savegame and copy and paste it in your game save folder so you can play someone elses save?
  9. I've got the Creation Kit....and thats about as far as my experience goes, although I did turn it on once but it scared me. Lucky my son was there to turn it off for me :biggrin:
  10. Dawnstar seems nothing more than a port of convenience for either having a brew at the local pub or dropping your kids off. It has a mere goat track connecting the town with the rest of civilisation by land, and a single jetty...not very welcoming for trade ships. Winterhold is a town on it's last gasp..the sooner it falls into the sea the better
  11. @ Relativelybest, yes he absorbed the last 2 or 3 souls I think. As I posted, I think I killed the first dragon which I reckon glitched the game as it had already landed under Miraak's control..who absorbed the first soul I am not clear on...I left the dragons alone after that, so he must have or else I wouldn't have got through. He seems to freeze after he kills the dragon and absorbs the souls, just before he is suppose to emerge from the pool
  12. Ah, maybe Scouts-Many-Marshes use to secretly keep Ulfric warm...or cold at night :wink: :biggrin:
  13. No, I was out doing a mission for Kodlak at the time of his demise, I get your point sisterof it's just that I don't relate any touching moments with the Companions as heart touching. And you are right it is a whizbang journey that seems like it was rushed and therefore it is not an endearing experience, I only joined to be a werewolf and to find a werewife :biggrin:
  14. I actually get annoyed at this scene...I am the newest recruit at the Companions, and it is all my fault? They are supposed to be the most honoured and best warriors in Skyrim and they couldn't handle a handfull of cutthroats in their owm headquarters? Guess I'll never belong.....
  15. Doesn't work. He's apparently essential in some weird way that makes his scripted death the only way to kill him. So, yeah. I can't beat him even by cheating. How much earlier a save? The quicksave I made just before the battle yields the same result every single time. I have a save from after I learned the last Bend Will shout but before I went to Apocrypha, but if I have to go back to before I started the quest I'll need to redo a lot of tedious stuff. I found I could skip the whole dragon thing by killing all the dragons before actually hurting Miraak. Doing this makes him run to the center of the area, but then he just stands there - Mora never shows up, and he becomes impervious to anything I do to him. I'm not sure if he has to absorb those dragon souls in order for Mora to appear, or if I'm dealing with two separate glitches. I just used the last save, Which I think was during the aerial battle on the dragon, it took roughly 4 or 5 times after each time he froze in the fountain like a hit and miss. I killed the first dragon just before Miraak did or at the same time and I thought that caused the initial glitch. I was so thankful to finally finish that level...tgm doesn't work as he automatically resigns to the fountain as soon as he is on the point of death..no cheating didn't help at all. In fact I haven't taken another character to that level yet as an hour or so of repeated saving and loading because of some glitch took the fun out of it. I did the first playthrough of that level a couple of days earlier and had no problems at all....same mods and everything @ sisterof, I have never had the mod mentioned in that thread, and as I had the same mods I had in my earlier walkthrough, I thought it would be strange if they were to blame, no I think it has more to do with killing the dragons, I left them alone after I killed the first one, although it glitched every time he went to the middle pool
  16. I had this same problem in my second playthrough, I just reloaded an earlier save and quicksaved it at the start of fighting. After a couple of reloads he comes out of his 'freeze' state and I would quicksave at the start of the next round...he would freeze again at his next revival, I repeated this right through the fighting and healing process until the final sequence with Mora
  17. I agree with fiewiel, just because you think you are better than others is no excuse to make fun of them, remember those same people that you gloat at may be experts in fields you are useless at and need help with
  18. Maybe it's going to be called "Curved Swords"? :biggrin:
  19. I have a character in Skyrim who is a psychopath, his name is Evil Deeds and am contemplating doing a similar one in New Vegas. It is harder than it seems as my psychopathic characters take sheer delight in destroying life, while being devoid of any moral behaviour. New Vegas, as in Skyrim make the player choose moral choices, which can bog a pyschopathic character down if you want to do anything more than wander aimlessly around....and God mode also helps
  20. I have an AMD Phenom 2 quad core, ATI 5770 and 8 gig of ram, run about 30 mods at medium settings and have played about 150 hours since my last CTD, so have no need. But if my hardware wasn't up to the task, then yes most definitely I would upgrade just to play Skyrim
  21. I reckon that Thalmor wouldn't mind a Stormcloak victory. With a weakened Skyrim, exhausted troops...many wounded and tired of fighting Stormcloak soldiers just wanting to go back to their homes, it would be easy for the Thalmor, who have been growing in strength, to bring in troops via the north west coast..plus who would stop them marching through Imperial lands to get to Skyrim... and take Skyrim. Who would help the Stormcloaks? Not the Imperials thats for sure. And what better place for them to start their genocide of men than the place men first occupied in Tamriel? The home of Talos worship
  22. I have never overclocked anything in any of my computers, living in North Queensland, the air can get pretty warm making the fans scream at times while playing games, I think upgrading is a better option than tempting fate.....at least upgrading fans if you are going to overclock
  23. When I first started playing, it was with the intention of being a rebel Stormcloak. As I progressed through the main and side quests my opinion changed and I ended up doing the Civil War in the Legion side. I have completed the Civil War at least a dozen times on the Imperial side and only twice as a Stormcloak. Both times as Stormcloak, I felt as though a traitor, especially after the conquest of Whiterun...and not helped by Ulfric's almost apologetic attitude. Yes people can bring out arguements to prove both sides are the correct choice and in the 'right' in the conflict...there are countless threads that have covered that...but I have come to the conclusion that the games lore has made it loose enough for both to be correct and it probably comes down to peoples personalities that have the final say to which side you feel 'comfortable' with
  24. Sheogorath for me, but it won't let me vote for him, it says I have to vote in all the questions?
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