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Everything posted by Deleted472477User

  1. I have two characters--one an Orc, even!--who have both completed Forgemaster's Fingers. Neither has committed any crimes against the orcs. But all the orcs in all the strongholds won't have anything to do with them suddenly. I don't have any mods affecting NPCs behaviors or anything else weird going on that I'm aware of. Neither has killed any orcs except in defense against bandits. This started happening fairly recently. Google searching turns up nothing. Any advice? Or am I just not going to be able to do any quests for them or trade with them? ETA: Both have a custom follower. On a hunch I left the follower at Riverwood then went back. This time, my Orc was offered the chance to do the quest, as if she were a stranger. I have no idea why, but if it works, it works. Still would like to know any ideas anyone might have.
  2. So, this year the big question is; will Bethesda be announcing Fallout 4? The evidence for it is pretty good, despite that joker earlier in the year putting up a fake website (he said it was to force Bethesda's hand on announcing that they were working on it. If they were, it didn't work). We know two things about Bethesda. They love to hype the crap out of stuff when they DO announce it, and when they aren't ready to announce it, they deny it harder than Big Oil backing Republicans denying climate change. they also hype their hype. I remember back in 2010 my partner and I watched E3 on Youtube, and there was Todd Howard, going on about how they were going to announce a game that everyone had been waiting for and everyone would be really excited about it, and everyone was all "Ooh, yay, Skyrim!" because news was out already about the name being trademarked, etc. Logical assumption, no? They announced BRINK. Whoopdie-flipping doodily-do. Come on Todd, it isn't like you didn't know that people were waiting for Skyrim to be announced and that that choice of words would really piss people off when it wasn't Skyrim. So I kind of wonder now if there's some other boring crappy game that no one is waiting to hear about instead of Fallout 4 that they'll announce this year. Probably Hunting on the Brink of Dishonor. :P
  3. Zenimax Online studios has decided to challenge EA for Consumerists Golden Poo awards, apparently. We all expected to pay a sub fee. No surprise there. ZOS told us we'd all get 30 days free time, after which we need to pay the monthly fee to keep playing. No worries, that's standard for Pay to Play MMO's. What they didn't tell us was that they were going to hide this free time behind a fracking paygate. Meaning, they want proof that you have a payment method and you have to supply it before you can do the thirty days. This is standard for things like Netflix. This is not STANDARD for MMO games. World of Warcraft lets you have thirty days with the purchase of their game for new accounts. So do many others. I didn't find this out until I'd already paid for copies for myself and my partner. No one refunds software, and while I could do a chargeback, that would be a huge hassle, and besides, it isn't the point. I want what they promised, how it was promised. I am so disappointed and mad right now. this is not about not having money to pay, etc. blah di blah blah. This is about we were told there's be 30 days free, not 30 days but you have to hand over payment info to get it. and in many cases it, isn't just a one dollar auth: they're trying to get the whole amount up front. Son, I am disappoint.
  4. No one knows? I guess it won't kill me to reinstall everything, but I'll give it a few days.
  5. Just what it says. OBMM says it deactivated the mod. I check in the meshes, and it shows that the files are indeed gone. But when I fire up the game, the NPCs are STILL doing the damn poses. It looks too stupid on NPCs and I can't tolerate it. Yes, I made sure the files are removed. Yes, I tried the player only version. Same issue. Uninstalled, made sure files were gone, it still does it. I tried reverting to a previous save, tried fast traveling, and tried sleeping. Same thing. I really don't want to uninstall Oblivion then reinstall and add my mods back in again, so any help is very much appreciated! ETA: I tried the first, uninstalled. Installed the second, which is supposedly player only. It affects everyone. Uninstalled, it's still in my game. The mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17237/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D17237%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D59474&pUp=1 http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27344/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user%3D0|:|id%3D27344
  6. Yes! How did you get it to work, or did you have a different link?
  7. I went looking for this mod, at this link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31288 Nexus redirected me here: http://www.tesnexus.com/mods/31288 Is the mod gone, or is this Nexus's new way of going "Hurr derp!"? I'm betting that I'm going to have 8 million people telling me it loads just fine for them, but it doesn't for me, hence my question. Thanks! EdIT--Thi mod. Moonshadow Elves OMOD Problem solved, and thanks everyone.
  8. Anonymity. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GIFT I blame GIFT.
  9. The mods here are some of the nicest I've met. Modding is NOT easy--I've tried it--so I have a great deal of respect. Do I always agree with everything? No. I've reported one or two mods for borderline non-consensual sexual content--we can pretty much figure which ones those are, so I won't name them--and they weren't taken taken down. I respect that, even if I don't agree with it. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised to see Godwin's Law invoked by disgruntled people, but if you want to see really not so nice mods (with some exceptions) go to the official bethsda forums. Maybe it's changed since then, but you couldn't even converse with them in the course of a thread. Lots of snobbery, too. You don't get that here. the worst I've had was a mod and I verbally scraping against each other, and she said she was having a bad day. i was too, I said, and then it was all good. Just that, in six years. Nexus is safe, and I like it that way. A friend of mine is struggling with his Oblivion game crashing. I told him to come here, it's a safe place even if he feels he has a dumb question. No one will jump on him, and if they did, the banhammers are ready :D
  10. Wasteland 2 (Wasteland was the spiritual grandfather of the Fallout series), Fallout 4, ESO, the upcoming WoW expansion, Might and Magc X, TES VI,and an indie game in the spirit of Might and Magic 1 and 2 called Sovreign.
  11. Been playing on and off since 2008, and it's now reached the point of Nothing Can Make It Interesting. Not companion mods, not overhauls, not new races, not ENBs, not total conversion mods, Nothing makes it fun anymore. I never even finished the main quest, ffs. Is anyone else in this boat? When did you reach this point? If your interest renewed, what did you do to make it fun again? Skyrim is starting to head that way...but hopefully won't get there. Morrowind is still fun, for now.
  12. Or any forum, actually. http://youtu.be/0la5DBtOVNI
  13. If Texas wants to go, they can go. Of course, at the first sign of trouble they'd be begging the US for help, I'm sure. Also, I wonder how many of those rules Wendy Davis had to adhere to would have been in place if she'd been filibustering for something of which they approved? As for how people like that get into office, don't women get a vote, etc: Jim, I don't know how politicians operate in the UK, but here, they're very good at disguising what they're really trying to do behind unassuming names, which clouds the issue. For instance, Immigration reformsounds like something that would be one thing, which it's really the opposite. Also, they hide it in other bills as 'riders', say "We won't let your thing pass unless you work in our agenda, too" and so on. Also, not all people are convinced that it's really an issue, or think "Well, if it doesn't affect me, who cares?" and don't vote at all or don't take human nature into account and think things like "Don't want a baby? Then don't screw around." or quite often it comes to "I don't want government meddling in my life, but it can meddle all it wants in areas with which I disagree", such as abortion.
  14. I got bored as hell with Oblivion two years ago. Not even mods like Nehrim cured it. Now I have it installed again, along with Skyrim and Morrowind (I'm 47 and play all three, guess that makes me a kid at heart :P). I have a bit of gaming ADD (as well as regular ADD) so I keep all of them on my pc at all times to save myself the trouble of reinstalling.
  15. No one? Oh well, I thought it was funny :P
  16. I heard some guy on a Let's Play call Caius Cosades Cassus Co-sayds. Someone else called Vivec Vivee, because he thought the C was another E. I tend to call Zainsipilu "Zippity Dooh-Dah" I say Jiub as "Jyoob" but I might be wrong on that one. I love the Dwemer names best; I always joke that the Dwarves really disappeared because they broke their jaws trying to pronounce those names and starved to death en masse :P Sometimes I call Hasphat, Asshat Annapolis. Sotha Sil-- Sofa Mart Sometimes when male Nords are being annoying (in all the games) I say "Shut up, Skwisgaar!" Once, I called Huleeya, Julio. Oh, and Crassass Curious :D
  17. Oh hell, I can't fix the title :( I was going to make this 'Things TES Players Don't Say' but I figured I'd say the wrong thing and someone would get a hair up their butt and the whole thing would end in tears and bannings. So instead it's things that you would never hear a TES NPC say. Add your own! If I get enough good ones, I might make a video. 1. Hey, an Outlander! I love Outlanders! 2. Killing people for money is wrong. I could never work for the Dark Brotherhood. 3. The Lusty Argonian Maid is a masterpiece! 4. If Nerevar doesn't get his/her butt here soon, I'm going to bed. 5. Oh no I don't need you to get that thing for me, it's just a minute's walk away. 6. Considering I'm bigger, stronger, and better equipped than you, maybe I'd better go deal with that dragon instead. 7. Against my better judgement, I'm believing what you say with no requirements of proof from you (Baurus, Jauffre, and Martin, I'm looking at YOU). 8. I saw a mudcrab the other day. It was soooo cute! 9. Meh, Mundus is boring. come, my minions, let us leave this place. It's a whole bunch of no fun.
  18. I stupidly chose to download on Steam instead of what I was familiar with. I can't get the Steam version to recognize that I have mods, nor does it work with Nexus mod Manager. It just goes "Hurrr derp, don't see any mods!" more or less. Is there a way to make it work, or am I just screwed?
  19. I like Angry Joe (though he's more entertainment value for me than someone whose reviews I take seriously) but then I also love the Angry Video Game Nerd. Despite being middle aged and female, the childish humor and over the top swearing amuse me to no end. Such a shame this game sucks. I used to enjoy this series.
  20. If you don't mind going really old school and having to really work at a game (in good ways) go to gog.com and check out the original Might and Magic games or Ultima. with Ultima, I'd recommend starting with 4, the first 3 are just really batpoop insane.
  21. Partly becase of their stupid design/business decisions with Diablo 3 and mostly because of something you won't read in the news (in a Livejournal WoW community, someone posted how Blizzard's continually just sitting with their thumbs up their butts when she and a friend of hers repeatedly had to report in game harassment that crossed over into real life into cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and irl stalking and death threats which culminating in her friend just snapping and killing herself. Yes, I know, jerks, a-holes, and downright evil people are everywhere, but it's more that Blizzard refused to ban them when such in-game harassment is well against their own damn ToS, which apparently they no longer give a 'tos's about.) I'm leaving World of Warcraft. Now, I've narrowed my choices down to either Guild Wars 2 and Secret World. I like both options equally well for different reasons (Fantasy world versus Earth setting with beings from myth, legend, and horror tales) and my computer would handle both fairly well. so what I'm asking is if you've played either or both, tell me what you liked, didn't like, and what was meh. Thanks :D
  22. Old school, but years ago I watched a friend play Phantasie 2 on his C 64. that was it, I was hooked :D
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