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Everything posted by Deleted472477User

  1. http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll160/Lolblivion/labor_history.png The point? That everything that has been put into place to protect the rights of workers (without whom corporations would have an even harder time making money) that was ever predicted to bring doom, gloom, and ruin, never did.
  2. I will say that I do feel it's preferable that everyone take care of themselves, and their own. The reality is, however, that some people are genuinely unable, and some people can't afford to take care of a disabled family member or themselves. So what happens then? "Too bad for you, you should have done everything right and not become disabled/had a disabled child or any children at all/put yourself into a better position/get a better job so just die already and we don't have to worry about you at all"? Just once I want to see someone come out and say "Yes, that's exactly it" instead of all the mealy-mouthed dancing around the bush and occasional "toss them a bone with this voucher thing" that people who think there should be no assistance at all tend to engage in. Romney/Ryan will never admit it, because it would cost them votes amongst the moderates and undecided. Also, all the fussing about "Government interference". Well, the reason that certain laws are in place is because corporations have proven that they can't be trusted to do the right thing. EPA laws are in place because of rampant pollution. It's easier to just pollute and dump crap all over, and cheaper, too. We have labor laws to ensure workers are treated fairly. I'm sure that anyone here who works enjoys a safe work place, reasonable hours, and getting a certain level of pay, as well as knowing that their kids aren't being used as cheap labor :P Does anyone here on about interference really think that if all those laws were removed tomorrow that not only would all the offshoring stop and the companies come running back to set up shop here? Or that you'll still enjoy that nice salary instead of 2.00 an hour, if that? Or knowing you're working in a safe place instead of a place that cuts safety corners to maximize profits? See, these laws weren't put into place because some people in government one day decided "Hey, let's mess with Big Business and screw them over just for fun!" They did it because before there without regulations, companies did what the eff they wanted without regard for anything but their profits. If anyone here can honestly tell me they believe that "Yes, people running the corporations are ethical and can be trusted to make a profit without screwing others over in the process", and why, I'll listen. I think people forget that historically, unless you were really lucky and were employed by basically decent people, the workplace could be brutal, and not just the office politics :P
  3. I got that too last night, and figured the modder just didn't want the particular file available to download anymore. Glad to know that might not be the case, after all.
  4. I get the feeling that they're saving it for the next entire game.
  5. Pretty much what I just said :D Mind I didn't comment much on Oblivion mods, but I do recall all the griping that had ensued over the Horse Armor DLC. I also wasn't thrilled with much of the rest aside from Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine. Morrowind had minor DLC that was totally free, and the expansions were truly worthy.
  6. is it bad that I want to do these? Nope. No mods are inherently bad, some just have more of a tendency to cause fandom wan --err, heated discussion than others. But I for one would love to see the last one actually modded and put into place! I would so play it. "I'm Jarl Balgruuf, and I approve this message..." Anyway, regarding the topic of this post, corrupt isn't the right word. I do think they can be a bit lazy (regarding character and clothing models, hence modders picking up the slack with every game), they overhype (my sig has an example), and they rush things a bit much, leaving us with the bugs. Regarding DLC, I think they're opportunistic, in the sense of "Well, we knew from day one the fans want this stuff, but we'll just sit on it for some DLC content instead of releasing them with the main game." It annoys the fans, but it's good for business, because while it is annoying it doesn't overall cost them enough buyers to make it worthwhile to change that process.
  7. Eventually people wise up to all the same election gimmicks the Democratic Party has been using for the last 30 years, like telling grandma the Republicans are going to take away her social security check, using class warfare, and the race card to scare people. And none of the slanderous lies they say ever happen, but the same group of morons just keep buying into the same nonsense every election cycle. There is a reason that people vote Republican when they get older, its because they wise up. For the youth of America, these parroted gimmicks are new, because they haven't been exposed to politics but that only lasts for so long. Idiots are the gift that keeps on giving for the Democratic Party. As bad as George Bush was, Obama has done a far worse job. And Jimmy Carter can rest easy knowing that he is no longer the worst president we've ever had. Now that you've told us the Democrats suck and why, perhaps you would like to tell us why for you the Republicans are a far better choice? Some of it I can understand: I'd rather do for myself and take care of myself when at all possible, I agree with the Second Amendment, I support military action when it's genuinely needed and not just because "We don't like how those people live" and a few other perfectly reasonable things. Earlier in the year, I was staunchly, almost blindly, liberal, but I find myself swinging to a more moderate position and overall, I'm developing an attitude of "Both sides suck, I'll vote, but I just want this crap over with now." I just can't get behind the whole "Poor little wimmins can't be be trusted with their own bodies" rhetoric or the lack of concern for the environment in favor of making more money (Last time I checked, you guys breathe the same air and drink the same water we do :P) and the lack of regard for education (Public schools exist so everyone can have an eduction, not just the rich, and if you can show me a rich teacher working for a public school, I'll print these words out and eat them. If you can't, they're not overpaid).
  8. I use Adblock because last year I got not one, but TWO deeply rooted Malware instances that in both cases came though via ads on perfectly legit websites (Deviant Art and WoWhead) that cost me 200 dollars each time to have removed by professionals because they were the sort that basically held your pc for ransom unless you paid 50 dollars for the bogus security system. Doing additional research the second time (McAfee never did jack crap to catch or remove either instance) I discovered Malwarebytes, Adblock, and Firefox were the safest ways to go. I can't afford to shell out tons of money to remove viruses and malware, so I have to use Adblock. I will also say that when the ads were running here, I did get another malware, but fortunately Malwarebytes was able to rid it. As long as I keep Adblock on, I'm usually safe (though I did pick up annoying Google Redirect garbage which sometimes takes you to sites riddled with even more viruses and malware and some virus that caused random sound clips to play and both of those had to be rid professionally as well, thankfully this machine was still under warranty).
  9. *shrugs* Guess I missed it. this is why I don't normally bother posting anything like news.
  10. Ugh. I can't stand that sort of thing. I tried playing the MMO Forsaken World, but stopped ten minutes in when my badass warrior chick squeaked like a five year old on helium when hit in battle. Um, NO. What is with some MMOs cutesy-fying strong female characters? Attractive, beautiful, sexy, fine. But please don't make my toon sound like a child, unless she's a member of a child-like race (this was a Human I was playing). I would fully expect an Elin from Tera being squeaky, not my tall, athletic human female warrior!
  11. Slash Gear Article Joystiq states Dec 4 Release for Xbox
  12. Dragonborn Trailer Awww crap, I mangled the post title and can't fix it now. bah. I was so excited I got all fumble-fingered :D
  13. I have to agree, especially since I look back at history and see that we had some excellent presidents who did some great things and they identified as Republican. Lincoln was a Republican. so were Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt, who got the whole National Parks thing rolling (to my knowledge, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong) and now? The same party wants to reverse all that. Someone I know who identifies as Republican said (out loud, not on a forum) that he thought the best solution to joblessness and poverty was just have all the poor people and homeless put into work camps. I asked him who would make his latte on the way to work every morning, because since Starbuck's employees aren't known for their vast amounts of wealth and they would be there too. He shut up pretty fast, but I've also heard him say something similar to Scrooge's comment about "Then let them die and therefore decrease the surplus population." I won't say they all think this way, but those who do aren't likely to voice it so bluntly, or publicly. It would lose them votes. The point of my without caffeine yet this morning rambling is they've gotten to be really, really scary, and I don't see the Democrats doing much to stop them, even when they can. All I know is I don't know what I'm going to do if Romney wins. I'm not well-off, I do what I can work-wise, but unless I win a mega millions lottery, I won't be safe.
  14. Thanks for the tips. My latest group of screenshots didn't generate much interest, either. I'll keep trying.
  15. Daggerfall was my intro to TES. It was also one of the few decent things my now long-ex boyfriend ever did for me: he got me Daggerfall for Cheistmas in 1996 :D i do wish the DaggerXL people would finish it, but I also realize they have lives, jobs etc.
  16. I had Faendal for ages because I like him for some reason :D Then I got Atvir Dres and like him much better. I roleplayed in my mind that Faendal went back to Riverwood to ask Camilla to marry him and my character was chilling in the corner club and was intrigued by the very grouchy looking Dunmer there. Overall, I tend to like companions.
  17. This. Immersiveness is the thing, and everyone has their own idea of what that is/doesn't care about it at all. I wouldn't draw the line for others, just for myself. It's a single-player game, but I imagine some of the 'lore-mongers' get upset over what they feel is a lack of immersive mods as compared to "Play as an anime My Little Pony humanoid with big breasts wearing a school girl uniform". I exaggerate, of course: I'm sure you get the idea. Me, I stopped caring and just treasure what I find that I do like and ignore the rest. Sure there's some beauty mods I dislike (I just don't get the sad-faced chick look) but I just don't use them.
  18. I love this mod :) My Dunmer lad Seras needed a fellow Dunmer to travel with, and Atvir suits him quite nicely. The above mudcrab comment reminds me of the following: Seras and atvir were outside near some water, and tried to fast travel. I got the "You cannot fast travel with enemies nearby" message popped up, and I had the following exchange in my mind: Atvir: Let's get out of here. Seras: Can't. There's enemies nearby. Atvir: Bugger. Maybe it's bandits? Seras: Or a bear... Atvir: Perhaps a worthy opponent, such as a Dremora? Seras: Or a dragon! Wait...there it is. It's a-- Atvir: --sodding mudcrab. which is exactly what it was :D I might eventually do a screenshot comic with this.
  19. I always like making smart comments right back to the enemies when fighting: "Are you going to cry now?" *Seras whacks off their head* "No, and you won't, either." "You're dead!" "Nope, YOU are." Not my best ones, but I can't recall the others right now.
  20. I use it now and then, usually if I'm frustrated by a lock on a chest. Inevitably, it's a higher level lock and the chest contains crap :P Sometimes I put on god mode briefly if I'm really struggling (My computer is lower end and my reflexes aren't so good) but then I turn it back off. I don't add in tons of gold (I used to do this for Oblivion and Morrowind for clothing mods, because I always found it stupid that there would be a 10,000 dress that does nothing, not even a light armor bonus.
  21. Dear Horse, That little stumble of not even two feet up killed you? Really? Are horses in Skyrim made of balsa wood? Maybe we should have been riding down that gentle slope more slowly, but come on. Guess I'm going to have o find a horse mod for an invulnerable horse, then. Toughen up, guys.
  22. Dear locked chests, You make No. Sense. At all. Seriously, I often find better loot in Apprentice or Novice locked chests than anywhere else! My first Master lock, I was expecting something of epic proportions. Instead, I got 20 gold, a healing potion, and an iron bar. Really? Not amused, She who went through 20 lockpicks Dear dragons, Are you guys stalking me? It never fails. I come out of a cell: dragon. I fast travel: dragon. I load the game: dragon. Da hell? HOW DO YOU KNOW?! No love (but with a restraining order that reads FUS RO DAH), Me Dear Charuses (Charii?), What the hell, guys, is your venom made of live rattlesnakes and the tears of forsaken children? I've never gone through so many healing potions in one fight. You owe me. Okay everyone, your turn. It can be as in-game or as meta as you like. Anything to do with Skyrim--NPCs, monsters, quests, the devs, anything.
  23. I will admit to thinking that a compilation called "Dirty Skyrim" would be a compilation of all the naughty mods :D
  24. She exemplifies the Lady Not Appearing in This Game trope :D
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