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Everything posted by Deleted472477User

  1. So much agreed. I remember I couldn't instal Fallout 3 on my old PC because it didn't like Microsoft Live, and nothing I did would make it like it. I know they thought they had good reasons for going with Steam, and so far I've had no issues with it, but if my internet was down or gone I wouldn't be able to play Skyrim. the communication thing really bugs me. In addition to more communication, I'd like better and more clear communication. How many times have they said "We don't know if we're doing X"/"We're not doing X" only to do it? The better answer, if they're unsure or unready to release that info, would be to say "We're not ready to discuss that yet."
  2. I've often said that TES VII will have photorealistic graphics for terrain etc, the character models will look slightly more realistic, it will take place in a one acre radius, have exactly three quests, and have three skills (stab, zap, and sneak). Either that, or ship with just the Construction Set and the words "We give up, do it yourselves" :P
  3. why should a publisher stick to use one or two franchises? Well, possibly DeathWarrior might feel this way because it really is what they do best, and every time they've tried branching out, it wasn't exactly a hit for them, and some cases, it was utter fail. Also something to be said for not spreading one's self too thin over too many projects. Or it could just be that they make awesome RpGs. not so good other things. There's no NEED to stick with the one or two franchises, but RPGs are what they do best.
  4. LOL you win a kudo ;) All these x9000. How could I have forgotten testing, poor dialog, and toning down the "Ooh, shiny!" in favor of stuff with actual depth to it?
  5. Unfortunately, since Morrowind Bethesda seems to have dropped choices and consequences story-telling in favor of handholding. Would it really take that much time and effort to have people in the world react to what you do in it? Multiple endings might be too much, but at least SOME more reaction would be very nice. I love that Skyrim offers a big world and you can do what you want. But I'd also like to see a "Well, you screwed around too long dovakhiin, world is getting om nom nommed by Alduin now, too bad, try again." The original Fallout had a wide open world, AND a timed quest, and it's great.
  6. As long as they've been around, Bethesda still hasn't learned some things that would make their lives easier and maybe even just increase profits in the process. Things like... Don't hold back content that could easily be placed in the initial release (horse armor and crossbows, it's all on you). I'm sure there's other stuff along these lines. FFS, LEARN to make hair and faces! I know you can do it. It shows in your concept art. Sure modders can fix it (very well indeed!) but that doesn't help console users. Don't go on about "We have a really big exciting OMG announcement that our fans have been waiting to hear!" at the big game conventions especially when you know that wording like that is guaranteed to make people go "Yay, they're finally announcing the next TES game!" and then have it be some crappy POS that hardly anyone gives a darn about *coughBRINKcough* That would be like making fans think the next Batman movie is coming and it turns out to be a rom-com or something from the same studio. Todd Howard, please get a dictionary. Look up the word 'hyperbole'. Make a note of it. the...STOP USING IT. Hundreds of ways to get the diamond, indeed. Seriously though, i love the games. they just do some dumb/incomprehensible stuff sometimes.
  7. I would say a credit to the modder, the mod's name, and the link from where you downloaded it in the description. Since it's pretty much free publicity, I don't think too many modders would mind! It wouldn't hurt to ask beforehand, though.
  8. Didn't the Stick of Truth suddenly go into Development Hell? If that is the same game, now I see why there was a huge flurry of activity, the release date was near...then suddenly, pushed back to 2014. Or is this a different South Park game? I never paid a lot of attention to THQs games, though in reading the comments I have to agree it sounds like they were poorly run, indeed. DLC is supposed to be additional content that enhances gameplay, story, etc. Not "This crap was in the game but we locked it out to make more money later on." or in the case of Bethesda "Here's some stuff people were moaning about that we could have had in there from the start (Dawnguard) and a house mod, (Hearthfire) even though the modders make them far better."
  9. The fact that most people have no trouble with it meaning there's no issue (or that it's just the OP) is a little like saying "Most people aren't allergic to peanuts, so there's really no problem." OP is having a problem. The fact that nth users don't doesn't negate that. Sorry, I just get a bit wound up over this sort of thing. James, do make sure to do the validation. Steam is a bit different from most things requiring validation and it isn't as transparent in how things work. I also second the link about installing from disk.
  10. Brink, wasn't that the game from Bethesda (or one of the companies they acquired) where at one of the big gaming conventions back in 2010 they were saying "We have a big exciting announcement, it's so awesome, we know the fans have been waiting for it, blah-di-blah" and many people--myself included, admittedly--based on those words promptly assumed it was to announce the next Elder Scrolls game... ...and it turned out to be Brink instead?
  11. Have a look at some of the articles coming out about how folks are somewhat less than happy with the house republicans for NOT voting on the Aid bill for folks affected by Sandy. :) Talk about cutting your own throat with a dull knife...... lol less than happy is being polite... The Congressional Republican party is done next cycle. I have this feeling even the republican party as a whole will become split up leading the party to no longer being concidered major player in the two party system. The democratic party will probably be in control on capital hill for decades unless they get their party together. I honestly believe they just need to get rid of the teaparty advocates. It's the teaparty movement that has actually destroyed the republican party. You're right, I was being polite. I really wanted to say a bunch fo things that would lead to my banning, but I didn't want that :D
  12. That's a shame :( All I can think of is it wasn't getting enough action as a proper mmorpg and so they went the LOL route. I hate LOL. the player base is one of the nastiest I've ever met.
  13. Pretty much what I was wanting to say of it. I shouldn't have to have my mage character looking like she's working the pole at Shotgun Willie's every time she wants to cast a spell! ("Buuuuuuuut shaaaaaaake Blaaaaaaast poooooooowwweeeer!") The Elin wouldn't be so bad if they didn't look and sound like 5 year olds, though I'll admit that the idea of tanking with one makes me giggle :D
  14. I'm not too happy with either side, but I am delighted that they actually managed to do it! I heard somewhere yesterday that the Republicans only finally did something because they realized (finally) how much they'd be even more hated if they sat on their hands and did nothing. Self-serving, yes, but at least it went through.
  15. I'm 47. I started playing crpg's almost 30 years ago, and I haven't stopped yet. It's never too late to start! There's videos online with older people playing these games. One I saw had a man in his 70s playing World of Warcraft :) I play WoW, though I'm currently taking a break. They do have a free to play model now, letting you go up to level 20 and it has some limitations, but it will give you a good idea of the game.
  16. I didn't play many new games, but I wasn't impressed by what little I've seen of Tera for reasons I won't get into here. I didn't really want to go near Diablo 3 (forced online play and a real money auction house killed it for me) but that doesn't mean they were bad, just not for me. The only really bad game I can think of is The War Z. People accuse Todd Howard of fibbing, but his is mere truth-stretching compared to the outright lies told by that game's devs. How can you lie about a game having a skill set when it really doesn't? I didn't play it, but man, did I hear about the brouhaha.
  17. I hate them Regardless of butt-size, they're horrible. I also dislike leggings.
  18. One thing I thought was kind of cool about Daggerfall dungeons was that they weren't really level scaled...but on the over hand, they weren't wholly out of your character's league either. At the same time though, you could be in a dungeon populated with level 5 or so enemies...and hear the far-off laughter of a Daedra Lord (a level 20 enemy!). I think they were the early concept of Dremora before Battlespire introduced them, maybe.
  19. Considering the progress thus far on DaggerXL, I think we'll be on to TES VII before they're done :P
  20. Itried it, didn't get into it. Pretty much how I am with everything except WoW (not saying WoW is better than the rest, it just works best for me).
  21. I need to get a new copy. I haven't played in ages, but I loved it. I beat it twice on Nightmare and several times on Normal with an Amazon, offline. I rarely played online but if I get another copy, maybe we could play together.
  22. For me, aside from Morrowind, my big favorites are the old SSI Gold Box Dungeons and dragons games like Pool of Radiance, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, and so on. Also, Wasteland. Spiritual ancestor of the Fallout Series.
  23. Ultima 9 is far, far worse. If it was a stand-alone, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But they called it Ultima. 9. Your Avatar doesn't know a damn thing (No, he doesn't have amnesia, it's just a very crappy attempt at exposition for people new to the series. Dude! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A PALADIN IS? YOUR BEST FRIEND WHO SACRIFICED HIS LIFE FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD IN 7 WAS A PALADIN! (Phew, I'm channeling the Spoony One...) I'd rather receive open heart surgery from Mehrunes Dagon than play this game. I'd rather--oh man, now the Angry Video Game Nerd! Anyway, Ultima 9 has my vote.
  24. let's see. Bush> 9/11 Iraq Katrina the 8 years leading to the financial collapse etc I can't see how Obama can be put into the category of cockup as bush was/is.. Obama> Obamacare..aka rommenycare/ clintoncare /rebulicancare? lowering taxes? Being a slow ass leaving Iraq and Afghanistan..? I know you can list some s***, but lol Obama being bashed for taking out Osama! :teehee: The way I see it, if it had been their guy in office who did it, it would have been all "Whoot yay, go us!" :D I mean, regarding Bin Laden.
  25. Fair enough, but where does the line get drawn between "Best for corporations?" and "Best for humanity/the environment?" Remove the red tape and sure things will get done, but can you really trust them to do things without screwing people/the world over? There's the issue. Yes, there is too much of it. That's why I prescribe balance for both sides. Just wish I knew how to do that, though.
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