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Everything posted by Alaylyne

  1. "I bear no love towards any of the gods, aside for certain liking for Shar, but what has the goddess of beauty," the fey'ri started in a rather ironic voice after Ravenna finished her mad cackling that earned the witch a subtle eye roll from the half-demoness, "done to make you bear such ill will towards her? I do not think you've ever shared that little story with me." She was interested in what would, exactly, take to turn one into a creature so twisted and evil. It seemed to be natural for Sefris, but not for the most of the humans, 'twould seem so. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Anemone didn't notice the other genasi joining her at the front of the ship, looking at the waves. The way they crashed against each other and against the ship looked like a battle of giants, and they were sailing across them. One would overpower the other, but would be overpowered itself in the next second. The genasi chuckled as she observed, imagining one giant tripping as he tried to hit another. Now that would be an amusing sight. Avira, on the other hand, wasn't so thrilled by the waves and wind that was getting stronger with every second, so the raven flew over to the railing, next to Othos. The bird tilted her head a bit at the other genasi, studying him as much as a bird could study anything. Being grumpy as she was, Avira usually didn't like other people, but she seemed to be drawn by genasi, so Othos' presence was could be tolerated. The bird cawed at the planetouched, earning a chuckle from her genasi companion. "Don't bug the sailors, Avira," Anemone called to the bird without turning around, "Even you couldn't fly forever if the ship was to sink."
  2. "As hospitable as always, my dear Ravenna." Sefris added with an amused snort, entering the carriage after the witch. She returned to her elven appearance once she was inside, knowing she won't need to kill anyone while they're driving....unfortunately. "What is the plan now?" she asked the woman after the carriage started moving, glancing at the witch between looking out of the window and at her dress. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anemone was glad the fighting ceased, for she truly disliked killing and hurting people - it was her job to offer help wherever she could. And not to mention working together sounded much better than trying to kill each other. The genasi glanced at the raven that was sitting on their former ship with her hat, but the bird was nowhere to be found. She didn't lose them, did she? Caw! The plantouched smiled at the sight of the grumpy old bird sitting on their - now new - ship, on top of her hat. "Good grumpy bird!" She cooed to the raven, moving to where she sat with her hat. "Now be an even better grumpy and give me back my hat, please." Caaaw! "Oh pretty please, Avira, I did not mean to say you're grumpy, gods forgive. Can I have my hat back now, please?" The raven eventually gave up and let the genasi have her hat, to which the woman smiled victoriously. "Such a cute, grumpy bird you are." Anticipating the coming storm, the genasi made her way to the beak head, as close as she could without being in danger of falling down, and sat down, enjoying the wind. She loved the smell of salt it carried with it, giving her solace even in a situation like this. Nobody seemed to need her poor healing skills, so perhaps she could enjoy these moments. The idea of speaking with Othos a bit later seemed interesting, but the place was too good for her to move. The woman sighed dreamily, looking at the sky. A storm, indeed.
  3. With a sigh, the elf pushed herself away from the wall she was leaning on and emptied her basket, spending some time tending to the newly gathered herbs. It took her a few minutes to leave those that had to be dried in the sun next to the little window, while those that were to be used fresh were put in a jar according to their category. She still had to deliver a package of herbs to a certain bartender to help him deal with hangovers. The woman picked herbs both from her collection of jars and those that were left to dry in the sun a few days ago, putting them all together in a larger jar she then put back in her - now empty - basket. She's been earning a few silvers by selling herbs and acting as an herbalist in the city, simply so she'd be able to buy what she couldn't catch in the wilds. Again with the basket under her arm the elf departed, throwing another glance to the old and empty house she was residing in, closing the door behind her. Few minutes later she walked into The Hanged Man, quickly scanning the interior of the inn before she walked over to the bar. "Ah, you again." The bartender said seeing the elf. "You'll have to wait a few minutes, Bart isn't here yet." The ginger nodded, quietly taking a seat at the bar. She spoted the hostile woman she had enountered while returning from the outskirts of the town as well as the other red-headed elf that was so unlucky to pass by the mentioned woman sitting next to two other women. Beside a pair of nobles and the regulars, nobody else was around, or at least nobody Alaila found interesting. The elf looked back at the bar as she waited, tracing the wood with her finger as she waited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere in the Free Marches Fool. Running away isn't going to make his death any less painful. A man with a green hood was casually walking in the woods with an arrow notched in his bow, looking as if he was only hunting. What his prey was, though, is what made him odd. His prey was obviously lost in the forest, running around in circles, which amused the hunter. The noble he was hunting was so painfully obvious it almost made him laugh. His steps weren't as light and soft as the hunter's, leaving a trail even a child could follow. On top of that, the running tired him out, so the smell of his sweat was another giveaway. And then there were the broken branches the noble had stepped on during his run, making the whole scene look as if a boar passed this way. And the fear. He could simply smell the fear, for this man seemed to radiate it in a 200 m circle. But soon enough he won't be able to run anymore, while his hunter was only getting warmed up. "No! PLEASE!" the noble shrieked knowing his hunter was slowly closing in, "I have a little daughter! She's only 5, please don't let her grow up without a father! I beg you!" The noble now fell on the ground, a log firmly quenched in his right hand. He's never carried a weapon in his whole life, but situations like this push a man to his limits. There was no answer as the noble backed against a tree, rapidly looking from left to right in desperate hope he'll spot his pursuitor. "I have money! I'll double whatever they're paying you! N-no, I'll TRIPLE it! Whatever you want! Please...my little Angie..." the man's voice broke, turning into quiet sobbing. "Don't worry yourself," the hunter now stepped into the light, putting the arrow back in his quiver and the bow on his back, "She won't grow up without a father." The noble looked up, smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks. "S-she won't? So y-you'll l-let me g-go?" The Anders man knelt down beside the noble, hands resting on his knees as he looked the man in the eyes with a quiet chuckle. "I'll just go visit your lovely wife and the little Angie after I'm done with you. Better not to grow up at all, thnn to grow up without a father, no?" "N-NO! NO! I BEG YOU, DON'T KILL-" the noble's panic shrieking was cut off when one of the assassin's daggers found its target in the noble's throat, silencing any further begging. Maker, it was fun when they tried convincing him not to kill them. Begging was always so amusing. When the man got up, leaving the warm corpse bleeding on the groud, a hawk silently landed on the man's shouler, awaiting his further commands. The ranger smirked, wiping the blood off of his dagger as he started walking down the path that led out of the forest. "Come on, Ouray. We do have to inform the family, no? And take care of Angie dearest before her mother. Makes it so much interesting when a parent is watching..."
  4. Now on Steam as 'Alaylyne' :3
  5. Sefris chuckled at the situation, looking at her claws which were still covered in the lizard's blood. "Indeed, orc. Your troops seem to lack...fear." An army should be absolutely terrified of their leader and respect him fully. If it was her army...the wouldn't even dare look up while she passed by. Heh. 'Her' army. Now that would be an amusing sight. --------------------------------------------------------- Anemone looked at the genasi that had jumped down next to her, smiling. She certainly was glad to meet another of her kind since it's been so long, and to meet one so friendly. "I am glad, Othos." The genasi replied, watching him fight for a second. The archers were a problem for the others, like Kowolj, who couldn't get across. In addition to that, it seemed one of her companions has already boarded the pirate ship and wasn't doing so well against such a large number of pirates. "Avira!" the genasi threw her hat to the raven, the bird sitting down on it with an irritated caw! She then proceeded to grab a rope with a large hook one would use for catching really big fish, throwing it at the pirate ship after spinning it until it wrapped itself around the foremast, glancing at Othos for a second as she walked to the edge of the ship. "I was told wind is amazing when you jump from one ship to the other." She said with a smile to Othos before jumping. And so it was, making the woman yell with delight before she landed on the pirate ship, easing her landing in the similar way Othos did a bit earlier. She was immediately surrounded by a group of pirates, but the woman only smiled, pulling out her daggers again. "Now....I spy with my little eye...pirates that are about to fall off of the ship." As they attacked, the genasi dodged or parried every one of them, since it was more of a dance for her than an actual fight. "Oh my! Look at that!" she pointed at something up in the skies, and of course they all looked up, giving the woman needed distraction to disappear once more from the sight. "Ye dolts! Get 'er!" One of the pirates yelled at the rest just a second before Ane pushed him in the water, much to the displeasure of the rest of the pirates who resumed their attacks.
  6. Anemone was enjoying the wind on the cutwater of the ship when the announcement of the attack reached her, the genasi grabbing her daggers as she ran towards the fight. Gods, she sure was fighting a lot in the last few days. Avira flew next to the woman as she ran, but decided not to engage into the battle - the raven was grumpy enough without trying not to get shot, stabbed or decapitated. A few of the pirates jumped in front of the genasi, cutting her off of the main battle. She stopped running and looked at the three men, tilting her head a bit. "You know, one thing about being on a ship is that I don't have to kill you - you can just go for a little swim." the woman said cheerly, truly disliking killling. "Now you see me - now you don't." she added with a chuckle, disappearing in the shadows as she left the men wodering where she was. It was just seconds before one of them was already flying off of the ship and into the water with a shriek, the two other trying to do the same to the blue-haired woman who had pushed their mate. The genasi disarmed one in the next few seconds, hitting the back of his head with her hilt to knock him out, watching the man fall down on the floor. "...ouch. That had to hurt."
  7. Alaila's eyes widened a bit at the pissed off elf that crossed her way, holding her basket with herbs a bit tighter as the woman stormed by. Creators, somebody got up on a wrong foot this morning. The ginger looked once again at the woman after she had passed by, watching her almost run into a red-headed elf. She really was pissed. Looking again straight, the elf continued on her way to the alienage, greeting few of the acquaintances as she proceeded to her old house. Opening the old, creaking door, she walked in and closed them before her, looking around. She attempted to clean up the shack, but it only seemed the more she tried to clean, the dirtier it got. So the woman finally gave up, tidying up only a part where she had a few pots of hearbs she grew herself. She's only been in Kirwall for a few days, hoping to see her mother return, but she knew she wasn't coming back. The elf couldn't help but to wonder what had happened to her, and the empty house didn't gave any of its secrets away. With another sigh, she put the basket on the table next to the herbs pots, pondering while she was looking at her herbs. The ginger couldn't stay here. Kirkwall, of all the places, was currently the worse location possible for a mage, and it was obvious her mother was no longer here. She needed to find a way out of the city without drawing any attention to herself. A lone elf was much more suspicious than a group of travelers or mercenaries or whatever. Anything would do, she just needed to find the best option.
  8. Sefris chuckled at Ravenna's threats, glancing at the orc when the witch mentioned her. Gods know she'd welcome any orc venturing too near...with her fangs, claws and spear, that is. Maybe an occasional fireball. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anemone tilted her head a bit, looking at the wemic. "You do not know how to swim?" she asked, blinking. "Well, technically, there is ground beneath you....and a lot of water between you and the ground, but ground nevertheless! And besides, why would we shipwreck? Sailing is such a relaxing and safe ride. You have the wind in your hair, the smell of salt all around you and we'll be off of the ship before you know it!" The planetouched said with a reassuring smile. "There is nothing wrong in being afraid. But think of it as an adventure! A new enemy to conquer!"
  9. Alaila was walking down the streets of Lowtown, having just returned from the outskirts of the city where she had been gathering healing herbs. The humans payed no attention to the little ginger woman with a basket full of herbs, but every few elves nodded in her direction or gave her a smile. Her staff she left at her old home, not wanting to draw any attention to herself - still, the dagger hung from her belt, just a basic offence in case anyone tried something fishy. Thought she'd rather allowed herself to get hurt than to expose her magic. "Hey, lass!" The ginger looked over her shoulder to see and older elf walking in her way, giving him a shy smile. "I don't know yer back in town. Got tired livin' with those wild elves, did ya?" The mage shook her head lightly, walking towards the alienage with the elf accompanying her. "No, I'm actually looking for my mother. Have you seen her?" "Sorry, lass. Nobody seen 'er for a long time. I thought she left to see ya." The other elf replied, watching the ginger carefully. "Yer not alone in that ol' house, are ya?" She smiled, seeing how the elf was about to walk off in the other direction. "Dont' worry about me. I can take care of myself." Alaila said with a reassuing smile, though she tripped over a rock and almost fell on her face, caught in the last second by the elf walking beside her. "I can see that, lass. Take care, would ya?" he said again before waving her goodbye and walking off, leaving the ginger to her slow walk down the streets.
  10. Oooh, nice to see this up :biggrin: My paranoid little elf is back ^^ GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: Alalia Talelwa Gender: Female Race: elf Occupation: healer Age: 27 Class: Mage (shapeshifter) Alignment: Neutral APPEARANCE: Height: 5'5" (165 cm) Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs) Hair: Ginger, curly, wild and reaches half of her back Eyes: blue Skin: fair Handedness: left Scars/Tattoos: none General physical description: She looks at least few years older than she really is because she doesn't really care about her appearance, more concerned about her safety and survival. However, she cannot, by any standard, be called unattractive, even though she has very little self-confidence and tries to hide her face and ears most of the time. As any elf, Alalia has a pettite body and is physically weak, which she makes up with strong willpower and occasional cunningness. Other than her wavy ginger hair and a beauty mark below her right corner of upper lip, Alalia could be easily confused with almost every other elf. Voice: Calm, leaning towards deep rather than high pitched. She always makes pauses when speaking and can remain silent for a long time before replying, making others around her think she's ignoring them, when she just likes to take her time rather than to regret saying something later. Clothing/Armor: Commoner clothing, cloak with a hood Weapons: Wooden staff, dagger she keeps on her belt Visual appearance: PERSONALITY: General personality traits: An extreme introvert, loner, cares about her survival above everything else, cold, unimpressed by almost everything you could ever say, not talkative, cares little about other people. Likes: Nature, freedom, being alone, animals Dislikes: Templars, large cities, crowds, humans, elves-haters, racism Fears: being locked up in a tower, claustrophobia, getting caught by the templars Attitudes towards friends/strangers: those she considers friends are very rare and the only ones who see her for she really is, a caring person who is actually afraid of the world/ cold, indifferent, doesn't care Opinion of the world: A large scary place with thousands ways of killing her. HISTORY: Past: Alalia was born in Kirkwall Alienage and lived there for a couple of years with her mother who refused to join Alalia's father. She never knew much about her father, only that he was a Dalish and that she wasn't with him because her mother didn't want to "live like a savage, eating raw rabbits for dinner". Life in Alienage never really attracted Alalia and she eventually grew curious of the "free elves", as some of the other elves from the alienage called them, dreaming of a day her father would take her away from the rude shemlen city. The day came - but not the way Alalia imagined it. Her talent for magic showed when she was 6, worrying her mother to death and causing her to bring a rash decision of sending her to Alalia's father. Some of the local thugs smuggled the young mage - for a price, of course - out of Kirkwall and instead of bringing her to the Dalish, left her in the wilds. Fortunately for the little girl, Dalish did found her after a few days, scared and starving out in the cold. It was not the same clan Alalia's father was from - for they have gone far from the wilds surrounding Kirkwall -, but she was happy nevertheless. Growing up as a Dalish, she learned how to change her shape into a wolf, a bear, a hawk, and to control her magic. Alalia later left the Dalish to visit her mother, finding Kirwall in ruins, her mother missing and herself in a middle of a war between the Templars and her own kind. Birthplace: Kirkwall Alienage Family/Relationships: Mother she lost contact with, never met her father Friends: a few Dalish she grew up with Enemies: templars, almost every human OTHER INFORMATION: Skills and talents: Combat training Herbalism Spells: Arcane bolt Winter's grasp Weakness Lightning Glyph of Paralysis Mind blast Drain life Stone fist Shapeshifter: Wolf shape Bear shape Hawk shape Languages spoken: elvish Pets/Animal companions: none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an OC of mine from another RP group, but I love him, so here he is ^^ GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: Fletcher (?) Gender: male Race: human Occupation: mercenary/bounty hunter/assassin Age: 32 Class: Rogue (ranger) Alignment: Neutral evil APPEARANCE: Height: 187 cm (6'2") Weight: 91 kg (200 lbs) Hair: short, sharp, dark brown Eyes: dark blue Skin: tanned Handedness: left Scars/Tattoos: scars, cuts and burs cover almost 60% of his body, three on his face (horizontal on left cheek, left brow, vertical on right cheek), wolf tattoo on his left shoulder http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/177/1/e/Snarling_tribal_Wolf_Tattoo_by_Draikairion.jpg General physical description: Tall and muscular, Fletcher (?) is rather ruggedly handsome despite his unwelcoming behaviour. His blue eyes can stare with such intensity and hate one could feel intimidated just by looking at him. Messy short brown hair and stubble is rarely tended to, giving his a wild look, only confirming the amount of scars he's gotten during the years spent in the wilds. One could never be certain of what the man is thinking, as he is as likely to sleep with a woman as he is to kill one. Voice: Husky and deep, often full of murderous intent which easily intimidates those around him. Clothing/Armor: light dragonscale armor, green cloak with a hood Weapons: Bow and two quivers of arrows, twin daggers Visual appearance: PERSONALITY: General personality traits: Leader, solitary type, stubborn, selfish, serious, mischevious, dishonest, lascivious, detached, reserved, unreliable, pretentious, determined, decisive, confident, independent, patient, cautious, calculated, morbid, paranoid, proud, materialistic, racist, doesn't give a damn about anyone. Likes: one-night stands, smoking, being alone, making arrows Dislikes: socializing, commitment, feelings, rain, anything magical Fears: loving somebody ever again Attitudes towards friends/strangers: "Go away." Opinion of the world: "I do what I want, you deal with consequences." HISTORY: Past: Born in a poor family, he was left in front of a Chantry as a newly born baby, left to grow up with the other orphants. Fletcher (?) has always had a thing for bows and sneaking around, spending most of his time with wild animals rather than humans. At yound age he started showing signs of aggression and left the Chantry at the age of 14, joining a mercenary group with which he stayed over the next 13 years. Over the time, he's acquired quite a reputation of a thief, assassin and a mass murderer, known in Laysh only as "Wolf" or "The Butcher of Laysh". When he was 27, he got into something that got his whole bandit group killed, his whole personality and any part of his humanity copletely erased and 2 years in a dungeon, tortured on a daily basis. After two years of torture, he finally managed to escape and fled Anderfells, knowing he can never return to his homeland, despite the love he held for it. Birthplace: Laysh, Anderfells Family/Relationships: none he knows of Friends: none Enemies: how about the whole Anderfells and every woman he's ever slept with? OTHER INFORMATION: Skills and talents: Abilities: Intimidate Stealth Archery: http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletorange.gif Pinning shot - The archer looses an arrow that immobilizes a target for a short time. http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletorange.gif Bursting arrow - This arrow explodes on impact showering the area in shrapnel and flame. http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletorange.gif Hail of Arrows - The archer unleashes an entire quiver into the air. For a short time after, the missles rain down on enemy ranks. Dual wield http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletblue.gif Backstab - The lightning-quick rogue vanishes in a smoke screen and reappears behind the enemy with a fierce strike to the back. General: http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletpurple.gif Below the Belt - The rogue delivers a swift and unsportsmanlike kick to the target, dealing normal combat damage as well as imposing penalties to defense and movement speed unless the target passes a physical resistance check. Ranger: http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletgreen.gif Summon hawk - this ability is active almost all the time, since Ouray is with Fletcher constantly. The hawk can scout, distract enemies and has a basic claw attack http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletgreen.gif Summon spider - The ranger calls a large spider to fight alongside the party. http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/bulletgreen.gif Summon wolf - The rangers calls a wolf to fight alongside the party Languages spoken: Ander Pets/Animal companions: hawk Ouray
  11. Sefris watched the lizard falling down, not looking away until life in his eyes disappeared. Hmpf. This was barely entertaining, but her bloodlust is at least sated. For now. The fey-ri turned back to the orc with a faint smile, leaning on her spear. Great, more talking. Oh well, at least Ravenna will handle this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anemone greeted the sight of a ship with delight, while Avira only cawed, unimpressed. It's been so long since she's travelled by a ship! Oh, but the wind that will play with them once they set sail...This will be a good journey. She was among the last one to arrive at the docks, admiring the ship while most of the have already boarded. She was about to do the same, but she noticed Kowolj standing at the docks, frozen. "Kowolj?" she approached the wemic, glancing for a second at Avira that was jumping from her shoulder to the other. Gods, she really disliked everybody. "Is everything alright? The others have already boarded."
  12. The moment the lizard turned into a beast, she knew this battle was over. A beast could not think straight, could not think logically or think of a plan; it could only charge blindly into its death. The fey'ri stood still as the lizardman charged at her, not even trying to move or dodge it. "Do you know why you cannot win?" she asked while he charged at her, looking amused as she held her spear ready in her hands, "You are a mere beast...but I am something much worse." As the lizard was about to get a hold of her, close enough to harm her severely, the fey'ri plunged her spear at the beast, finishing it in a mere second. Her weapon was stuck in his neck faster before he registered what had happened, feeling it was getting harder to breathe. The half-demoness was staring at the lizard with her crimson eyes, not blinking. He was standing close enough to see all her scales on her face, the satisfaction of taking one's life in her eyes, the tips of her white fangs sharp as a knife peeking through red lips. "The moment you lose yourself in a fight...is the moment when you die." She added quietly to the lizard, pushing her spear deeper into the beast's throat. "Because nothing can save you once a demon gets her eyes on you, beast." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anemone chuckled at Kowolj's offer, still admiring the creature. She prefered not to ride, but to run when she can, but such an apportunity arises once in a lifetime. So the genasi stepped closer to the wemic, adjusting her hat with the large blue feather that hung in the air. "I've never ridden a wemic before...you're not going to throw me down, are you?" the planetouched asked with a smile, glancing to see Avira fly away - the raven, it seemed, was not so keen on the idea; she'll rely on her wings. "I bet you can outrun any animal here." Caw! "You included, Avira." the raven cawed again, determined to prove her genasi companion wrong. Anemone looked at Othos, smiling at the other genasi. "He is your friend, yes? Would I be taking your place if he allows me to travel on him for a while?" She wouldn't ride on Kowolj the whole time, just for a bit to see what it felt like. After all, her ability to speed up her ground speed once a day was something she used quite often and liked to - it would be no about she'd do it today, as well, since it's been a slow day for her since the morning, climbing to Shaundakul's shrine.
  13. The fey'ri was just waiting for the lizard to charge in, gripping her spear when he got closer. But killing him off now would be too easy - she should toy more with him, like a cat does before killing a mouse. Despite not being adept to melee fighting, the sorceress handled dodging quite well thanks to her specialization. Finally she stabbed the lizard's upper arm, pulling the spear back to watch him bleed. With a mischevious grin, the fey'ri pulled back, her wings flapping in the fire to direct them at the lizard. And on top of that, the half-demoness opened her mouth after a chuckle, a blaze of fire flying at the lizard who was still close enough to get caught in it. "Pathetic!" She yelled at him, "Finishing you off too fast would make me even more bored than I was!" -------------------------------------- Anemone nodded to Othos before he walked away to deal with the wemic, finding the situation rather amusing. She did not know how eating a werewolf would affect one, but they can't be tasty. Or so she assumed. The genasi had almost forgotten how charming her own race can be when they want to, surpressing a smile when she looked away from Othos. She's been so caught up in travelling and helping others lately she almost forgot how it is just to...talk with others. Avira doesn't count. Caw! "i haven't forgotten about you, Avira." The woman muttered to the raven, petting it on the head, to which the bird replied with a light peck. "You're such a grumpy bird." The winged half-elf who introduced herself as a Chosen on Kelemvor now spoke to the genasi woman, so she looked again in her way. That's right, Kelemvor bestoved his Chosens with black wings. I wonder if she can fly with them? That would be amazing. She could fly up as high as Avira and reduce an hours-long journey to mere minutes. Exploring uncharted places that way would certainly be much easier. "A dracolich? Those foul things are still around?" Ane asked, adjusting her feathered hat, "I would most certainly like to help you with such a feat. It is a noble thing you're all doing." the genasi replied, taking a light bow directed to everyone in the group. It's been a while since she's traveled with such a large group - it should be fun.
  14. Seeing how her flying above the lizard only made him angrier, the fey-ri laughed, dodging the severed arm and landing on the ground. It is no fun unless you get your hands dirty at some point...which is what she liked the most about killing. Standing in her full half-demonic glory with wings spread wide, the half-demoness hissed, showing her sharp fangs to the lizard. If he thinks he can take her on, he's a fool. The sorceress cast a firewall between them, stepping right into the fire which did no damage to her. How could it, considering her heritage? Taunting the beast as she stood right there in the fire, the sorceress readied her spear, waiting for the lizard to charge. "Come and taste the flames!" She callled the lizard, laughing as she played with the flames surrounding her whole body. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The genasi was trying to talk her stubborn raven into bringing her her hat, since it would be rude to leave the company now that they're all introducing, but Avira only cawed and stayed sitting on a branch. Grumpy bird... Her eyes looked back when another genasi approached her, puzzled to see one of her own. She only saw one other genasi during her travels and that was long ago. His words made the woman smile and chuckle, taking a bow herself. It was no doubt Shaundakul led them both here. It would be a lie to say his flattering didn't cause a reaction - luckily, her skin was too pale to give away any kind of blushing. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Othos. It's been a long time since I've seen any other of my kind. The Rider of the Winds must be smiling on us both today." Caw! Avira landed on Anemone's shoulder, holding the genasi' hat in her beak. The grumpy raven didn't seem to like such a large crowd of people, but she stayed still, assuming they'll move on as they always do. "Oh, thank you, Avira." Ane murmured to the raven, putting her hat back on as she looked back at Othos with a smile. "Dare I assume you were visiting Shaundakul's shrine? I've been there before visiting Moonmaiden's. The view is quite breathtaking considering the height."
  15. Sefris followed the orc, raising her eyebrow in interes. She doubted the creature would have a decent challenge for her, but it was better than just standing around, anyway. Walking down the tunnels, the sight of slaves and their guards pushing them back was amusing, making the fey-ri smirk. When they stopped, she looked at her new adversary, obviously not impressed. "A lizard? Ugh, their blood tastes horrible." When the lizardman charged at her, the fey'ri simply flew up a few feet, watching him from above. "I couldn't get it out of my mouth for days the last time I killed some of those creatures." Offering the beast freedom for killing her was a strong motivation, but that only made it more fun. It would be as taunting a bull with a piece of red sheet, the way she flew up and down, making the lizard jump. His angry roar made the half-demoness chuckle, summoning a fireball as she flew down closer to the ground. Ending this too quickly would be boring, and they couldn't have that. So she fired the fireball at the lizard's tail, watching it burn flesh with a geniune smile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I thank you for your kind words, Seraphine, but revenge isn't the answer. It just causes more pain and suffering. We should find kindness in our hearts and heal wounds, not inflict more." The genasi understood - partialy - the celestial and her thinking, but violence isn't the answer. To offer help wherever it's needed - that's what she did, not harm people unless she had no choice. And this woman seemed to live for it, for violence. But the genasi's thoughts were interrupted by a wemic who wondered in, her frown immediately turning up. "A wemic!" she proclaimed delightedly, examining the creature. She's only read about their kind, but she's never seen one. Such magnificent creatures. "Hello." She greeted the stranger back, not as reluctant as the others to approach him. "My name is La'Niabelleta Anemone Siale. Might I know yours?" It was then that the rest of the wemic's group approached, the genasi looking up. The planetouched was just as delighted to see so many people - knowing it must be so much fun to travel in a group as large as this one -, her interest shifting to the winged leader. She looked like a half-elf...was she a Choose? Ane read a lot about gods and races, but she couldn't remember which god would bestow such a symbol upon his or her Choosen. "Not at all," she replied to the winged half-elf, still curious about her wings, "Everyday is a day well spent when you meet new people. It is a pleasure to meet fellow travelers who pay respect to The Wind Rider." The genasi was about to take her hat off and bow lightly in the group's direction, but she then remembered she left it not far away from the shrine. No matter, she will get it later.
  16. Sefris smirked at Ravenna's question, shifting weight to her other leg. "The most dangerous monsters hide behind a beautiful mask. Do let that fool you." The fey-ri said slowly, smiling. Though she could bet none of the orcs here could provide her with a decent challenge. It's a waste of time lingering here, but if Ravenna wants then as servants....eh. She'll let her do what she wants. The half-demoness did say she'll work with her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The genasi grabbed her backpack and was tending to her scratch while Conall addressed the celestial that had helped them in the fight. "Do not apologize to me, Conall. There is no need. I was only serving The Helping Hand - offer help wherever needed." the woman smiled, looking at her wound. "Trust me, I do this on a daily basis. So don't worry." Ane turned to the celestial now, examining the woman curiously. She's never seen a celestial before...The woman was quite unique. "And thank you, Seraphine, for your help. It's a pleasure to meet you - my name is La'Niabelleta Anemone Siale, but you can just call me Ane." The planetouched greeted the celestial with a warm smile, having finished bandaging her wound. "Do you have much trouble with those Malarites, then?" she turned to Conall, "And I am...so sorry about your friend. I am sure the Moonmaiden will greet her in Her halls."
  17. Sefris stood next to Ravenna and let the witch deal with the orc, looking quite bored. She still thought of them as filthy creatures unworthy of her attention, and that much was obvious from her attitude. The fey'ri, however, pulled in her wings, deeming it unecessary for them to be out. Tsk. Hopefully the get to kill something soon. --------------------------------------------------------------- Anemone was surprised to see the werewolf who had called Conall by his name run away - but then again, he was probablly smart enough to live another day. So that left just one werewolf. The genasi was surprised to see the odd woman appear, but grateful since she seemed to be on their side. Her shadow disappeared, having taken much damage, leaving the shadowdancer with her opponent. It was the way she prefered it - one on one. Until then, she avoided any direct contact to avoid damage since they were outnumbered, but now she could finally handle the situation by herself. Letting the werewolf get close to her and scratch her arm with his sharp claws, the genasi took the opportunity to stab her dagger deep in the beast's head through his mouth. Letting the beast fall down before her, the planetouched huffed and retrieved her dagger, looking at Conall. "You do this often? One hell of a hobby." Her attention was then drawn by her bleeding hand, pressing the wound. Since her healing abilities were pathetic, it was good she had bandages in her pack.
  18. Anemone silently gasped when Conall turned as well, almost getting hit by one of the tree werewolves surrounding her. The genasi dodged the attack in the last second, jumping back for a few steps. Three against one? Eh, that wasn't really good...Seeing how Conall had his two werewolves under control, her shadow returned to help its mistress, hampering one of the enemies to proceed to Ane. The woman gripped her daggers again, knowing she's probably no match for two werewolves at the same time...well, she can at least keep full fire away from Conall until he deals with his opponents. And try not to get killed. "Getting into trouble always makes my life fun..." she smirked and leaped forward, stabbing one of the daggers in the werewolf's shoulder as she slipped behind him to avoid getting hit. Direct attacks were out of the question - she'd only endanger herself and get hurt badly - but if she wears them out by wounding them little by little...that might work. When the werewolf turned to attack her, followed by the other, the genasi ducked and rolled away, quickly up on her feet again. It's been a while since she's been in this kind of a fight - my, this will keep her on her toes.
  19. „Very lovely metaphor.“ The fey'ri replied to Ravenna's great plan of making webs and strings and…are they supposed to be spiders in this metaphor? Eeew. Filthy creatures. Unworthy. The sorceress let Ravenna lead on as the orc approached them, letting the witch handle all the talking. Could it be? This place was even more desperate than she had originally thought. Pathetic. Hopefully they'll be out of here soon. „And you may call me Sefris, if you wish. I care not.“ The half-demoness added as Ravenna introduced herself, leaning on her spear. She was even hoping a bit they would try to attack them, just sos he could have some fun setting their insides on fire while she dug their eyes out with her claws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as she heard voices other than Conall's, Anemone disappeared, only her hat left on the place she had been standing on. She did not leave the paladin, though, but continued to observe from a safer distance, invisible to the newcomers. Avira was safe on the tree, so that made it easier for the genasi to focus on trouble. Silently, she drew the magic from the Shadow Weave to summon an undead, a shadow that quietly appeared beside her. "So we meet again, friend." The shadowdancer whispered to the shadow, keeping her eyes on the situation. Malar...The Beastlord. This can't be go- and then they turned. She was taken aback, to say the least, but reacted quickly and sent the shadow to attack the two werewolves that had jumped on Conall. The genasi herself quickly ran to one of the rest three werewolves, stabbing him in the back before she was noticed by any of them. "Can't we talk about this? No?" It was a shame her weapons weren't silver, would've made the fight much easier. Easily dodging the werewolf's attack as an answer to her backstabbing, the genasi looked quickly towards Conall, her shadow and two werewolves that had attacked him to see how he reacted to the attack.
  20. "Well, Ravenna dear, not both of us have had the....pleasure...of undergoing such an exotic journey, so I shall think of them as more than mere rabbits. Maybe filthy, bloodthirsty rabbits." the half-demoness replied, wondering at the image of what an ancient orcish city would look like. A pile of bones? She doubted anything worth finding could still lie there, since she did not think the old orcw were any better than the current ones. But maybe the old city was built near something valuable - this may yet prove not to be a complete waste of time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Wha-" Avira flew off the second Fenrir growled, Anemone looked in her direction for a second or two before she got down, looking at Conall grabbing his crossbow. Hostiles? But who- she also noticed a pool of blood and unsheated her daggers, ready to fight if attacked. But couldn't they reason with whoever is here? She much preferred diplomacy to bloodbath. Still, they would need to see first who they're dealing with - so genasi said nothing, waiting for either Conall or whoever was here as well to make a move.
  21. "Orcs?" The fey'ri grimaced, looking at the witch. "Such filthy creatures..." she muttered once she was seated in the carriage, admiring the throne placed inside of it. Ravenna really did travel with style. "Why would you have an interest in such creatures? They are nothing but mere brutes." Getting involved with the orcs meant dealing with those disgusting creatures and Sefris did not like the idea of having to even look upon them. Oh well, maybe everything goes to hell and they get an opportunity to burn and roast them alive. That was an attractive idea. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The genasi's smile turned upside down as Conall replied, now sorry she even asked. "I...I'm so sorry, my tongue is often faster than my mind - I didn't mean to bring back something... ah, s#*!, now I'm just making things worse. I...I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Again." the planetouched replied, finding something very interesting in looking at her hands so she wouldn't have to look at the man walking beside her.
  22. "And they shall tremble before us in fear." the fey'ri added with a sadistic grin, following the witch. "So what are you up to now? I require an update." --------------------------------- "You never visit new places?" The genasi tilted her head a bit at her new friend, patting Avira who was asking for attention. "I don't think I'd ever be able to stay in one place for so long.' Air genasi and their fickle nature.
  23. Sefris' grin spread at the sight of the tailors and realization she can pick whatever she wanted to wear, knowing no other mortal will have such an outfit. Oh yes, vanitiy has certainly rubbed off of Ravenna to her and she didn't know how she could have worn such disgusting outfits, not caring about how she looked like. But when they fall on your knees from both fear and worship, that is the true terror. If she had any connections to a cat, you would most certainly be able to hear the fey'ri purring like a kitten while the tailors fussed around her, preparing an outfit similar to her old one, but with much more luxurious materials and ornaments. Besides her newly gained vanity, the sorceress also inherited love towards feathers from the witch, black ones now adorning her shoulders. "Ravenna, Ravenna if I had known you'd pamper me so much as soon as I returned, I would've sought you out earlier." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ane chuckled at Fenrir's behaviour that very much resented a pup, continuing to sit on the ground. She waved Conall as he turned to leave, looking at him up-side down as she leaned her head backwards - for her back was turned on him - as he addressed her again. "Join you? Of course! It's much more fun to travel in a pair if you can stand Avira's occasional grumpiness." The genasi got up from the ground and grabbed her little backpack to follow her new friend while the raven flew over to sit on her shoulder. Hey, free ride. Caw! "So what do you do when you're not traveling 'round the woods and wilds?" You've just gotten a talkative companion, Conall. Good luck.
  24. Hey guys, haven't been really active in the last few days, but it's crazy over here, I'm barely home @_@ I should be able to post tonight ^^
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