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Everything posted by Alaylyne

  1. The sorceress nodded, listening to the old witch as she spoke. "I do wonder another thing, though", she started, playing with a lock of her hair, "How did your mother died if she had found a way to live forever?"
  2. The elf relaxed once the possible fight was stopped and everybody was calm again. Her breathing calmed down as well, making it easier for the mage to think. Just one more night in this town. She can hold out that long. All she needs is a room to sleep in and everything will be fine. She approached the bartender and rent a room for the night, giving silver to the suspicious man. She didn't like the way the man looked at her, as if he knew something, but she needed her rest. Murmuring a quick 'good night' to the rest of group, she hurried upstairs, trying to be seen by as little number of people as possible.
  3. Alaila wasn't sure who this woman, her sudden friend was, and she didn't know what to feel about her. The pirate was...a sort of woman whose kind Alaila had never met before. It was confusing, to say at least, and her blood was still filled with adrenaline due to running around and all the action from before. The mage looked at the pirate when she asked her question, shaking her head. "No" was the only answer Isabela got, the elf putting on her hood partially, just to hide her ginger hair. Alaila twitched when that man from before appeared behinded the pirate and her, causing her to grip her staff tighter. He was...accusing this woman she was with? Could it be possible that the pirate was nothing more than a cleverly disguised templar? Or was the man with a mabari an agent for the templars, trying to get them both to confess they are indeed the mage and the woman who escaped the earlier capture? He elf took a step away from both of them as her paranoia grew, until the Dalish warden appeared. The man was her friend? Didn't she meet him just a few minutes ago? What if they were all working for the templars? What about Thomas - he was a mage, too. Templars would never work with a mage. The mage was unsecure - they could all be working with the enemy and she couldn't trust anybody but the other mage. Still, a warden shouldn't worry about mage-templar war, not to mention a Dalish. And Thomas seemed to trust her and he managed to stay unnoticed so far. Just maybe she can trust those two. The others were complete strangers for her. Alaila stayed silent when Jadaco, that man with a mabari almost attacked Isabela, waiting to see how this all plays out.
  4. Alaila cursed on the inside as she kicked some rock with her leg accidentally, alarming the Templars. Starting to run, the elf could clearly hear them chasing her, but the number fell to three instead of five pursuers, causing the mage to rapidly throw a glance behing her. They were fighting someone else....and that woman was no mage. Speeding up, Alaila feared two things - that she was going to get lost in all these streets and that she will be dragged off like that man from before. Hopefully Thomas had a chance to disappear before they noticed him. Due to templars' heavy armor, Alaila had gain some distance, but her first fear came true - a dead end. Breathing heavily and holding her wooden staff that looked no more than a walking stick, she turned her back to the wall and looked at her pursuers that had caught up with her. "Well, wouldn't you look at that..." one of the Templars spoke to the others, his sword drawn out and breathing as heavy as Alaila's. And they wonder why mages get away - it's why one wears robes. The elf swallowed, looking at the man who said that. She did not like that tone of his... "Once this dangerous maleficar is disabled, we ought to have a bit fun with her...after all, you do not find such a long-wanted criminal every day. " the one to Alaila' right said, making hairs on the elf's body stand up. Now would be a good time to fly away...literally. As Alaila was silently preparing to cast a shape-shifting spell, that woman from before appeared and killed the templars as easily as if she was slicing bread. One would think it's her job to do so. When they were all lying on the ground, Alaila just knew they were going to blame her for those murders. Just great. The foreign woman said something to the elf, but the mage wasn't listening at first. When she raised her head to look at the stranger, she was already standing close to her. Too close for the mage's tastes. "Who are you?" the red-haired woman demanded to know, holding jer staff in her eye height, successfully slapping woman's hand away when she tried to touch her. The mage didn't know why would she want to do that, but touching was definitely something she wasn't fond of. Isabela was the name, that's what the woman said. Alaila did not know her nor she liked people who just jump out of shadows, watching to keep her distance from the sneaky woman. When asked for her name, the elf was simply quiet for a while, not offering any answer. "My name is of no importance to you nor should you know it." she said quietly, one point of her staff resting on the ground. "You might have helped me back there, but that does not automatically earns you my trust. She did not accept the woman's hand when offered, simplx standing there in awkward silence. So the woman claimed to be one of the "good guys". Huh. The elf had trouble believing that. Even though she was much more relaxed than before, the mage's body was still stiff, as if waiting to be attacked. She simply smacked the woman's hand away again when she tried to hug her, but followed her to the Hanged Man. It was too dark and she had no ideas where she was, so the mage assumed it would be better to retire for the night at the inn and try her luck with entering her old house at the dawn. The sooner she is out of this blasted town, the better. Thank the Creators the warden and that white-haired mage - and the rest of the unusual group - were heading out tomorrow morning. She wouldn't have been able to stay unnoticed for long here.
  5. Yeah, I was a bit confused by that one, even though you didn't do anything extremely OOC ^^; No hard feelings, but how about you slow down a bit and let others reply before taking out all those templars by yourself? Thomas was nearby, following Alaila in the shadows, he might have wanted to join the whole templars-killing fun. It's always more fun to let others participate in something other player started :3
  6. "So what does....this Miora's eye thingy do?" the half-demoness asked, observing the parchment. "And why don't you have it if your mother created it?"
  7. The red-haired elf looked at Thomas once more before continuing her way, puzzled by the way he said it. There was no fighting, on insisting, no...nothing, really. Like he was hiding something. Unconcerned by that at the moment, Alaila continued down the stairs, towards the Alienage just to freeze the moment she heard voices. Men voices, few of them. They had not seen her yet because she was sticking to shadows and her step was light. The woman leaned against the wall, trying to make out what they were saying. "I told ya she lives 'ere, Zack. One of da elven dirt told me she's back." a group of Templars was gathered not far from the vhendahl, in front of Alaila's old house. Oh great. So one of her own sold her to the Templars. She knew she should had left right after not finding her mother. "And you're sure that's the same mage?" the older templar - possibly the one called Zack - asked, looking at the old house like he could see through its walls. "Yeah. I payed 'im good muney. 'er mother ain't 'ere, though. Da old witch ran away when she 'ad a chance." Alaila's fists tightened, her face gaining an angry frown. Ignorant fools. Her mother wasn't even a mage. But that sounded just like the templars; calling innocent people mages just so they'd have an excuse to kill a mage's family and push him into blood magic if he hadn't dabbled in it yet. The elf decided it was past her time to leave - the chance of detection was greater than she'd ever want it to be - and tried quietly stepping back. She'll most likely find a room at the Hanged Man or simply sleep somewhere in the open. "Don't worry, Richard, we'll catch her. We have out man on lookout for a red-haired elf and-" the man stopped, silencing the other Templars. "Did you hear that?" he asked, drawing out his sword while the others followed his example. "It came from the direction of the stairs."
  8. "Of course. Just wanted to know if you wanted the leader's head delivered on a silver plate or something like that. " the girl shrugged, walking over to the turian that was still just looking around, occasionally paying attention. "Some have stupid requests like that. C'mon, Jared. We've got work to do." the turian nodded and followed the human girl, turning once more to look at Aria. That woman gave him the creeps. And not in a good way.
  9. Sefris was about to say something how cutting her hair was such a stupid suggestion because she had grown it to a perfect length when the witch started talking. Slightly rising an eyebrow at Ravenna's picture, the fey'ri tried to peek and look at it. "Mother?" she asked, having heard the witch's last words which she wasn't supposed to. Oh, how fun it must be for her own parents now. Her father is a sun elf, so he was certainly enjoying some elven feast, as always. Aaaaand her mother was somewhere in the Nine Hells. What a fun combination.
  10. Alaila fixed the hood on her head, getting a hold of herself. He knew she was going to the Alienage? Well, one would only assume an elf would live in the Alienage. Nothing strange there. She looked at the mage, much calmer now. "No...no, that won't be necessary. I'm fine. Just....haven't seen those for a while." gripping her staff a bit tighter, she looked at the direction she was heading to. It seemed peaceful enough for her to feel secure. "But, I, uh...thanks for the offer, I guess."
  11. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Aedan, no need for such venomous sarcasm." the half-demoness smiled, flipping a lock of her hair with her fingers. She noticed the white tips and suddenly looked at the witch. "When do you intend on taking care of this?" she asked, pointing to her white tips of her otherwise black hair.
  12. Alaila was watching the same scene as Thomas, feeling her heart beating faster. That could have been her. It could have been her body they were dragging off to Creators-know-where. Raped, killed, made Tranquil....those where usually the options. The first two were the most common, or so she has heard in the last few days she was in this shemlen town. Thank the Creators, she will be far away from it by tomorrow night. But...then what? She has no money, she has no leads, she has no where to go. The elf shook her head, abandoning those thoughts. She will worry about that once she's far away from this trice-cursed city. Fortunately for the red-haired made, the Templars didn't see her and continued their way with the unconscious mage. The elf ran far away from the place, accidentally running into Thomas. She was about to scream, but the elf managed to cover her mouth before shriek left her mouth. It would have drawn back the Templars. "I-I...my apologies. I wasn't looking where I was going. The....the Templars have..." Alaila stopped, trying to breathe normally. It was her first encounter since she was a child and even that was just from far away, she didn't need to fear for her life. Especially now, when they were even more ruthless than before.
  13. Jacques was about to say something, but she bit her tongue, her face staying neutral. She doesn't give a rat's ass about this little s*** hole of Omega, Aria can have it. All she wants was that information. "Perhaps. Perhaps there won't be left even that. Anything else we need to know before we go?" she asked, feeling that need to kill rising. It was a while since she has smashed someone into a wall. It will be good to use her biotics again. Jared was silent the whole time, listening to Jacques and Aria talking but not saying anything. Killing some petty gang sounded easy enough and he could tell Jacque was itching to get the job done. It ought to be fun for him, as well. At least a little bit.
  14. Once it was clear that everybody was leaving, Alaila rose from her seat and grabbed her wooden staff, holding her little bag tightly. "Dareth shiral." she said quietly to everyone, having no interest in joining the expedition. Darkspawn...there are far too many stories, and for some she didn't want to know if they were true. Not waiting for anyone to greet her nor speak to her, she pulled her hood back on and swiftly left the tavern, quietly walking in the direction of Lowtown.
  15. Alaila quickly glanced at Jadaco when he presented his question, not answering anything. If the elf knew, she would have found it amusing that the warrior found her intimidating. Sure, she was all mysterious-with-a-hood-like and could burn a man when angry, but she never would have found herself as the intimidating type. Even though the elf seemed uninterested in the conversation of the others, she listened to it and was absorbing information. They are leaving for the Deep Roads tomorrow morning, so that meant they will be getting her out of the town tomorrow morning, as well. And that meant she had to get some things from her old home before leaving Kirkwall. The sooner the better, the red-hair thought with a sigh. It was getting dark and she should return to the Alienage soon. Not right now, of course, she wanted to make sure the others are heading out as well so she wouldn't miss any information.
  16. you can just walk in the tavern and start talking randomly to people oooor you can freak Alaila out when she's going back to the alienage. Both way work XD And of course, Tokyo :3
  17. Jacqueline was silent for a few seconds, making the turian worry she was about to smear the walls with the asari - or at least try to. But the girl simply smiled after a while, looking up at the asari with a grin. "Well, well, your reputation does precede you correctly. Good to know." Jacque shifted weight on her other leg, resting one arm on her hip while letting the other fall down. "But do not underestimate me by comparing me with the rest of your lackeys. If you do not believe me, feel free to test my skills." the turian was still worried that the girl will at least break something with her biotics, otherwise known for her rash behaviour, but Jacqueline was visibly calm and...well, slightly amused. At least it seemed that way to him. "Very well, then, we're playing by your rules." she said and crossed arms on her chest again, looking at Aria with a completely neutral look.
  18. "I see no point in wasting time with butt-kissing and pleasantries. You either have use of me or not - it's as simple as that." for a moment she was silent, trying to recall as many information as she could. The turian was quite surprised Aria even wanted to listen to Jacqueline, thinking she'll throw them both out, thinking she's dealing with a kid. Jared had seen far too much Jacque's sarcastic smiles, so ho noticed nothing when she turned in her weapon. Those were the rare occasions when he actually saw her smile. "Human, male, earth-born, a minor crimelord back on Earth. Adrien Adkins. His base of operation was mainly Earth until the Reaper invasion. He then fled, wanting to get in touch with Cerberus and the Illusive Man. Picking the "winning" side, as far as I know. The problem I have had with discovering his location is that he's already contacted those bastards and is probably in one of their bases." the girl explained, barely blinking as she did. "Deal is, I do whatever you want and you give me his location. After that I leave your Omega and you never see any of us again." she nodded her head in Jared's direction, waiting for the Asari's answer.
  19. Jacqueline almost smirked as she gave her weapons to the guard, thinking how silly this is from her perspective. Biotics were her true and main weapon - guns were for when she was feeling lazy. Still, she did not argue and waited for the turian to join her before approaching Aria. It would be a bit mean of her to leave him standing there when he was obviousy uncomfortable with their surroundings. Jared also gave his weapons to the guard, feeling a lot more uncomfortable than Jacque while doing so. She had her biotics, but without his sniper the turian felt useless. Unless something needed to be hacked, of course, but that was unnecessary here, so he just approached the human girl and leaned on the wall, letting her do all the talking, as always. She had a plenty of experience when it came to dealing with gangs and crimelorda. The only experience he had was when he was shooting them or bringing in, but somehow he doubted he would have liked trying to bring this asari in. Jacqueline stood in front of Aria, not bothering to wait for an invitation to sit because she wouldn't have accepted it. What's the point? She was here because of the deal. "I've heard some problems with Cerberus - always so rude to burst in someone's little kingdom." the girl said with a somewhat sarcastic grin, crossing hands on her chest. "Let's skip the pleasantries, shall we? I know enough about you and I doubt you care about our names. You probably have information I need and judging from the recent happenings, you could use some help. In getting revenge if nothing else. Crimelords always have some sort of a job or those powerful - and qualified - enough. A favour for a favour, let's say." The turian was listening to the girl as she spoke, not bothering to join he conversation - he was simply here to watch after Jacque and kill if the need arises.
  20. Jared was leading, well aware that they are being watched. In places like this, he wouldn't be surprised if that Aria person already knew about them talking about her. In his whole C-Sec career, the turian had heard about a lot of places like Omega, true paradises for crimelords and renegades, free to operate what, when and how they wish; but Omega was definitely in top 10. Places like this gave him creeps. "So, Jacque," the turian started, stressing the girl's nickname; " Why do you think this Aria of yours will give you the information you need?" Jacqueline looked at the turian, rising one of her eyebrows. "She won't. I'll have to do her a favor of some sort to get it. It's how things work around here." the girl explained, looking around until she spotted what she was looking for. "There's Afterlife. C'mon." Jared followed her, asking no more questions. Once she was inside, Jacqueline held her tongue about how the place looked like a total s***hole - just like the rest of the Omega. Aria was probably siitting in her part of Afterlife, high above everything else. The human girl approached the left stairs and stopped when one of the guards denied her further access. "I need to talk to Aria." she said, loud enough for the Asari to hear her. "She might have use of a bussiness deal I am about to offer her." The turian was standing a few steps away from Jacqueline, watching for any signs of sudden movements. Even though Jacque was for more than a head lower from the guard, he could swore she looked like she had grown when speaking in her all-bussiness-get-the-f***-out-of-my-way kind of tone. The turian was starting to get a bad feeling about all this. Or maybe it was just the place that made people like him feel unwelcome.
  21. "Aaaaaah..." Sefris looked at Ravenna, interested in her plan. That sounded quite... exquisite. And she liked it. "Not really, but I like the sound of that." Since her mind was still going through her maps - as it always did - Sefris remembered something. "Say...couldn't we head to High Forest instead? It's closer and a forest as any other one." she asked the witch, glancing shortly in Aedan's direction to make sure he heard her.
  22. Alaila shook her head at Thomas' question because she had eaten before. Turning back to the Warden, she looked at the woman, making a long pause before saying anything. "I was with them since I was 5 years old. It was only natural that I came to learn their language, as well." she said, looking for her pipe. Oh, it was in her pocket. She feared she lost it.
  23. Alaila had only nodded at Illadriel's introductions, not saying anything about not introducing herself. She never asked for their names, they offered them themselves. "Aneth ara, da'mi." she said in Dalish to the Warden, her gaze flying to the man that had joined them at the table, together with his mabari before the elf could say anything more to Illadriel. Much to her companion's disappointment - if they knew -, the one Alaila didn't mind and trusted the most was the mabari. He was trained to follow his master's wishes and he follows given orders. He was predicatable.
  24. School started today so I will be on online only once or twice a day :wallbash:
  25. "No doubt you would have enjoyed the view, but it's a bit chilly outside." she smirked, looking at Aedan. She returned her eyes to the witch as she spoke, though. "Sure, go ahead. Gods know I never liked picking out what to wear."
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