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Everything posted by FiftyTifty

  1. You can also make a new preset, rather than overwritin' the vanilla ones.
  2. To side with the Thalmor, all you really need to do is the 'bad' side of things. Y'know, side with the Battleborn clan in Whiterun, let the Thalmor squads do their work, desecrate Talos altars, kill Hemiskr in Whiterun.....That sort of thing.
  3. Games like fast drives. Get a Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm. Best hard drives out there. You can get a 3TB one @ Aria for £85.
  4. Eh. I turned shadows off an' gotthis mod to compensate the lack of shadows by modifying Skyrim's lighting system. Not worth the performance loss to have shadows that don't make you cringe, and it just ain't worth having shadows if they make you cringe. So I got rid of them.
  5. Lag is incorrect usage. Correct terminology is "framerate drops". When turnin' and transitioning cells, that is caused by having (relatively) slow read speeds, as your CPU waits for your HDD to serve up the data. Defragging can help, as can using FancyCache.
  6. The same as the previous generation? I am most likely not seeing the same pages that you are. Hmm, must have mis-interpreted your post then. Thought I read some hate in there. My apologies.
  7. What are you on about? AMD has been trading blows with NVidia for ages. Sure, NVidia may have the super-duper-high-end market under it's thumb, but so what? AMD has the low, mid and high-end market. Though, it may be different in other countries. In Scotland, AMD graphics cards are cheaper (sometimes MUCH cheaper) than NVidia's equivalent, in terms of performance and power usage. And it's about time there was a new X670 graphics card. The 5670, 6670 and 7670 is the same card with a new number. I know what I'll be snagging, supposing that the 8670 will fall to the 6670's price.
  8. I'll just add that some SKSE plugins will cause CTDs when they have been uninstalled/updated incorrectly. Had an issue with SkyUI after updating to the latest patch, due to there being an old .dll left over by the earlier version. Might be an idea to look through your Data\SKSE folder.
  9. Ain't a glitch. You haven't navmesh'd the mine.
  10. *Shameless self promotion* I do recommend getting my mod which makes everyone a potential follower. Ees nice. Incremental DIfficulty Climates of Tamriel Imaginator (Performance boost) Smaller falling leaf textures Multiple followers at onceDecorator Assistant"]http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2475[/url]
  11. "Dangerous for your hardware"...What? Don't be moronic. Worst that can happen is that Skyrim crashes. Clearly you do not understand computers. At all. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Stupid misconceptions are, well, stupid.
  12. Delete the inis. Start Skyrim. Quit Skyrim. Modify the new inis. You're welcome.
  13. What I've done (And I have a 965 BE, mind you), is disabled the shadows completely. Major FPS boost, and there are mods that modify the lighting in Skyrim to compensate for the lack of shadows. It really sounds like a driver problem to me. That, or you have some hardcore background processes. Try updating your drivers and/or turning off your AV, shutting down any unneeded programs, etc.
  14. *Cough* Scroll half-way down the page. I'd offer help, but I'm under a bout of insomnia, and my advice should be taken with a grain of salt, at best, when I'm like this.
  15. IIRC, the OnInit() event is not as flexible as other events. Perhaps try this? Scriptname SRPstart extends Quest Perk Property Az_SRP_Z1_Testperk1 Auto Event OnInit() RegisterForUpdate(2) GotoState ("AAAaddPerk") EndEvent State AAAaddPerk Event OnUpdate() Game.getplayer().addperk(Az_SRP_Z1_Testperk1) UnregisterForUpdate() EndEvent EndState
  16. You must either be at a super low res, or have a super big monitor. RadeonPro has all that you will ever need, supposing you have an AMD graphics card.
  17. If I remember correctly, that Law-Giver Jarl is in Windhelm.
  18. Processor bottleneck. Try limiting Skyrim to two cores. Try disabling HT-ing, if you have an intel CPU.
  19. Get this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29594 In-game, open up console, type "Applyimagespacemodifier AAAFyTyMinusBlur". Repeat until blur is to a satisfactory level.
  20. Uh. No. What you've done, is you have an injector or two configured wrongly. I.E, you've fudged up your ENB.
  21. I'll throw this in as well. For AMD/ATI cards only, though. RadeonPro Think of this as a merging of Ati Tray Tools, Catalyst Control Center and various (optional) graphical injectors. Once installed, navigate to the "Mipmap" setting. Default will be High Quality. Change it to anything lower for a performance boost. I recommend either Quality or Performance. High Performance causes distant textures to lose their transparency. You WILL notice a significant boost in FPS, with little visual impact (Supposing you don't go too crazy on the settings.)
  22. An i7, huh? Try disabling HyperTheading. Also try de-fragging. About that 'GPU Usage' thing, I believe everyone gets that. I get it when I stare at certain parts of an interior for more than three seconds, though turning away and then turning back fixes the problem completely. For another three seconds.
  23. Try de-fragging. Try freeing up your RAM. Try FancyCache. Try running CCleaner. Try disabling your AV when gaming. Try cooling your laptop (Cleaning out dust, cooling pad, etc.). Try disabling HyperThreading (Games perform worse when HT is enabled). Try limiting Skyrim to two cores.
  24. I can understand making Kematu an ally. Less so with Saadia, being "The only one I can trust" (I being Saadia). But if there are any changes people want made, when I have gotten the mod to a big enough stage, I will make changes like you request in one big go, rather than tid-bits here and there. Saves me clutterin' up my data folder with different versions, different scripts, etc.
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