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Everything posted by FiftyTifty

  1. Yeah, I'm talking about terrain. Damn shame if it is impossible to view LOD in the editor. Makes editin' the wasteland a pain.
  2. Got a quickie. Is it possible to show LOD in the GECK? With Skyrim's CK you can, and it's very handy. You can orientate yourself very easily, allowing for changes to be done painlessly. I can't find an option for this in the GECK, nor in any of it's .ini files. "bShowLODInEditor=1" Is what is to be added to Skyrim's CK ini, but nothing of the sort is in the GECK's, and adding it makes no difference. Thanks in advance.
  3. Which would be the first, idly? I know swords are lauded as being balanced for offense and defense, but the good ol' axe has a lot more uses outside of combat than a sword. That being said, I wouldn't call it "lasting", more like "continued". Slap a bayonet on the end of a rifle and you're actively using a spear :biggrin: And sharpening the end of a spoon gives you a knife.
  4. What, you mean sell something WORTH buying? Seriously though. Gaming companies are milkin' the consumer, because the consumer will buy whatever they punt out. Expansion packs used to be, like, £5 a pop, and you'd get around ten more hours worth oot o' yer games. Now? DLC costs £20 a pop. Lucky to get two hours more.
  5. I do believe that is a Texas Instruments laptop. Me father has one kickin' aboot.
  6. Now, I'll just say this: The neck seam is a flaw of the mod; It is not a muck-up on my side. Mod(NSFW): http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1161 As you can see from the pictures, there is a difference between the vanilla face textures and the custom body textures. I just noticed this recently, and it's been bugging me something awful. I've read about TexBlend, but as far as I know, that only works with CBBE. I've given a shot at a tutorial on fixing this, but it uses UNP resources...Which defeats the purpose of me using Natural Nudes. Is this a lost cause? The mod maker certainly won't do it; hasn't updated the mod for a year. If someone could guide me along the right lines, that'd be great.
  7. So what it really is, is that you just want to be admired? With that in mind, it seems that you have a rather low self esteem. Just tell your BF that you need some more lovin'. That should fix it. Really, your face can't be that bad to be willing to have surgery. I mean, you certainly don't look like this (I presume): http://flcenterlitarts.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/george_bush4.jpg And even if you did get facial surgery, it's one of those things that will just lead you to being unsatisfied; The eye won't look right, the hair won't suit, the body doesn't match the mug, etc. And you'll have a big hole in yer pocket tae boot. But yeah. It really sounds like a self esteem thing. I've got a fugly mug meself. I went under a similar spell where I wanted to just 'look better', but I got over it. The people that would flock to you because you look good are not people that you want flocking to you. They ain't friend material.
  8. I'll tell you right now, that you will need a GTX 680/HD 7950 and an i5 3570K OC'd to some ungodly number of GHz to achieve that at playable framerates. Don't know the mods, but I'm just saying as an FYI. Appears to be an ENB in there, though.
  9. OH. MY. GAWD. Bethesda. Hire this man. Seriously. That suggestion is epic. I'll get to workin' on that right away.
  10. Tip: Get PriFinitty, add TESV.exe to your favourites, set it to use the last two cores (For a quad core, that'd be core 2 and 3), set affinity to high, click the 'Auto set favourites' Icon, launch Skyrim. Performance...Rising...
  11. Grass. Also, who knows what is in the oceans.
  12. In your display options (In skyrim), try adjusting the gamma/brightness slider. All else fails, disable the colouring options of the ENB, and get Imaginator.
  13. @Topic title: No such thing as being too manly. srsbsns\ Aside from the video-game-playing part, you sound just like my mother when she was in her mid thirties. Judging from the games you play (Though it really matters as to HOW you play 'em. Do you get fully immersed when playing RPGs? Does your boyfriend just play those shoot-em-up games just tae waste time?), and having no other information on interests and such, I'm going to make a poorly-informed assumption and say (Well, type) that the interests between you and your partner are quite different. Does your boyfriend compliment you about non-superficial aspects? Do you two integrate very well (Or at all)? Do you compliment him about his appearance? If your feeling un-loved, tell your boyfriend that you want to be appreciated. If he is uncomfortable with making you feel special and/or dear to him, perhaps visiting a relationship counselor (or something along the lines of) could be of benefit. Considering that he lives quite a distance away from you, there could be a communication gap. It is rather hard to compliment people without sounding completely corny by typing. Maybe get a microphone/webcam for a more 'involved' means of speaking with each other? There is nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite gender. We're all people, and people can be friends. Me? I'm a male. All my best friends are male. No surprise. Your a female. Your best friends are male. Again. No surprise. Vice-y-Vers-y? No surprise. /srsbsns Now, I will add that I'm only 16, so my advice about relationships is....un-informed, at best. Nevertheless, I do think there is some useful tid bits of info in what I wrote. If all else fails, and you are just not getting the satisfaction you want out of your relationship...Well, there are plenty of folk out there. Go get 'em girl.
  14. Workin' on a script that checks every three days to check multiple quests and their stages, then sets relationship ranks with particular NPCs. Trouble is, I can't use SetRelationshipRank in this script. I believe it is something to do with the script not extending Actor, but I don't see how it could then work. Scriptname AAA_FyTy_Fixes_QuestRelationshipRanks extends Quest Actor Property Saadia Auto Quest Property MS08 Auto event OnInit() registerforupdateGametime(72) ;check if a relationship should change every three game days endevent event OnUpdate() if (MS08.GetStage() >= 200) Saadia.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 4) ;elseif (SomeQuest2.GetStage() >= SomeStageNumber) ;mod relationship here endif endevent Edit: Found out the problem. Was using ActorBase instead of Actor. Made changes to the script should people want to use it.
  15. ..You do have a point about editin' all the quests. Heh. I'll get tae work with that script. Thanks fer that.
  16. Try downloading a catalyst profile or w/e that thing is called for crossfire. I heard that they can help.
  17. Hmm. That is a good point, though having too many quests to check will bog down Skyrim's performance. Didn't think of that. Egh.
  18. Having done the 'In My Time Of Need' quest for the umpteenth time, I've noticed that Saadia does not become any more inclined towards you, even after you pretty much saved her. Kematu is no better either; he just brushes you off. So, what I've done, is I've adjusted the quest fragments to include a relationship modifier, making them more friendly with the player, resulting them to become hire-able(With a mod made by yours truly)/marriageable. Now, if you've already done the quest, the fix is moot. You'll need to use console commands to get a friendship thing going on. SO! I've taken it upon myself to 'fix' these relationship-un-enhancing quests, turning them into relationship-enhancing quests. However, there are a gajillion quests, and it would be best if this was a community effort; People post on this thread/message me about quests that should have a relationship advancement/detriment to them, and I will swiftly add that in. When there have been a substantial amount 'fixed', I will upload a mod compiling these fixes, then doing incremental updates. So yeah. Quests pl0x? Edit: Decided to do a list of what has been changed. -Added relationship change for 'My time of need'. Relationshiprank 4. Depending on how you did the quest, you will become more friendly with either Saadia or Kematu. -Added ability to adopt Mila Valentia if Carlotta Valentia has been married (Will require an additional mod to marry Carlotta. Got a half-baked one that I'm testing.).
  19. This is the best tutorial. http://hoddminir.blogspot.se/2012/02/from-heightmap-to-worldspace-in-skyrim.html See if you can get World Machine 2, especially the pro edition. That software is amazing for heightmaps. Workin' on a 8192x8192 one meself.
  20. @Tom The heightmap's contrast is to great. Reduce the brightness of the heightmap.
  21. Press 'Tilde', 'Click horse', type 'disable', press 'Enter', type 'Markfordelete', press 'Enter', press 'Tilde'.
  22. Discussions of that nature can get you banned........ Which is odd, seeing as how he has not said anything against the rules.
  23. Here is a clean save, right at the character creation screen. Make sure you're fully updated.
  24. Alas, I do not. I'm yet to find a guide that details how to do such a thing.
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