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Everything posted by Deleted49413338User

  1. You want it green and glowing? I can do this later tonight if no one else has. should be extremely simple.
  2. About a week ago, I accidentally updated my game which I have been avoiding for a while now. Everything had been working fine so I disabled Steam updates for it a long time ago as I am not interested in Creation Club. I did something inside of steam, like exit it then opened it in some way, I cant remember, but Fallout 4 went to the update que and the update was downloaded before I realised. Its no big problem. So I went and got the latest Script extender, got the latest MCM and looked for other mod updates that use SE (I don't have many for this reason) But once all updates, game launches fine from SE but does not show fps counter added from ENboost and cannot enter console via ~ key. Already today I see Fallout 4 in ready for another new update. I can install the update because SE is already not working anyway, and then wait for a SE update, but Is SE still getting updated/supported? will there come a time where those guys just move on from the constant and most likely tedious updates they are forced to create because of Creation Club updates? Or has that already happened?
  3. Probably justsearch the categories on nexus and filter using, most endorsed of all time. I would say Sim Settlements is very good.
  4. They are pretty easy to place without the snap points. That is, if you are only tslking about the doorways leading to outside and not one for every room. I placed doors on them all but haven't done a settlement build in a long time now. Can't remember if I had Place Everywhere installed but probably did.
  5. Hmm, I have that mod, I don't remember it requiring any other mod. I will look at it tomorrow if I get time. I vaguely remember the author writing it was free to use? If so I can upload a version that doesn't require that master maybe.
  6. Agree there is a lack of voices in a lot of mods. For Orphans of the Commonwealth from memory, it feel like the game crashes for a second while you interact to trade items with them. Its complete silence? A simple line from them "hello Mister" and then from player "lets trade" would be enough
  7. There are other site where you are more likely to pick up a virus that would allow you to use stuff from Fallout 76. But in fact no one is capable of opening the nif files and converting them to work in FO4 yet. The creator of nifskope has figured it out but he is against the piracy or at least, doesn't want to be associated with assisting piracy (reasonable imo) so is refusing to release an update to nifskope that can open them, until official modding/modded servers are available.
  8. I see you made this. nice work, How easy is it to edit the jacket back to full length? I like practical outfits in the wasteland. haha. Not requesting you do it, I am capable as long as the foundation is there
  9. Ah yeah I guess moderators need to check mods, must keep them busy. another one I have unpublished even has one download.
  10. How does this mod already have 8 views? or is this just from me visiting this page? https://imgur.com/a/iVzuTrY
  11. hmm, making a chart of your own mod doesn't prove much. I mean, do you have total download number from those countries to compare endorsement ratio to? Markus has a point too. I have found myself on Russian sites and using translators just to find the download tab. Who knows where the hell the endorsement button is.. In hindsight, probably not the safest sites to visit, but damn those military fps game armor rips look sexy. haha
  12. Ah yep that was one, thanks. There was another too fairly recently but this one is probably the good option.
  13. I play this game so heavily modded that lore basically goes out the window. Not sure if others are similar? I would like it if a lot of the vehicles scattered around the commonwealth could be edited to look more like real world wrecks of cars/buses etc. The rusted pick up trucks are ok because it looks close to an old Ford or something that you might find out on a farm. But I don't really like the 50's style of the game tbh. I have so many modern weapons and armor in my Load order now that replace vanilla stuff. I really could role play this as a whole different game almost. Anyway, I would like to see the cars swapped for more regular looking wrecked cars/trucks/buses. or even, a lot of them just replaced with the bare rusted chassis that you see around. Would make sense that by now every part would have been stripped from them. My only question is, Are they all part of the precombines? I was hoping not because they do explode so seem to be somewhat separate but idk? I did even think about purchasing a 3d model pack of post apocalyptic car wrecks but of course then I wouldn't be able to upload it here. Does anyone know of a mod or free to use assets like this?
  14. I have come across a few different weapon jam mods in the past but cant remember the name of any atm I can only find the obvious one called Weapon Jams. Some of the more recent ones I cant remember the names of claimed to be more simple and work on all weapons including added from mods does anyone know of some of these?
  15. Actually.. My point was how explaining WHY was unnecessary. You went ahead and edited your long-winded, egg head explanation of why it wasn't viable and removed most of your original comment..
  16. Well, idk exactly how the render works but mods like above seem to help because while the mesh is still there, and the polygons are still rendered, no texture is applied. to delete the meshes completely would be more beneficial but with bethesdas use of precombined meshes that cant be done in any way that is beneficial for fps. I do get kinda concerned though like, how is your PC not running a game from 2014? I have a gpu from 2014 and it goes ok but new games are starting to run like s*** with fan speeds sounding like jet engines. If you PC cant handle twigs and plants from the vanilla game, it might be time to invest in an update, or just switch to console. Like, this game is OLD
  17. I feel like most people who make requests have little idea on how complex their requests are. For something that would ad "slight" immersion to the game, it would probably take someone months to do and still be buggy.
  18. agree! the mod that adds the darksouls style combat to skyrim would be nice. but.. Skyrim has a huge fan base and modding community. Most Fallout fans claim to be too edgy to enjoy fallout 4 and stick with making mods for older fallout games or just abandon the series altogether. The melee isnt great but damn, if you have ever played DayZ its 1 million times better than that still.
  19. Wow, that looks horrible.. but each to their own. The new Far Cry will have similar but not so crazy flora. more like that Annihilation movie on Netflix, I guess.
  20. I don't use the mod, but have you tried CBBE? it's likely only the female version is added though. To just try alter it without the body sliders of that mod.. there is not enough vertices and the boobs end up very blocky. CBBE bodies have many more vertices and often the outfit is converted for sliders already. if not though, you could always just replace the armor addon nif file for road leathers female with something you prefer from the vanilla game Also, do you know what the road leathers nif is? I can't find it...without looking too hard anyway.
  21. I thought there was already a mod that added in-game sliders? clipping is always going to be a thing tho and would require full editing software to fix for each individual modded outfit. Even then, Combinations of armor, body types and weapons, all cause clipping. Idk if that is something that could be edited in-game
  22. there is some extra save option of push plug-in to PC but from googling that, I don't think I need to choose that option, a simple "save" option should be enough to edit the esp from what I have read?
  23. I have never used creation kit. I watched a lot of youtube on it and it seems kinda simple enough to use. I have always only used xedit. So, I had a mod that I made a bunch of cell edits to, the render window is really the only thing ck has over xedit as far as I can tell? I hit "save" after carefully editing some things for like , over an hour, but the plug-in is not showing the saves? Also, as an extra question, it seems like you are just able to click on anything and move it. This happened accidentally with my first attempt of using CK I moved some grass mesh instead of an extra tree I had placed. I didn't save that time coz I had no idea what I was doing and it was more of a practice run. But, if I did move ANY vanilla static already placed and saved it, I assume that would break precombines correct?
  24. Lol... Look, Its a game. There is radiation in the game. Explaining why it doesn't make sense is actually not even necessary, but thanks for that useless info. Why do certain people just grip onto a thread of what was said and want to be a smart ass and start fights over it? ... Pirad is quite good but the author seemed to not like Gas masks of the Wasteland and although there is a compatability patch, it doesn't really work with GMOTW that well. There is also a Horizon patch for Pirad too made by the author but it does not utilise the Horizon workbenches properly and everything still relies on Armorsmith It is a mod with some good idea but really, you have to create your own patches for it. GMOTW is probably the best choice if you don't want to create patches.
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