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Everything posted by UWShocks

  1. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE ! Why can't I make patches for MY NEXUS MODS to be compatible with the official Bethesda sponsored community Creations ? ....... why can't I host patches for my Nexus mods on the Nexus ? If you're worried about DP abuse, then disallow DP for such patches. Better yet, get rid of DP all together. DP has only led to more community toxicity and division. Nexus is a for profit site making money off of freely donated creations anyways; these decisions are mostly about the bottom line, I don't buy the narrative it's done for the goodness of the community. Patches to enable compatibility between Nexus mods and Creations should be allowed. Please reconsider your proposed change.
  2. In response to post #75822278. #75822623 is also a reply to the same post. +1 Edit - I just read over the November 20th site news regarding 'Important Security Update to our User Portal', which can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14163 Skimming over it I don't see any mention of a hack, data breach. What I do see is an explanation to change your Nexus passwords, with the impression this is for site maintenance. No mention of a data breach. Yet above, you say malicious activity was noticed November 8th. In the future, please use appropriate channels (emails please, a mandatory popup explaining the data breach, etc . . . ) to notify users of such a breach. Please be more upfront with the community next time. This whole series of events was handled poorly and borders on poor professionalism. I can imagine the stress and urgency the Nexus staff had during the event, but the truth should have been made known to us back on the November 20th article (essentially making today's site news article redundant). - A disappointed Nexus user.
  3. In response to post #72466388. No drag-n-drop (which I'd like to see with Vortex). But you can still setup rules (like with the old BOSS and LOOT plugin sorters [anyone that's been along long enough, this won't be an issue]), and if you need a plugin at a specific spot then you can assign that plugin an Index number (like assign a plugin to load at the 90th plugin spot via Mod Index). Sorting is easy with Vortex, it would be even easier with drag-n-drop support. IMO, Vortex is a very good mod manager. There's room for improvement but I don't really understand the hate it receives.
  4. In response to post #60319021. #60320551, #60321006, #60321416 are all replies on the same post. I've ported a few mods; I refuse to add them to the Donation System as it seems to be a very scummy thing to do. However, mods I made myself I will add to the new system. Of course, I don't expect to make much, that's why I work for a living.
  5. Verifying files on Beth launcher and running CK as Admin worked for me. Thanks !
  6. Ok, so I did some digging and this seems to work thus far. Copy NMM install folder from orignal to new harddrive (keep same folder structure); also copy the Mod install folder (keeping same folder structure) For instance "C:\NexusModManager\ --> E:\NexusModManager For Mods folder "C:\Games\NexusModManager\Skyrim\Mods --> "E:\Games\NexusModManager\Skyrim\Mods Locate these files on the new harddrive: "Categories.cfg" (Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods) and "InstallLog.cfg" (Games\NMM\Skyrim\InstallInfo) Open each cfg file, and replace the old drive location, with the new drive location I did replace "c:\games w/ "e:\games Open NMM on new harddrive, rescan game locations, verify download/install locations for games are directing to new harddrive. Done. Your mods should now be linked to your new harddrive. Hope this helps others.
  7. Why not Arthmoor's mod "Run for your lives" and "When Vampires Attack" (naming might not be exact, but the author is Arthmoor). 2 very popular mods. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/684492/ Both mods instruct nearby NPCs to go "home" or go to an "interior cell" until the attack is over (really! this is how Bethesda should have done it from the beginning). These mods cured my dead NPC problem; haven't had any killed NPCs since.
  8. I would assume the same mods everyone likes.
  9. I would use less mods, like no more than 30 (you said you were new to Skyrim mods). Of course, this would require you starting a new character. The more mods you use, the more issues can arise. You gotta build up your modding knowledge and be able to figure out "trouble" mods in your load order; because only you are uniquely qualified as the best person to troubleshoot your Skyrim mods. Daddy above also gave great advise. Good luck
  10. My mods storage path for NMM is: C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\ This is for regular skyrim, so perhaps put the mod files into the Skyrim-SE folder.
  11. Hey! So I just bought a new harddrive , which I moved all my STEAM game files to using the official STEAM method (cut/paste steamapps,user folders and steam.exe to new harddrive). Basically, I moved the install from C:\STEAM\STEAMapps --> E:\STEAM\STEAMApps While my games still work, I was curious how this will affect Skyrim Mods already installed and NMM ability to manage those mod files. -- Will I need to reinstall all the mods (delete data folder and re-establish correct Data folder filepath to NMM) seeing how the location NMM installed the mods to is now different? (I'm afraid if I start NMM it will spit back an error thus labeling all the mods as not installed, even though the mod files are still in the Data folder). -- Is there a Nexus Method that others have used to avoid mass confusion of NMM and maintain the "connection" between the mod files already in my Data folder and NMM's ability to still manage those files. Thanks !
  12. Anyone know how to do this? Create a recipe that outputs multiple different items? **EDIT** Nevermind I gave up. Instead I created an activator and attached a script to remove and add items to player.
  13. In response to post #43223160. #43223235, #43225810, #43226065, #43226570, #43226580, #43226675, #43226930, #43227145, #43227835, #43229000, #43229600, #43229700, #43231180, #43250055 are all replies on the same post. At least add an option for those that do want the files in the Data folders.. One of the reasons why I use NMM. Makes tinkering around w/ CK and files (meshes, textures) much easier for me.
  14. They are one and same; only the access to the desired info is indirect. I would think to be a "Top Author" one would need to produce a "Top Mod". If you can access a list of "Top Mods", then you also have a list of "Top Authors". I understand it isn't directly what was requested, but in the end you get the same info. Just my opinion.
  15. It's already there; just click the "Top Files" and choose the "Most Endorsed Mods of All Time" filter. If you want the entire list of the author's mod, you can click the author's name if you like.
  16. Ask here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1488706-wipz-skyrim-script-extender-skse/ It's the actual SKSE thread For SKSE 1.7.0, just use the installer, and create a SKSE.ini file in your Data/SKSE/ folder. Then add the "memory config lines" to the file
  17. Maybe AJV [creator of Falskaar] can give you soem help; I usually see him posting on the Bethesda forums [skyrim mod/ck sections].
  18. Ya, my mod uses palm trees [and other tropical plants]. The main resources I used from the Skyrim Nexus are these [these 3 are modder's resources; all you need to do is credit them in your mod description]. GKB Green Treesby Ga-Knomboe Boy [used in Tropical Skyrim] http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19268 New Plants 1_2by Tamira http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22018 Hoddminir Water plantsby Elinen and Ztree http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29486 There's also one resource from Oblivion I wanted to use [i pm'ed the author, haven't heard back]; it's free-to-use for Oblivion, but I don't think/know if it can be used for Skyrim [thus, I'm not using it]. KoniptionsKreations - ResourcePack 1by Koniption http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18961 I think you can take these Oblivion nifs, and paste them into a "Static" Skyrim nif [using nifskope]. Good luck PS - your image looks great!; keep up the good work :)
  19. Does anyone know how to do this? I am near the end of my mod, and it is a slew of interior cells; the last of which I would like to make Fast Travel able. This would allow players to avoid having to go through the previous interior cells everytime you wish to revisit the end destination. I see someone hinted classifying it as a "WorldSpace" cell; can we copy one of our interior cells and paste it into a "new worldspace"; then fast travel will work? Thanks! **EDIT** Nevermind, I ended up creating a "Teleport Spell" which allows the player to teleport to interior locations; works as advertised. I used the great tutorial provided by DarkFox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUvAdAbvVAk
  20. Ancient Fortress has a script that does something similar [but actually goes a step further and makes the NPC unlootable and disappear; you can probably exclude these additional steps]. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41620 The mod is free-to-use with credit; so if you use any scripts make sure you credit the mod author "Lynkx".
  21. Just use Wyre Bash OR NMM to download/install mods; it doesn't make sense [to me] to use NMM to download and Wyre Bash to install [if you want to use only WyreBash, it would instead make more sense to download manually and use Wyre Bash to install]. As was stated above, you can use NMM to download/install your mods, and use Wyre Bash for everything else [i do this]. This is because both NMM and Wyre Bash depend on Skyrim; which only has 1 install path.
  22. Here's the final form of my Ale/Potion script. After much tinkering, I was able to include a gold check, that checks and removes gold from the player; this way potions/ales cost money and are not free. To use this script, attach it to a "Button" activator [i used Imperial Button]. You will also need to create 3 "Messages" [question, yes response, no response]. See Green highlight This script can be used with any "potion" classed item. Shocks - Ale/Potion Buy Script [FREE TO USE]; Thanks to TonyCubed and Sjogga for help Note: you can most likely remove the highlighted yellow portion of the code with the phrase "GoldCount" [not tested but should work]. The GoldInv is an extra variable that allows you to buy the potions if the player does not have enough gold. Again, free to use. Just give credit to me, TonyCubed and Sjogga if you decide to use it. :dance:
  23. In response to post #11681187. Download 0.47 and install.
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