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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. Hi y'all


    here's a little thing to prove this is not dead:



    This is some game testing of the movmed of the new cape. I tried to edit the original skeleton but had so many trobles with exporting it that i ended up using the skeletobeast instead and using the tail bones for the cape. I might tweak it a lil before realsese but the other things are now pretty much finished.


    There is no helmet in the video as i had some problems and i was to lazy to fix them (probably just a path error, as i had to reistall oblivion this week and move all the files in a differetn location.)




    P.S: don't mind the music, it's a recording of me testing some audio programs :P

  2. hi, for the second quesion: Nif files are the 3d models and they can't be viewed end edited in photoshop or any other image manipulationg program


    For the first part, i'll get to it tommorow morning. Right now i have just enough time too write this, sry.

  3. i think now i know who's the most crazy, look what i found under the comments of a mod i updated today:


    Cool stuff Unavi. For how much would you sell your work to me? I am a 3D engineer of Bethesda Game Studios and we are working on a new mod for Oblivion so I am looking for some new models and this one seems really cool and I think it could be used. Let me know.


    P.S.: Don't tell anyone about the new Oblivion mod, it's kinda like a business secret...


    ...they se me trollin'.....

  4. granted you get a raving monkey coveret with honey and thus chased by grizzly bears


    i wish i get a new better guitar for playing metal



    PS: congratz MHM, will you upload it? I wanna see it.

    Ah and don't worry about GIMP, you will learn fast!

  5. Hey,


    the reason why there are not many armors like that is in how the original skeleton and animations are made. It would take a really massive amount of time and modding skills just to nearly achieve something like that. I know that because i am working right now on an armor a little bigger that the average and i m having real problems.


    I imagine you have in mind armors like in warhammer or similar? I m sorry but as much as i would want to see that too, its just not probable that someone would do it.

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