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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. IMHO Star Wars soundtracks give the game a more epic feel. John Williams is a talented composer with the ability to make the listener feel the music, not just hear it. There are plenty of songs to choose from, with tempo for every situation.


    AGH why haven't i tought of that before...i'll add the "A new hope" theme right now! And the duel of fates, and the victory march .....arrgh i 've got chills just from thinking of these tracks..JOHN WILIAMS IS THE MAN!


    Other than that, i've just got the right hardware and software to make my own recordings. Soon i'll listen to my own shred 'n dropped rifs while smasing around bandits :)

  2. Thank you so much LHammonds :)

    I saw about the javascripts need to be enabled and now i saw that mine were disabled as they wanted to update.


    Edit: I've reinstalled the javasript. Now it says it works, so i won't habe these problem it the future. Also i edited the description of the file so that is clear why there are no comments.

    Thanks again LHammonds, kudo!

  3. I'm not sure on the "superb" thing but thank you :P

    Belive me i would do it right now (esspecialy the lady's armor ---thsoe bring many downloads and endorments :P) but i need to finish my Black Knight first xD

    I've gotta stop working on other things now and get serious again with it.

  4. i have another scary idea. If you have some bigger corridor like 50 meters long so that you can see the other end but still far enough to not be seen by any creature. There you could put 2 or 3 zombies that randomly run away (maybe screaming) and then they somehow disappear so you don't acctualy encounter them later. Something similar was made in the Blind mince mod (i think the name's something like this)

    and i scared the S*** out of me! A realy cool atmosferic scary thing.

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