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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. to be honest, i've never heard of any tes games before i bought my copy of oblivion in a portugese shop. At that time i was under the effects of Dark messiah of might and magic and as soon as i saw te picture on the Oblivion box i picked it up and bought it. Then i waited one week to return home and play it. I was full of hope for this game and fortunatly it didn't disapoint me. I loved it from the first moment in the prison...i still remember my first charater...Arthas!
  2. It is a small problem :P


    You've got some normals facing in the wrong direction. In edit mode select the faces where the texture isn't apearing then hit W and select "flip normals"

    An alternative would be selecting your whole mesh and hitting ctrl + N to recalulate the nomals direction.


    (this should solve the problem) cheers!

  3. Grantead, a new dictatorship rises suppresing every enemy with it's brutal army. earth becomes hell for everyone.


    I wish that today wasn't a waste of time....


    ps: ppppsshh, parachutes have holes by desing...atleast those in ww2 :P

  4. Swee!t!


    Well, let's keep this simple:


    we could use the old story of an old crazy/bored noble man that before his death left some clues about a heirloom that is hidden somewhere (we must still decide where)

    He would leave some clues like notes or maps.

    i don't realy have an idea where to start...I guess we must first decide where the sword will be hidden. Suggestions?

  5. hehe well i guess it would be similar to what i did right now...i said the sword was 100% complete. But now I realized i forgot to export the collision xD

    but still, L33 do you think you're up to the job to help me? I realy don't know much about the CS and i would probably spend 10 hours just to place 3 notes with new textin the game XD

  6. oook the sword is 100% ready to be realsed but tbh i don't just want to dump it in the bloodworks. Maybe i could keep the location secret and giving the palyers some clues?

    But for this i will need help from someone expirienced with CS and maybe a lil' quest making. If there will be no one avalibe for help i'll upload an esp with the sword in the bloodworks :)


    I hope somone wants to have some fun with a lil modding :)


    Reply or PM me please

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