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Posts posted by ZsoSahal

  1. I only link to blender if i'm cranky, or the OP sounds like an entitled, whiny douche.

    That said, even if I committed to doing this, i've got 3 hats, 2 masks, 3 weapons, and an outfit in the pipe before I could get to this.

  2. Unfortunately, we're limited to the Fallout 4 animations. It is my (admittedly very limited) understanding that anims from FO3/NV/Skyrim are all 32 bit, and the FO4 ones are 64 bit. So, its not as simple as pulling the anim from one game to another. They're literally coded differently.

  3. Well, it could be one problem affecting two mods similarly, or it could be two different mods that were each modified incorrectly, and are presenting similar errors.


    Doesn't hurt to check now does it?



    Edit: I'd like to expand my "hand-delete" suggestion to include the rar file that NMM installs from. Re-download, and completely reinistall after eliminating any trace of the mods.

  4. As has been said multiple times, to multiple different requests for this, and other bullpup style weapons:


  5. You have any mods installed?

    If so, disable all of them. Try launching.

    If it still doesn't work, verify the integrity of your game files. If that doesn't work, reinstall.

    If that doesn't work, you're pretty much boned. :nuke:

    (means we've migrated the root cause of the problem out of mod/install related issues and on to "problem with my computer in general" issues)

  6. Actually, that is a problem with one of your mods. Pretty much textbook "this is a problem with a mod".

    Good news is, there aren't that many mods that add doors. Create a clean save, and start disabling your "has new doors" mods one at a time.

    You'll find what is causing the problem.

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