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Everything posted by Palpenious

  1. A while back I tried to create the CotN game page because I had a couple small UI mods for it. Not long ago I got an email that the game was just added, and today I'm trying to upload those mods. The problem I'm having is after starting to add my mod, it tells me there is already a mod with that name in the database (assuming it's from last time I tried to create and upload it), however it doesn't appear anywhere on the site or in my profile. I could just change the name I guess, but not sure why it exists as a ghost at the moment. Any idea on this? The mod is called Rosethorn UI.
  2. And the winner is...... A three-way tie!!! The modders, players, and site owners ALL WIN!! :D TesSource was my reason for coming to PC gaming, and in the last 8 years or so this place has just gotten better and better. I may be here more sparsely, but there is forever a reserved space in my heart for this site. Good form ladies and gentlemen.
  3. Here's a link to the episodes, there's 170 of them! Only about ten minutes a piece though. https://archive.org/details/superman_otr
  4. I don't think I saw the survey, though I fall into the largest groups anyway ( except age :\ ), but I'm also surprised by the gender ratio. I think it was a lot more even a few years ago while Oblivion was the biggest game here. I also hadn't donated to the site until coming back recently, to my greatest shame, and noticed with the ads it is a hell of a lot harder to navigate the site. I'd say 6/10 based on my system and connection speed. After donating it's more like 10/10 so that could have brought the number down there. In other words, donate! It's the right thing to do and will make your browsing a lot easier, also keeps the sites going and the mods free!
  5. Guess I was wrong, no one cares about Oblivion anymore. :confused:
  6. There are a couple people offering to do voicework right here on the forums, go to the main forum page and you should easily find a couple, good luck!
  7. You may have an easier time enchanting the weapon you want it to look like, rather than changing the model itself. But I'm pretty sure you can just tell the base object to point to a different model/texture in the CS. Make sure to backup whatever you change first anytime you alter the base objects.
  8. Well I need to start out slow, been away a while, and something I thought of were plaques describing the various (vanilla) statues. I can't think of seeing this before, and did a search but couldn't find anything either. Has it been done, and if not, is it worth doing? I plan on using the official strategy guide, which seems to have at least the name of most statues on the maps (did you know that statue in Anvil is not a mermaid?). Possibly adding some flavorf text onto Daedric shrines, maybe quotes from books that deal with them or something? I'm also not sure what would be best, making a small activator which you read in a text box, or trying to texture actual signs you can walk up and read.
  9. He seems to be more active on his Youtube channel, you might try messaging him there.
  10. I always thought RAD (Robot Alchemic Drive) was a really cool concept. Horrible name, even worse cover art, but the actual game was really cool! You remotely control a giant robot, yes it transforms, in a destructible city. Aliens are invading (again!?) and only your mega-mecha (not officialy licensed name) can stop them! Pummel them to dust, fire lazors, rockets, bullets, and toss them into buildings, but don't destroy buildings belonging to your sponsors, you'll need the reward money to purchase upgrades! Report me if this doesn't sound awesome as all hell! Yeah, just seeing a review mentioning the bad graphics and horrible writing/voice acting, it's funny how they used to get so many things wrong in games, but one really good part could let us overlook the rest. Now people can't get over one tiny flaw in a game. :p Anyway, check it out if you can find it really cheap!
  11. Hello! I am returning to the Nexus after an extended hiatus and happily surprised to see new mods added as recently as the last few days! Somehow I've gotten interested in playing and modding Oblivion again, and it reminded me of a sort of comic style story I used to email my friend. I think I only have part of it, but really love taking screenshots and had a lot of fun making these and some anime style NEXT TIME ON <XXX>!! intro and outro fluff in the emails. If anybody likes it, I could do it again while playing this time. It's probably funnier if you recognize the quests and people involved in the shots. (Also I hope this is the right place, it is a story...eventually) ((Also also, I just realized how goofy and odd this is, so don't take it too seriously :D) Anyway, here are the shots, this first one has Sidera Nightbeam reflecting on her busy week. Enjoy! http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad79/Arucard_Tepes/Sideras%20Oblivion/p00.jpg http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad79/Arucard_Tepes/Sideras%20Oblivion/p01.jpg http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad79/Arucard_Tepes/Sideras%20Oblivion/p02.jpg http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad79/Arucard_Tepes/Sideras%20Oblivion/p03.jpg http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad79/Arucard_Tepes/Sideras%20Oblivion/p04.jpg
  12. Ooh, that is them thank you! Not sure if I ever had the second part or not, and I had to take a survey on intravenious vs. oral medication (??) to download, but yes the english version at least works. So is it no longer hosted here? And would it be worth trying to get permision to repost it?
  13. Two overhauls at once? Isn't that overhaul overkill? Anyway, I started playing again recently too! Something in the air? I painstakingly sorted through my download history to get the game resembling how I played it before. I can say that when I started modding my game (originally), it was not big things that really made it feel different, but many little things. I found enhancements to things like book covers, potion/alcohol bottles, the Septim (retex of the single gold coin) and other little tweaks like that made it feel fresh. I was coming to the PC version after spending a year or so on the 360, so the game was already familiar and besides character enhancements like Beautiful People, which did make a world of difference, those small changes helped a lot more than shaders, or enhanced graphics did for me.
  14. Hello, I've returned after years and wanted to get some old essential mods I used to play with. After scouring my download history I'm almost there, except one obscure, strange, maybe not so well known plugin. T-shirts. Yes I've searched that and possibly I'm here to confirm my thought that the mod is plainly gone, anyway; This mod adds maybe a couple dozen of Tshirts scattered around various locations. Each one with a logo/phrase pertaining to the quest or area it's found in, some were quite funny, some were just cool. No idea of the mod author or title, likely it doesn't contain the word Tshirt/tshirt/T-shirt as I've searched each. And it would be from before the site revamp, 5+ years. Thanks if anyone can give me any info here.
  15. Well you are able to adjust how many uses vs. how effective each use is before creating the item too. Meaning a bigger soul will give you more to work with, but you can still decide to make something like 5 damage over 10 seconds with 30 uses, or 25 damage over 1 second with 10 uses. So if you get an enchantment you like consider learning it and making your own weapon to customize it.
  16. Reminds me of my old Arena Poster, also is this Fallout music packs your using?
  17. Basic question, but I don't want to look up a walkthrough or something and get spoiled. To clarify, I just want to know if I finish the main questline will there still be random dragons? Or because of *spoiler* will they be gone afterward (my assumption). Just wondering if I should seek out and power any shouts I really want to use before going too far. Thanks if you can help.
  18. That is awesome, though equally as awesome would be the delicious irony of turning a purely digital book, into a real one!
  19. So I'm the only one driven mad by Ysolda and her life story from walking by? I know you hang out at the merchant stalls woman, we are standing in the middle of the merchant stalls! :P Best solution would be saying the main phrase, usually a hint to a quest or side mission, once or maybe once per 24 hours or something. Then fall back to default generic things like, "hail" or "hello kinsman" unless you speak to them. I had a mission where the guy starts saying something when you walk up, but started talking to him before he finished. Luckily the first thing in dialogue was the exact same 3-4 sentences, so I got to hear it again. Well, not again so much as delayed 2 seconds behind the first clip that was still playing. :) I still wish Oblivion had a mod for adding a bunch of random phrases to people, dialogue and passing by....hmmm...
  20. Yeah, player house is a good place to start. You learn about item placement, how to link interior/exteriors, difference between a furniture bed and static bed :D. Another good tip is avoid the Imperial City for any mod you might want to release, (a tip I didn't follow, sorry) for obvious reasons. Makes it easier to find, but for anyone with a lot of mods IC gets pretty crowded. Edit: I should say I'm getting interested in this stuff again, playing Skyrim, I'd be glad to help with advice or whatever if anyone would like more specific help :)
  21. The best source of info is the TES Construction Set wiki I learned by following the beginner's guide all the way through. Then there's a first quest tutorial which you can follow pretty exactly. This will teach you how the CS works, but to make a mod you need to have a plan. What do you want to make, a quest? A home? Companions? First know that if you want to actually add a whole new item (like making the master sword for instance) you need other tools like Blender, Nifskope, etc. But you can do plenty with just the Construction Set as well. Start simple too, make a chest in your favorite city, add some gold/weapons, save the .esp and try it out. Making houses is easy, but you need to create an interior space or they are just set peices. You can copy a similar house to make it easier, duplicate one and delete all but the walls, then fill it with your own stuff. Basically, spend more time trying it out, and less time trying to learn you get more of both that way. This was my mistake starting out at least.
  22. I would second that, having played Oblivion for a couple years on 360 before ever getting a PC that could handle it. The first few mods I got were for better books, character faces, etc. it allows you to have the default experience and still update it a little. As for character creation, the only thing to worry much about is your major/minor skills. If you made a character with skills you might not use (like alchemy, or conjuration if you're a fighter) you will level up more slowly. However any skill can be increased through use, so you can actually max out the skills you use (weapons and armor in the case of fighters) with out leveling up. This in turn gives you the advantage over a world which scales to your level, so even a mistake like that will give you a unique experience. Best bet being fresh to the game is just play, do whatever feels natural. Put some money on a fight, solve a murder, go hunting, get drunk, etc. Anyway you have fun.
  23. If your talking non-cheat, there's a 55-minute run, but the description says played on easiest difficulty. Funniest glitch one I saw involved using the floating paintbrushes and the dupe glitch to drop into the elder council chamber from above. Walking out through the door the game glitches and suddenly its in the end-game. He talks to Martin, then they stop Dagon's attack, credits.
  24. Kemehameha spell, Kaioken/SS shout.
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