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Everything posted by Palpenious

  1. Yes, I didn't know that until I read my "Brief History" book. On that note, who were the first members of the Imperial Council?
  2. Outside of mods, I found the Cheydinhal house felt most like home. Except every time I walk outside the freakin' Orum gang is there.
  3. So, if the Camoran Usurper wore the Dragon Amulet while impersonating the Emperor, for whatever reason he could do that, maybe the same reason his heir could also?
  4. Just gonna jump in with a question, hope you don't mind. Which race does not have a homeland recognised by the Council.
  5. I've seen a couple other posts like this, but never a real answer as to why it doesn't work. Personally I only use custom music in Oblivion, I've heard those songs so much I couldn't stand it anymore. The thing is, I didn't have to change anything. The songs have their original titles, I even have some songs in the "explore" and "public" folders. They play randomly, but I never had any other problem. If you don't have a mod that already alters the way music plays, there is no reason it shouldn't work.
  6. I know Gametap has been mentioned, and understand concerns of pay to play, but thought I would say Fallout 1 is free to play on it. I lost it when I saw that, just as I was getting into 3. It was pretty cool to start them both side-by-side, and see the similarities and such.
  7. Yes, he's an odd one altogether. I guess it's Shadow's turn again, unless anyone knows how many diff. things he says. That was the most difficult question I could think of without being downright ridiculous.
  8. But do you know all his secrets? If that's too hard, then what does he set off to search for when not dispensing useless information?
  9. How many different bits of trivia can you get from Maik the Liar? And where does he stop to rest?
  10. OK, setting Oblivion aside, because it's too obvious; favorite series' (generally not specific games)- Castlevania, Zelda, Persona favorite overall game- Way of the Samurai, if you haven't heard of it, try to find it. Pretty early PS2 game, but I played it a lot, mostly because of the character customization.
  11. The strat guide lists Sardavar Leed. Also states, you must recover all 11 statues, selling the first to anyone, including Umbacano, then recovering the rest after receiving the quest. I have finished this quest a few times, but feel like I have only gotten 10 of the statues, not really sure though.
  12. NES was my first, though I later got a hand-me-down Atari. I agree though, that SNES was probably the best console of the day.
  13. Oh god, Vampire Rain really makes me shudder. How in the world can you make a bad vampire game? Just ask the makers of this horrid excuse for a play-by-play. It's like Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six had an unholy child, and all the good parts of those games were removed. BTW, I never did get why the rain had anything to do with the vampires, probably just because I quit when my head started hurting.
  14. I was also really confused when I first brought up the codec to save(on Twin Snakes), and Mei Ling had no accent at all! A small change but I was under the impression that the same voice actors were brought back. So why were the three ladies with accents changed to have none?
  15. Yeah, I think the Twin Snakes was great as a cross between solid one and two. However, I think we are all overlooking the fact that playing the original Big Boss is just the coolest thing imaginable. Plus, the heavy story (emotionally) in three, really gave sense to why Big Boss would become what he did. Did anyone else see the G4 special on Kojima? Apparentely, Kojima and Miyamoto were riding the same bus home one day, when Miyamoto says, (paraphrasing)"you know, you should make a Metal Gear for the Gamecube" Kojima: "OK", and then they made Twin Snakes. I am completely serious, that's how long the conversation was. Freakin' awesome!
  16. Maybe the cake shown at the end was an appreciative gesture created by all those little robots in the background, who are now free because you destroyed their overbearing, homicidal master computer. Thereby turning what was once a lie, into actual cake. But, I think you do die after the explosion, so no cake for you! p.s. If anyone had the 360 version, completing the harder trials unlocks three achievements that are named, cupcake, and I forget the others, anyway, this is another way of saying the cake was real, sort of.
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