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Status Updates posted by Chesto

  1. Come here, you th..th.. th..th..thing from another world, you.
  2. You tease me, ty? Im thinking tongues, now. My god, ty! Is that lip gloss?!
  3. Okay, this time i did mean to peek. Now that ive found the 'comments' thingy, there's just so much more to look at!

    Keep doing your duty, soldier! Never see brown!

  4. Broken fingers, and a drip feed of saltpetre, ty.
  5. i was thinking 'it' from the Adams family.
  6. jeez mos! how big is that fekkin cat?
  7. ah...um...call me anything but late for breakfast? that one?
  8. long as its 100% cotton. the shirt. cotton penny loafers would just be stoopid.
  9. what we talking about, now, still?
  10. what we talking about ,now?
  11. awww...im a good boy!
  12. i didnt mean to peek, honest. am always hitting the wrong thing!
  13. usual technique: grab trouble round the throat, throw it down, and see to it.
  14. there she goes again, being trouble!
  15. first tanks. now fekkin maths. im off!
  16. Har! That's not the sun! That's my search light! Comes with exclamation marks for ease of assembly!
  17. And what, madam, might that be?
  18. Todays the day the teddy bears have their piiiiiic nic. Everyday is.
  19. Just you try to avoid doing what a mad Irish Faerie, her gran, and the S-thingy tell you to do. Best of British luck with that!
  20. byebye everybody. it's been a hell of a ride.
  21. Tell your mate that i am a non-descriminatory flirter. A s!@£, in other words.
  22. Sorry, anger is making me blind. Have just noticed it says 'men'! I shall out all them, then!
  23. tried to pm you, rightly concerned father. Know this. If you pm me the name of the vile piece of ordure who did this thing, I will publish his name. I will drive the scumbag out of here. And then, maybe, you may feel able to reevaluate your perfectly understandible decision to ban Aerin from here. We miss her , sorely. Chesto.
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