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Status Updates posted by Chesto

  1. Please, rightly concerned father of Aerin. If you haven't, read my post #596, in the general oblivion forum, 'I like...' thread, if you havent already. And read my most recent post, today. Who ever it was that posted those kinds of pms to Aerin shall be outed, and roundly horsewhipped. This I promise. Please, reconsider. We miss her here.
  2. To whom...,

    This, admittedly raunchy, playground could be just one of the safest, most caring, out-in-the-open playgrounds that you could hope that your daughter would play in. Think on't. Regards, and some undertanding, Chesto.

  3. Carah...it's not the 'longer' im worried about. It's the ' at all'. And how in the name that is all that is holy, do you know all this stuff?
  4. damn woman and her numbers. probably kimi's ( do hear that said with a snear) locker number at reform school.
  5. You lookin at me?...Are you lookin at me?: taxi driver.
  6. just reread your profile real careful like...yes...my ancestors conquered France and England. Always willing to oblige a lady, with tattloo'd thighs.
  7. 14 and so wise already. ...in a mini skirt... no...musnt go there. Have you been welcomed in the Newbies yet? If not...expect a good one.
  8. oy, fcmerc! wotcher mate. If you were writng exams, hope they went alright. Welcome back. And what are you and doom doing reading that facist Rand? You're old before your time, laddies.
  9. i wear glasses , mos...oh...oh yeah...
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