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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. I lol'd. Not a small project, unless you want your character to run in a straight line and get stuck at the first obstacle.
  2. Ya, just add more of a certain type to be encountered at a certain level.
  3. I think he/she actually wants to fix the mod. Close CK, open the mod in tesvedit, find the changed record (under cell\bannered mare or something like that) and delete it.
  4. It's exactly how they did it. But if you're looking for a wolf or bear marker you're looking in the wrong place. They all spawn from lvlanimal[environment]predator, as you see there are tons of them placed (first column of numbers). <br><br>http://i46.tinypic.com/2vjv7ly.jpg<br><br>If you want to restrict how far your animals roam from their editor loc or something like that, you can do that with AI packages.<br>
  5. An Encounter Zone dictates how leveled lists are generated, specifically what level the NPCs should have. It doesn't generate monsters. You create a leveled list with monsters you want, then place the leveled placeholder in your world where you want them to spawn. The logic goes Take monsters with names starting with "enc" - these are your base monsters. Put them in a leveled character list - these are the names in CK starting with "lchar". Finally, you create a NPC using the lchar as a template. This final one is the one you drop at points in your dungeon. Then when you set an encounter zone you can set minimum and maximum levels for this generated character. A good example in the CK is "lvlsailor" - it takes a random character from the "lcharsailor" list. This list in turn has an "encsailorimperialM", "encsailorredguardm", and "encsailornordm", which are in themselves templated (but different from) the "encsailor00Template". Now when you drop an lvlsailor in your dungeon, the engine will pick one of these randomly when you visit it. So you will encounter either an imperial, redguard, or nord. If an encounter zone is set with, say, a minimum level of 15 the sailor will always be at least level 15 when encountered, higher if the player's level is higher. If a maximum is set, it will be of a level no higher than that. These leveled spawns are placed (by hand) all over Tamriel - they are the icons which look like an M with an arrow (which indicated the initial direction they face). Once placed you can edit that instance of the leveled character - setting the difficulty from easy to very hard - easy will be a green M, very hard is red, middle is yellow/orange. There is no magic autospawn setting as far as I know.
  6. LOL I'd totally use that if it were an actual mod. IT'S MANLY.
  7. Yes, object\tree\landscape LODS all end up where they should, except for the texturesets, they end up in \source\DDStextures (one folder up from the main skyrim folder - heaven knows why). But I would recommend doing a run with Oscape after that - much better textures and flexibility in LOD meshes. In fact the CK screws up the textures quite often. But for objects and trees it'll work fine - as long as you run while the worldspace isn't loaded and you close the CK without saving when you're done.
  8. Well, it inspired me to do a quick texture/grass change for my own amusement, not release. I wanted to figure out how textures are applied to landscape objects and how grass settings work anyway. Flowers! Flowers EVERYWHERE! lol Turns out the settings are quite subtle and it's REALLY easy to overdo it :thumbsup: I feel like my horse should have a pink bow on its tail now. http://i46.tinypic.com/35d11s0.jpg
  9. I love it (saw it in the other thread before) - it should have a force push on the player so you move back half a meter when you fire it to get that real "heavy ordnance" feeling :) (and of course a knockback or ragdoll flying effect on the unlucky fellow who gets hit, or possibly an area effect) Just daydreaming ;)
  10. Vampires don't vant your money Lebowski, they vant your bloooooood! Dangit, mixed my cultural references again.
  11. I'm not sure what you're trying to do exactly, if you're just looking for "read the book, gain daedric smithing capability" then attaching this to your "skill book" would do it: Scriptname BOOKREADPERKNAME extends ObjectReference Perk Property THEPERKYOUWANT Auto Event OnRead() Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(THEPERKYOUWANT ) Debug.MessageBox("You learn perk " + THEPERKYOUWANT ) EndEvent (remove the debug line once you test it works okay, and after you add the script you'll have to tie the properties of THEPERKYOUWANT to an actual perk - in the properties window) If you want to set up "you need to know both daedric smithing by going through the regular perk tree, THEN learn how to make daedric armor by reading one book, a shield by another" (as an example) you'll do the same as above but define a custom/dummy perk which you get for reading the book, then changing the relevant recipe(s) in items\constructible objects to require that perk (by adding a hasperk "daedricarmorshieldsmithing" == 1 to the match conditions in addition to the existing one)
  12. I do have convenient horses installed, both to make horses cowards and to make them pack mules. And lots of landscape/flora/weather/lighting mods, moar npc mods including warzones, more wildlife/birds/insect mods, that sort of thing. I love just riding through Tamriel, following different paths, gawking at stuff going on around me. It really is quite a beautiful place. But to each his own - teleport spells dont do it for me at all. Even though the Portal-inspired ones were fun to toy with.
  13. It's generally not a good idea to even go there before lvl 10 or so, but okay. I reserve the right to call you milkdrinker though. :teehee:
  14. I just hold the left or right mouse button (depending on which side my intended target is on) to keep my sword at the ready (and charge the power strike) then let go the moment they are standing right beside me as I thunder past them, then turn and strafe again. I rarely miss, but you have to remain somewhat on level ground, too much of a climb or descent and you will move out of the "strike" position. Archery on horseback only really works on far-away targets for me. When I did a warzones run I liked to have the convenient horses mod installed, you can alter the "horse charge" settings and plow through a bunch of people, sending them flying left and right just by holding the sprint button. Oodles of fun.
  15. Working with the CK has made me extremely tolerant of inside/outside size differences. You don't want to look at the imperial tower kit ever if this sort of thing bothers you. Just don't make it too extreme and most users won't notice. Or add a basement. Can't see underground from above. TARDIS all over the place.
  16. There are quite a few battlemage/robe over armor mods already on the nexus. Most are done by combining one or more parts of existing armor with one or more parts of an existing robe outfit. Search the nexus for "mage armor" and you're sure to find something. If you want DIY, your tool of choice will probably be nifscope (because you won't be doing this in the CK), a google search for "combine meshes nifscope" will show you some of the basics of doing that, and something like this should get you started with nifscope itself.
  17. The screenshots could be a little larger :geek: but the idea is great. So you're changing the "potential grass" sets of land textures, adding things like Elinir's spring flowers?(if you're not, it's a great resource)
  18. Just put in the first update - added some of the changes mentioned earlier, plus thanks to some commenters on the mod page you will now only see the potions you can actually craft. Enough editing lists for now, I feel like a bloody accountant ;) (nothing wrong with that, I'm just not one of them)
  19. Added (but not yet uploaded, will collect some ideas first, I think I will keep the current simple mod as is and offer this as an alternate/add-on): Potion of Doom: fortify magicka rate + fortify destruction skill = shorter timer on magicka rate but greater magicka rate & destruction skill multiplier Potion of Mindbending: The same as doom, but for illusion Potion of Reality Warp: Same as above, for alteration Potion of Packrats: Fortify carry rate + fortify stamina = slightly better stats for both across the board Potion of enhanced smithing (as per suggestion but not quite so overpowered) smithing potion + smithing potion = better smithing + extended duration, scales up at higher levels Potion of Superior Resistance: combine "resist ..." potions, get free extra healing rate for a short time
  20. Nice list Ket, thanks! Right now they turn into trees permanently. I also took out the "protect dragons, giants, and essential characters" protections because screw that. Also it was just for fun. I turned the entire city of Solitude into a very quiet and green place :thumbsup: Grimoa: that's a very interesting suggestion! I'd have no idea how to work that in the CK, but it's interesting enough that I'll look into it. The summon part is easy, but not sure how to remove a targeted tree from the world.
  21. Okay, here's the bare-bones version: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27220/ Will combine the following health/stamina/magicka potions at a cookpot under the misc section: 01+01=02 02+02=04 03+03=05 04+04+04=06 05+05=06 Based on the restoration levels found in vanilla: 01=25pts 02=50pts 03=75pts 04=100pts 05=150pts 06=9999pts (full) I'll start working on some more interesting combinations.
  22. Ya, sounds doable. Let me start with basic upgrades, I can always get fancy later.
  23. There's a script attached to the wabbajack to work its random magic, it has a number of functions, I scrapped all but the one I wanted and fudged around for a bit until I got it to kill off the targeted actor and replace it with a tree.
  24. I kind of sort of want to build a set of spells for green mage/druid builds, you know, summoning bears/spriggans, mass calm spells, making stuff bloom, turning nature against your foes, that sort of thing. And I thought "you know what would be fun? Turning people into trees!". And you know what, I was right. This is just a proof of concept test using the wabbajack as a base, but hey, it works. [video=youtube;P8QTGEMk2LI] If you have any other ideas for green mages/druids, let's hear them. Who knows, I may turn this thing into a real mod someday. *checks the nexus* Looks like someone beat me to it ha ha http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23745
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