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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I get a warning when trying to save saying: "Assert- line 1051 too many triangles in bsnavmeshbounds."


    The mem usage seems to be within normal bounds.


    After googling a bit for " too many triangles in bsnavmeshbounds" I kinda gave up - too much blah, not enough good information.


    You could try killing off your existing exterior navmeshes (enter navmesh mode, zoom out, select all, delete) and saving.

    Or open the mod in tesvgecko and delete the record directly under "navigation" and then save. (make a backup first!)

  2. Thank you, AcidStripedHorsey!


    lol. Also... zebra mod. Hmmm. It's just a texture...


    Are there ever any mismatch problems if a mod gets updated during a game-in-progress? That seemed to be the case with Steam's Civ5 mods: Change _anything_ concerning the selected mods and the game refused to continue from the last Save.


    I can't say I have had issues with that, but it is possible (it won't refuse to load, but it might crash or do strange things). My general strategy (after messing up several in progress games by wantonly loading and removing mods) is to select a bunch of mods I think will enhance my gameplay, and stick with them for the run. But oh, the temptations... I must say I rarely upgrade unless there are known problems with a given version of the mod OR it offers significant improvements.


    In regards to load order, how is a user with ZERO mod-tinkering ability supposed to know in what order the mods _should_ be loaded? All that I know about a mod is that, "That looks neat! It would be cool to add that feature to the game!" and that X number of people have used and like that given mod. The implication is that for that many people to Recommend the mod, it must function without causing problems.


    The user should educate himself, of course :)


    (and be prepared for a lot of trial-and error)


    As for the x number of people endorsing, they will be running any combination of mods. No mod author can plan for that or any future mods. You will also most likely note any number of complaints or questions in the comment thread - I do recommend checking out the comment thread of a mod.


    But to answer the question somewhat, this is exactly what BOSS attempts to do - automate the mod ordering process. It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than just adding and activating a bunch of mods. Even if you just stick with letting BOSS do its thing, it will come up with a fairly decent load order.


    So here is what you do. You already have NMM. You already have a bunch of mods you want to run and are active in NMM. So now you install BOSS. Then run BOSS. It will run (a commandline window will open briefly and disappear), and then open a browser window with a summary. The summary will tell you "there are this many mods loaded, I know this many of them, there are X warnings and Y errors.". Unless there are warnings and errors, you don't need to do anything and you can fire up your game.


    If there ARE warnings and errors, below the summary there are two links "recognised plugins" and "unrecognised plugins". Have a look through those. In many cases, it will tell you "you're trying to load this mod, many people are having problems with it" (which will tell you that maybe this plugin isn't entirely stable - use at your own risk). Or "this mod archive contains several alternatives, only load one" - meaning the zip or rar file you downloaded has several versions of the same mod - read the mod home page for details, decide which one you want, and remove one or more of the other files from the data folder. The warnings and errors are pretty self-explanatory.


    Boss will order the mods it knows about, and dump the mods it doesn't know about at the bottom of the load order. Often this works out fine - but remember to check the mod homepage for any mod and see if it requires a specific load order.

  3. If Mod manager tells you a mod can be updated, you click on the text in the column "latest version" - it shows the current version + little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark. This will open your browser and take you to the mod's homepage. From there you can download, either with the mod manager or manually. If you do it via the manager, you just need to activate it after it's been added. If you do it manually, you will have to use the "add mod from file" button (top-left, looks like blue puzzle piece with green + symbol)


    "zbloodnpcbleed attached to Active effect"


    Do you have any "enhanced blood" mods or "crimson tide" mod perhaps? Because a lot of people have been experiencing trouble with those.


    Another thought, if you have all these mods installed, have you done anything with load order? If you just activated the lot of them through NMM, you should read this:


    and then grab a copy of BOSS



    Some mods will not play nice with others, unless mod A is loaded before mod B. The BOSS program tries to keep a master list of which mods should be loaded when and will sort them to the best of its knowledge. Some manual ordering is usually still needed, and this is often a trial-and-error process.


    All this may seem a little overwhelming at first, but hey, that's life when you start messing with user-created content for a game :)

  4. I've looked at the mod page, and it states


    The main quest is disabled by default, but if you want to play it anyway, you have to delete the file Data/Scripts/QF_MQ101_0003372B.pex. After character creation you will be asked if you sided with Stormcloaks or Imperials, which after a while will trigger the beginning of the Main Quest (talk to Gerdur or Alvor).


    Sounds iffy. But don't the dragons start appearing with the advent of the main quest? So you could try the above to start the main quest, which will lead to a dragon attaching the tower, which will lead to alduin resurrecting dragons and them appearing everywhere.

  5. Let's review what we know: in vanilla skyrim (real vanilla, has not seen a mod ever) the load times are "normal", aye?

    In your game, the load times are messed up, both on the machine which has a bunch of mods and on the machine which has "only the essentials" (whatever that means for you)


    It's tempting at this point to think that something in "the essentials" are the cause. Could well be.


    But as a test, you could try loading the game and at the title screen open the console and coc somewhere you know gives you load-time grief.

    If it loads quickly, then there's likely something messed up in your savegame(s)

    If it shows the same issue, then there's likely something in your essential mod list which is causing this, and you'll have to investigate further, disabling essential mods & testing (load, play, observe)

    It's a slow process, but better than a non-working skyrim.

  6. Just a quick note - the last lines in a papyrus log aren't necessarily the thing that caused the CTD. If you see these dark brotherhood messages throughout the log, then it's most likely not the cause, just a repeated message of something not working entirely as intended.


    I think it's a mod problem of some sort.


    Very likely ;)


    ps. the original poster is listed as banned so likely won't be responding.


    No matter WHAT, any time I use blocks like this, that's the fail I get. Always, no matter what the function or event is, in every case. I've done things like copy a block of code exactly, both by the copy/paste method, and by typing exactly what I see in one window, into another. Those two fails are what I get, no matter what.


    What on earth is up with that?


    That is... very odd. I tested my code on a dungeon, added NPC, added script to npc, and it worked fine. Could you paste an example of failing code?

  8. You may question the idea that a player "cannot" do this, but when I say this I am referring to the fact that, a player may be voluntarily roleplaying a restricted inventory... right up until they kill three thugs wearing full ebony armor, and they happen to have a need for the cash they could get from selling that armor; at that point they may decide to go ahead and grab that armor just because they can.


    I don't think I believe in using gameplay mechanics to augment a lack of willpower/resolve/discipline. Or put another way, I think that same person will just turn off those mechanics at that point, through console commands or whatever.


    That said, I do enjoy a bit of realism in inventory management, as long as it doesn't get crazy and I find myself constantly swapping stuff in and out - there has to be some balance in terms of providing the option of a pack animal waiting outside the dungeon - just an example.

  9. guys what kind of texture mod should i use everytime i use custom skins like CBBE i get CTDs and UNP also along with high resolution texture road house armours swords :facepalm: each...... installing non texture mods like better vampire doesnt cause CTDs :unsure:


    This is my Spec

    Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

    ATI Redeon HD 6670 1gig DDR 5

    Memory 8gig

    have the latest driver update along with DirectX


    I think if you really want to run super-duper high-res texture mods you should either increase your VRAM (so buy a card with at least 2GB) OR cut down on the number of mods that ADD extra objects to the world, thus reducing the load. By which I mean super high res textured armors & swords + (for example) warzones loading a large number of actors using those textures in a given cell = welcome to CTD city on entering cell.

  10. I've figured out 1&2, so thought I'd share the wisdom..


    And I now have my nicely laid table that no amount of follower fail or accidental discharges of shouts will upset.


    Nice & thanks for the tips, although I admit I kind of like using Kyne's Peace shouts to make everything fly. Especially when all the NPCs are just sitting there like nothing happened.

  11. that horrible-looking body mod in the Leather Ninja Gear screenshot


    What is up with that one anyway? I wanted to check out the mod page just because it looks so incredibly out of place but it says "under moderation".


    As for the main question, if we're talking quest/adventure, if it looks to be a fun one, I don't mind if it takes a few liberties with or even ignores lore.

    If it is a mod which adds/replaces content then I usually only grab it if it doesn't turn skyrim into something completely different.

  12. One spot in an exterior cell? Or interior?


    How big is your mod? When exactly does it crash? (just walking around, going from interior to exterior, other)

    What does the render window say about memory usage when you have that cell loaded (top of the render window, X MB/ 157 MB)

  13. Well, you're already running some kind of script, right?


    There are a number of ways to go about it but it sounds like yes, you want the disable() function. However, if you just call this function the actor will just pop or fade out right in front of the player. Which will look odd.


    What you could do is add an event that will disable the actor when the player leaves the cell with a check to see if your quest is completed, so the actor simply won't be there anymore when the player returns.


    I assume you already have something like the following in your script:

    actor property ACTORREFNAME auto
    quest propert QUESTNAME  auto


    What you would add is


    Event OnCellDetach()
    if (QUESTNAME.IsCompleted()) 


    I'm a beginner at papyrus scripting, so this may be a horrible way to go about it though :)


    Event OnCellDetach() is an event which fires if the cell in which the object on which the script is running is unloaded.

    QUESTNAME.IsCompleted() checks whether the quest QUESTNAME is completed.

    and disable() disables the reference.



    (this script snippet is also assumed to be running on the actor reference, I don't know how you set up your scripts or what they are attached to, I haven't really gotten into quest scripting yet)

  14. Thank you for responding! And the offer to provide instructions as well, as I haven't the foggiest idea what "Papyrus logging" means. (Reeds as big as trees? Hmm. Thor Heyedahl _did_ build the Ra out of papyrus...)


    Here's a guide to follow to enable papyrus logging



    Papyrus is the underlying scripting language used by skyrim. Turning logging on will cause it to record events in a text file which you could theoretically use to find what mods are causing the crashes/hangs. I say theoretically because just as often it won't show anything useful at all.


    What mods do you have installed at the moment?

  15. A spell that "conjures swords from a magic circle, levitates them and launches them at the enemy" is effectively the same as "Firebolt", giving it an added value of zero. Either this or Firebolt will be useless depending on magicka cost and damage so you are not expanding the pool of viable spells, you are just replacing one.


    I agree with much of what you wrote, and even this point to a degree, but for the fact that a little variety never hurts and when role-playing gives you more of a choice (not to mention you could add some uniqueness like "ignore X% of armor" like fireball has "sets on fire" and ice thingies have "saps stamina").


    This is a fascinating thread, thanks.




    (sorry, I couldn't resist)


    I know VATS in fallout has a lot of info about where someone is damaged; I've always wondered why this wasn't put to use in Skyrim. Not the "vault-tec assisted targting" part obviously, but the whole "this hit is here, this hit is there, this limb gets severed..."


    It always seems strange to me that someone in another room knows if you take down someone with a sneak kill

    I hear ya, I was building a tower using the imperial kit and people from two floors up in a closed room came running down to avenge my insta-kill. Made for a hairy situation, too.

  17. Ouch. I had my first mod corrupted in this way, never could figure out what was wrong with it. Now I religiously make backups whenever I work on one. Whiiiiich doesn't help you at all.


    Some random ideas:

    - grab a copy of the current tesvgecko and poke around in the records, see if there is anything odd


    (as a bonus, you'll see if you've made any dirty edits to vanilla cells)

    - cut render/paste render all assets from the crashing cells to a new/alternate location, see if they work okay there and if the cells now load without crashing. If yes, you could try to repopulate from the copied one.




    ps I love the idea of this mod - don't give up!

  18. Yes I know. I was thinking about actually creating a package though. from 10AM to 5PM bob the NPC will explore.


    You could create a number of travel packages to "interesting" locations and let the default master script work out what to do when the actor gets there. Then use quest/quest aliases and scripting to randomly/dynamically add them/move a given travel package to the top of the stack. I say this knowing it's currently so far above my modding skill I may as well be a lemur trying to discuss rocket science.

  19. How would I go about making my new npc start exploring randomly around Whiterun using AI packages?


    A sandbox package with a set radius would cause them to wander around and use various idlemarkers, or is that not what you mean?

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