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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I have a worldspace that I have created. Npcs will not use the load doors to enter into the world space.


    I have used follow packages as well as travel packages. They will just not come through the load doors to enter this created worldspace.


    Any ideas?


    The first thing which comes to mind is have you taken the proper steps in hooking up your worldspace, especially the navmesh/finalize navmesh part?



  2. Sounds like in all cases the download was aborted/broken off (server-side) before it could complete. I had the same issue several times. NMM works fine for small mods in my experience, but will often time out on large ones. Browser downloads are more reliable in general, but sometimes a break in connectivity somewhere between you and the server, or a server overload issue, or really whatever can cause this. The most reliable solution is to clear your browser cache, wait a few hours, and try again.


    Remember, it's the internet. There's your machine, there's the server, and there are a bunch of intermediary networks you have no clue about in between all tied together with BGP. While TCP is generally pretty good at recovering from short breaks, it may just time out at longer ones, leaving you with a corrupt archive. That other people can't reproduce the error is only natural, they may be in a different geographical area with a different ISP with different links leading back to the download server. Testing with different browsers (which by default happens in sequence, so after a download failed you grab a different browser and try again) may lead you down a red herring path, because if the download completes you may conclude it is the browser while in reality it was the path to the server being fixed up or the server load going down enough.


    Anyway, my 2 cents: I've had this sometimes, clearing browser cache and trying again later has always sorted it.

  3. So, anyone up for the challenge?


    Love the video and the idea but I think armors would pose a bit of a problem. Though I would pay cash to see a bear try to fit into elven armor. The mental image is making me laugh.


    Also, having no opposable digit would be a problem with holding swords... but the stately giant panda does have one. And what isn't better with pandas? Nothing, that's what.


    Anyway, with pandas or bears, great idea :)

  4. Anyone have any help with this? They say "what a strange weapon you wield" and "what a big hammer", I don't have anything equipped in either hand!


    And you have no weapons like that in your inventory? It could be a previous mod causing this which you removed but some part of which is stuck in your save game. And who knows, maybe the guard was coming on to you - "is that a big warhammer in your pocket or..." ;)


    Try a new game and see if you get the same comments, is all I can suggest.


    I think everyone has had inappropriate comments from guards, in vanilla they will keep making mocking mention of how someone stole your sweetroll when you are maxed out, slew a ton of dragons, and could decapitate them by staring hard. I always made a point of killing guards like that, and screw the bounty. That's just me though.


    I really recommend the guard dialogue overhaul, it fixes a ton of guard dialogue bugs and brings out comments which were supposed to be in, but just never got said due to bugs.



  5. Funny you should mention volcanoes, look what I'm working on :)


    (note this is without ENB, the ridiculous colour saturation etc is only done through lighting and camera attachments) - I may scale it back a little. Also I'm so far from a release date it isn't funny.

  6. now find myself getting close to level 300 on certain skills


    So what you're saying is your character is basically a god now and you can't find other gods to fight. Have you considered you may have ventured too far down the path? Maybe it is time to wrap up open questlines and start a new character, perhaps with skyrim redone and morrowloot installed to make life hard on yourself (and to keep things interesting) :)


    Other than the deadly dragons suggestion by the above poster (which has a menu option where you can make them really deadly and/or have several attack you at once), nothing much else comes to mind, sorry.

  7. Here are my 2 cents (assuming you can run vanilla skyrim at full resolution with good FPS), install


    a) godrays only ENB - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20470

    Crepuscular rays or god rays, you know, the pretty rays you see when the sun is shining through the clouds or the trees. This lightweight ENB will get you only that plus nicer shadows for a fraction of the FPS cost. You may want to update the ENB dll itself with a later version, I'm running .119 with this one I think.

    b) Imaginator - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049

    Adjust the color balance, vibrancy, hue, saturation and whatnot to your exact specifications or use a convenient preset ranging from "nice overall enhancement" to "pixar" (yay!) to "holy hell" palettes.


    With these two and possibly a lighting mod (darker, lighter, realistic, whatever floats your boat) you can get very nice results. At the same time you might consider cutting down on other effects and/or tweaking your ini files for speed over looks, but that's a bit of a different discussion.

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