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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. You mean you don't see any debug messages in your papyrus logs at all? For easier troubleshooting, you could temporarily replace the debug.trace with debug.notification so you get an onscreen notification if it fires.That way you can see if it's firing as intended at least.


    (and remove the ; comment marker)

  2. So you have a full skyrim install in two places now?


    Consider looking into skyrim installation swapper



    Also, I think if you launch tesv.exe through SkyrimLauncher.exe it sets a registry key to point to that current install folder (after which the CK would also load from that folder) but I'm not entirely sure - just say my firewall throw a log entry a few times.

  3. I tried Googling this, but I don't know much about Papyrus so I'm in over my head. From what I can tell it appears that the OnLoad function may be a bit buggy? Some people have suggested replacing it with OnCellAttach. Does that apply to this situation?


    From the creation kit wiki:


    For interiors, it often looks like this event fires whenever the player enters the cell. It doesn't. If you leave a cell, the cell may or may not have unloaded by the time you return, which means this event may or may not fire again. If you need a reliable event every time the player enters a cell, try the OnCellAttach Event instead.


    Why not just give it a whirl?

  4. But my mod is a house mod, and I have not changed any nif forms.... Am I right in thinking that I will need to tackle the mysteries of TES5Edit to locate and remove this file?


    I don't think you'll find any mention of it in tes5edit. Do you have any earlier backup files you could go back to? These days, I make a backup every time before I start working on a file.


    Some random ideas which may be useful OR completely useless;


    - Are you using any custom objects in your mod (not in the original skyrim)? You could try removing them

    - Are you using complex light arrangements in your mod? You could try removing and placing them again

    - have you tried copying over all objects in your current cell to a new cell and saving that as a new mod, then continue working from that one - this may or may not be feasible depending on how far along you are and how complex the scene is.


    That last trick has solved some of my more arcane error messages for me on more than one occasion when working on a home. Don't know what got corrupted, but moving everything to a new cell in a new mod file sorted it.

  5. lol, okay, I've been meaning to have a look at recipes anyway. 3 leeks + 1 salt pile + cooking pot is, as you say, BAM :tongue:


    As for the how, open CK, load skyrim main file, expand items and click "constructible objects". You will see a bunch of recipes for armor, weapons, and food etc. Right-click any recipe and select "new". The constructible object window will open. In the ID text area, give it a name (no spaces) like recipefoodgrilledleeks. In the dropdown "created object" select foodgrilledleeks (this is the object you will make by following the recipe). In the workbench keyword dropdown, select craftingcookpot (this is the object you will use to make the food). Right-click in the "required item list" area, select new. To the right of that, adjust the object dropdown for foodleek and adjust the quantity as you see fit. Repeat for the salt pile (new > dropdown > quantity). Then click OK, and press save and give it a pretty name.


    Congrats, you've created a new recipe mod! Easy as pie. Or grilled leeks, as the case may be.

  6. EDIT: I guess it's a bit more fluctuant than I said before. It's only when I'm in the vast open seeing lots of trees that it drops below 30 (I think). Maybe my fears aren't as warranted as I thought, I guess I'm just in the mindset that I paid for the best laptops graphics card around right now, so any slight discrepancy worries me. Oh well.


    It also depends on any graphics settings in skyrim, any changes you may have made to skyrimprefs.ini but in general, the more trees/other objects the heavier the load that SSAO places on your system. The illumination at each point is a function of other geometry in the scene - the more (complex) geometry present, the more work your GPU has.


    all in all, it sounds about right, although I'm not perfectly up to date on modern laptop GPUs.

  7. In the archive you need to open the bin folder, then extract the files in there to your main skyrim folder (so dinput8.dll is in the same folder as TESV.EXE)


    The asi folders don't exist by default, you can either create them yourself and put your plugins there or some mods will have them in those folders. asi files are the plugins used by script dragon.


    Asi plugins also can be placed in the "asi\", "plugins\" and

    "data\asi\" folders relative to game root dir (where TESV.exe is located)


    scriptdragon will check if any of these folders exist and load the plugins from them if found.You can also dump them in the main skyrim folder (but some people like to keep their folder structure tidy :) )

  8. I had understood that when you find a spell for something it would be present within the list of possible enchantments but for the invisibility it is not so.


    No, when you disenchant an item with a given enchantment which you don't know you learn the enchantment. In vanilla Skyrim this is the only way to learn enchantments, and there isn't one for invisibility. However, it is possible to make invisibility into an enchantment with the creation kit and some modders have already done so, for example





    ...and many others.


    ...they are usually considered god items in that it's pretty overpowered. Personal tastes and all that.

  9. Did you use an special options, like "Don't havoc settle" or anything else, so it did work for you


    No, just stuck it in there and made sure it wasn't touching the floor. Or walls. You may have to turn off aligning to grid (Q key) to fine-tune the placement.


    It may be easier to start with an empty cell - make a duplicate of "unowned cell" and start work there. Sorry if I'm telling you stuff you already know, I just realised you mentioned working with the CK for a while.


    Happy modding ;)

  10. Well, you've taken the first steps on the long and wonderful journey of creating a stable and playable modded skyrim.


    I highly recommend after removing all those mods you go to a small interior cell (like a player home), open the console and type "show timescale". Note this number it returns. Then type "set timescale to 50000", close the console, then wait for a minute or two, then open again and type "set timescale to [number you wrote down]". Then use the in-game wait or sleep function and sleep for 24 hours. Then save your game and exit. Start skyrim again, and load your save.


    You now have a somewhat clean save. (tip - removing mods works best if you make a save after you enter this small cell, then exit skyrim, remove mod, load skyrim, then do the above waiting thing - you never know what background scripts and whatnot may still be running)

    Exit the building, and run around for a bit. Is it more stable now?


    Next, you probably should head over to the Skyrim Redone page, it's a great mod, I use it too, but it is fairly picky about load order. Read the README. Because BOSS will just dump every mod it doesn't know about at the bottom of the load order. This may not be optimal. You should also probably read the UFO page, same story.


    You also appear to be running UNP, I don't run that stuff so I don't really know, but one of your mods says

    Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp Active

    Requires: CBBE

    but is that installed? I'm only vaguely aware of both. And are you ACTUALLY ADDING MODS TO AN ALREADY UNSTABLE INSTALL?


    And are you sure you've installed the unofficial dawnguard patch?



    Finally, is your PC up to the task of running the high-res texture mods? Have you been messing with skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini? What have you changed?


    Questions, questions ;)

  11. If you mean the top row of pictures, the second is showing off a pitch dark night so black, in the third only the arch and tree are lit up.


    In the mod description there is one picture showing off the different light level settings "in-game light adjusters". The far left of that pic has 5 gray bands getting progressively darker as you go down (listed as "night darkness"). If you can see a clear contrast between these bands, your monitor is most likely fine.


    (though you could reset it to factory defaults, see if that changes anything)

  12. "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard."


    ...but no unofficial dawnguard patch in your list.


    Cloaks.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Note: Use only one cloaks*esp

    1nivWICCloaks.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

    Incompatible with: Cloaks of skyrim, get the compatibility patch in the WIC optional files.


    Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.


    Warning: Use only one WICCloaks esp.

    Incompatible with: Cloaks of skyrim (even with compatibility patch). To fix this use another WICCloaks esp or uninstall cloaks of skyrim.


    ...this is a mess you'll have to sort out.


    Sneak Tools.esp Active

    Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp.


    ...which means remove.


    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

    Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Active

    Incompatible with: dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp


    (also both cause a lot of issues in my experience and be careful with removing, do it in a small cell like a player home)

    ...so run on or the other, not both.


    SkyRe_Races.esp Active

    Incompatible with: EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp


    ...so run one of the other, not both.


    ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp Active

    Incompatible with: SkyRe. Get the compatible version here.


    Final note, given the placement of SkyRe in your mod list, are you sure you have read the SkyRe readme carefully?And you haven't installed the community uncapper, see


    Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functional

  13. If it were your graphic card and monitor, the problem would most likely be uniform (everything would be dark).


    Several mods change lighting levels, I don't know what mods you're running. I'm not a big believer in adding more mods to fix problems perhaps caused by others mods (in other words, go through your mod list and see if any of them could be responsible), but you could give claralux a whirl:



    Be sure to read the description on the mod page.

  14. The "dirty edits" in official skyrim DLC can be ignored. But have you read your BOSS logs?


    You've got a massive amount of conflicts and incompatibilities. Run BOSS, read the logs, and act on the warnings and errors.I can see 4 or 5 fatal errors just glancing at it.


    "Incompatible with" means "do not run these two mods at the same time".

  15. Nothing special, just place it in the long cage and make sure it is not touching the floor or walls (so floating slightly above the ground).



    Oh, and when you are putting in the door, don't go and do it manually, just select the longcage, CTRL+D to make a duplicate, CTRL+F for search and replace, then select the cage door as a replacement, OK. Your door will be in exactly the right place. I mention this because I've seen videos of people messing with cage doors for ages to get them in the right place.

  16. If there is a d3d9.dll in the antifreeze then yeah, that would be enb. So install enb, overwrite write antifreeze, overwrite with matso. Or try some other enbs - skyrealism enb evolved wad pretty nice. Maybe one of them will give better luck with dof.

    You can toggle enb with shft+f12 - easy to check if its running or not.

    I settled for godrays only enb for the pretty light-through-trees effects and imaginator for better color. Lightweight but pretty for my aging system. Maybe add dynavision if you want something like dof. Is not quite the same though.

  17. Rock - you - hard place, eh?

    Hmmm. Not sure what to tell you except enb does seem to do better with nvidia (perhaps we should send Boris an ATI card http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif)

    Are you running the latest ATI drivers? May be worth checking.


    I stopped running enb altogether in favor of imaginator and some other lightweight solutions but it may be worth it to try some older versions of ENb- for instance the .117 beta worked fine for me but the .119 was glitchy. (and you have followed the instructions for bfloatpointrendersettings=1 in skyrimprefs.ini etc - just checking)

  18. Errr never ran that ever. You grab the latest enb here http://enbdev.com/do...d_tesskyrim.htm dump the archive contents of the wrapper folder found in the archive in the skrim main folder. Then grab your matso archive and dump it in the main skyrim folder too, overwriting the original enbseries.ini and other files.

    Not sure you're actually running enb right now :) Or you're doing something more advanced but i think you definitely need the main enb archive.

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